Saturday 20th of July 2024
Ahlul-Bayt as the Earth Angels
ارسال پرسش جدید

Imam al-Baqir's Traditions on Faith

Imam al-Baqir's Traditions on Faith
In his traditions, Ima`m Abu` Ja'far (al-Ba`qir), peace be on him, analyzed the essence and ranks of faith. In them he talked about the qualities of the pious and Allah's favors for them. The following are some of the traditions which have been reported on his authority:   1. The Essence of FaithIma`m Abu` Ja'far (al-Ba`qir), peace be on him, limited the essence of faith when he said: "Faith is steadfast in the hearts, and certitude is ...

Shi'ite Books on 'Dirayatul Hadith'

Shi'ite Books on 'Dirayatul Hadith'
The first person to begin in this field was Hakim Abu Abdullah Neishabouri who is known as Ibn-ul-Bai'a. We wrote a book titled Ma'rifat-u-Ulumil-Hadith. According to Kashfuz-Zunun, «the first person to initiate in this field was Hakim Abu Abdullah Neishabouri. He wrote Ma'rifat-u-'Ulum-il-Hadith which is in five volumes and contains fifty types of Traditions. He was followed by Ibn-us-Salah who has mentioned 65 types of Traditions.» ...

Misappropriating other's property

Misappropriating other's property
    The first one denotes any goods or property that a person keeps with someone for safe custody. This can be in various forms. Sometimes one keeps a valuable with another person solely for its safekeeping. Sometimes a thing is given for use but it must be returned after the use is over. This is also known as Ariya or Musta'ar. Another form of trust is when a particular thing is given on hire and its rent is collected, for example a ...

Mastership and Leadership of the Ahlul Bayt (A.S.)

Mastership and Leadership of the Ahlul Bayt (A.S.)
Islam means submission. (Al-Kaafi, vol. 2, p. 45, Tr. No. 1) That is, we must submit before the commands of Allah and His Messenger (s.a.w.a.). In other words, not to possess our own opinion and view in front of their orders, desires, likes and dislikes. We must consider their likes as our likes and their dislikes as ours. Allah’s divinity is not confined to any one part of life. Rather, it covers all the facets of human existence, body, ...

Examples of Imam `Ali’s (a.s.) Moral Virtues

Examples of Imam `Ali’s (a.s.) Moral Virtues
Imam `Ali (a.s) Intervenes Imam `Ali (a.s) was once passing by date sellers when he saw a slave-girl crying. He asked the reason, and she said, “My master sent me with one dirham to buy dates. I bought the dates from this man and took them home. But my master did not like them. I have returned them but this man refuses to take them back.” Addressing the date seller, Imam `Ali said, “O servant of Allah! This is a slave-girl having no ...


OPINIONS EXPRESSED BY DISTINGUISHED NON-MUSLIMS ON THE MARTYRDOM OF HUSAYN IBN ALI (A.S) "A reminder of the blood-stained field of Karbala, where the grandson of the Apostle of God fell at length tortured by thirst and surrounded by the bodies of his murdered kinsmen, has been at anytime since then sufficient to evoke, even in the most lukewarm and heedless, the deepest emotions, the most frantic grief and an exaltation of spirit before which ...


1 - How can a thing the existance of which is dependent on you be taken as a prooffor your existance ?Is there anything more evident than your " self " disclose you ?Are you hidden to need a guide to find you? Surely you are not .Are you far-away to need your footprints to find you ? Surely you are not !Blind may the eyes be which do not see you watching and guarding your " self "(Arafa prayer ; Biharol Anwar , Vol . 98 , P. 226)   2 - He ...

Better looking than those of `Ali (a.s)

Better looking than those of `Ali (a.s)
The study of human appearance and bearing is an important branch of psychology. This is based on innumerable studies and experiments. These psychologists study the eyes, nose, forehead and other parts of the body and arrive at a conclusion about the person’s nature and temperament. According to these experts, a bulging forehead is a sign of intelligence and cleverness. When the arms of a person are firm and wide, he has the qualities of a ...

Aspects of Imam Ali-un-Naqi (A.S.) Personality

Aspects of Imam Ali-un-Naqi (A.S.) Personality
ImamateImamate is a kindness from Allah to His people which He does not give to anyone but His loyal slaves, whom He has tried by faith, and purified from all kinds of injustices and defects. In our books on the lives of the infallible Imams we have discussed “Imamate” in details in some of them and in brief in others. In this book we talk in brief about Imamate and refer to some of its aspects.   The Need for ImamateImamate is an ...

The arrow reached Husayn.

The arrow reached Husayn.
The arrow reached Husayn. The arrow went through Husayn's arm and lodged in the tiny neck of Ali Asghar. Ali Asghar died instantly. Allaho Akber! Allaho Akber! Poor Husayn, the poor father, who came to get water for his little child. Instead of water, Ali Asghar got an arrow in his neck. What shall Husayn do now? What shall Husayn do now? Husayn gently pulled the arrow from Ali Asghar's tiny neck. My fellow Husayni, put your hand ...

The History and Philosophy of Aza of Imam Husayn (a)

The History and Philosophy of Aza of Imam Husayn (a)
The History and Philosophy of Aza of Imam Husayn (a) A. THE MESSAGE Over one thousand three hundred and fifty years ago, on the 10th of Muharram, just before 'asr, a man stood on a sand-dune at Kerbala. He was bleeding from several wounds on his body. He had lost everything. Since early morning he had carried several dead bodies into his camp. He had even buried his infant child. He looked at the bodies of his loved ones. Tears flowed ...

www.al-monitor.com: writes on the Arbaeen Gatheing

www.al-monitor.com: writes on the Arbaeen Gatheing
Notes: This report belongs to the last year.Hoping for miracles, Shiites walk Iraq's Arbaeen pilgrimageKARBALA, Iraq — Amir Faez al-Atbi, 20, from Babil province (100 kilometers, or 62 miles, south of Baghdad), gets ready each year to participate in the religious commemoration of Arbaeen, by offering his services to Shiite pilgrims from around the world heading to the holy city of Karbala. These Muslims travel dozens of kilometers on foot ...

Descriptions Identifying the Mahdi

Descriptions Identifying the Mahdi
The contemporary Scholar, Safi Golpaygani, has collected all these traditions in his book: Muntakhab al-athar, citing their Sunni and Shi'i sources. Following is the list of the subject and the number of traditions on that subject: 91 hadith on: "The Imams are twelve in number, among whom the first is 'Ali b. Abi Talib and the last is the Mahdi." 94 hadith on: "The Imams are twelve, and the last one is the Mahdi." 107 hadith on: "The Imams ...

Helping Imam Zainul Aabidin (a.s.)

Helping Imam Zainul Aabidin (a.s.)
The Bani Asad had helped Imam Zainul Aabidin (a.s.) in burying the martyrs. Imam Zainul Aabidin (a.s.) foretold, “In this land of Karbala, the shrine of Imam Husain (a.s) will become a beacon of perpetual guidance. Centuries will pass but the grace flowing from Husain’s shrine will continue unabated. The misguided leaders of recanting disbelievers will spare no effort to destroy and obliterate every sign and memory of the shrine, but every ...

Compiled by Alulbayt (AS) Foundation

Compiled by Alulbayt (AS) Foundation
  Birth and Childhood of Imam Al-Kadhim (AS) Imam Mousa Al-Kadhim (AS) was born on Sunday 7th Safar 128 A.H. in a place between Mecca and Medina known as Al-Abwa, the very place where the mother of the Holy Prophet (SAW) , Aminah, the daughter of Wahab, had passed away and was buried. His father is the sixth Imam, Imam Jaffar Al-Sadiq (AS) and his mother is Hamida Khatoon, who was a freed slave girl that Imam Al-Sadiq (AS) married. Imam ...

The Prophet before the Mission

The Prophet before the Mission
The Religions and Beliefs of the Peoples a) In the Arabian Peninsula. The Arabs prior to Islam were committed in their hearts to idols, and what they saw around themselves with their own eyes they made into idols. Not only did they lower their heads and prostrate before them, but they donated everything they had, even gifts of agricultural produce, to their idols (see VI:137). They believed that apart from the life of this world there was no ...

A Disabled Child is Healed

A Disabled Child is Healed
Date of Healing: 14th Zill Hujjah, 1107 A.H. (1686 AD)In 1686, a pilgrim of the holy shrine of Imam Reza(A.S.) from Qandahar was robbed by highway thieves on his way to Mashhad. They had looted all his belongings and when he was defending himself they had badly injured his shoulder too. Due to this injury he had lost the motor nerves of his hand leaving it totally paralyzed. He had visited many doctors hoping to recover the mobility of his hand ...

Encouraging Industriousness

Encouraging Industriousness
Encouraging Industriousness Even though The Most Noble Prophet's generosity would prevent him from depriving a beggar of his charity, he (peace and blessings be upon him and his family) did not like people to beg out of laziness or without good reason. Therefore, in order to discourage laziness, develop manpower and wipe out the inclination to seek help, at certain times he would suggest to beggars that they find work or a profession and seek ...


SELECTIONS FROM RISLAT-E-HUQUQ * May Allah have mercy on you - know that Allah has rights against you. These rights surround you in all your movements, in your rest, in all your body parts and every thing that you use. Some of these rights are big others are small. * The greatest right which is on you is from Allah Himself and this is the root of all other rights.... The greatest right of Allah on you is to worship Him without associating ...

The Light of Imamate towered over the world

The Light of Imamate towered over the world
The Light of Imamate towered over the world from the houses which Allah has permitted to be exalted and that His name may be remembered in them. A good, pure branch came out of the great tree of the prophethood and Imamate. Through this branch Allah made exalted the entity of Islam, built the edifice of faith and made peace between two great parties. The grandson of the Prophet (a.s), the master of the youths of the Garden, came to the world of ...