Friday 19th of July 2024
Ahlul-Bayt as the Earth Angels
ارسال پرسش جدید

Imam Sajjad (a.sPREFACE

  Imam Sajjad (a.sPREFACE
In the late 50's and early 60's, when I was a madressa student in School Farze in Zanzibar-Africa, there was no such a subject as Islamic History on the madressa curriculum. Naturally, therefore, when I joined the teaching staff of the Huseini Madressa in Dar-es-Salaam Tanzania in early 80's and when I was subsequently assigned to teach Islamic History, I was at a loss, not knowing exactly what to teach. Not that there was no syllabus for this ...

The Exemplary Life of Imam al-Jawad (A.S.)

 The Exemplary Life of Imam al-Jawad (A.S.)
“Or do they envy the people for what Allah has given them out of His grace? We have certainly given the progeny of Ibrahim the Book and wisdom, and we have given them a great kingdom”. (4:54)According to the Tafseer of the Shia’hs, the mahsudeen (People upon whom others are jealous) are the progeny of the Holy Prophet (saww). And why are people jealous of them? It is because Allah (SWT), out of His grace, gave them Mulkan Adheeman meaning ...

Ancestors of The Prophet (s) part 2

Ancestors of The Prophet (s) part 2
QUSAYY SON OF KILAB The following are the names of the father and forefathers of the Holy Prophet in upward order: Abdullah Abdul Muttalib Hashim Abd-i Manaf Qusayy Kilab Marra Ka'b Loo Ghalib Fahr Malik Nazar Kananah Khuzamah Mudrakah Ilyas Mazar Nazar Ma'd and Adnan.[13] The genealogy of the Holy Prophet up to Ma'd son of Adnan is as reproduced above. However there is a difference of opinion with regard to the number and names of ...


CHAPTER 5   SOME MIRACLES OF IMAM ALIBIN HUSAIN (A.S.) WHAT IS A MIRACLE? Allah has made laws for all his creation. These laws can be divided into two types. First, there are those laws which no one can change. These are sometimes called the laws of nature. For example, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The character of water is to cool and that of fire is to burn. No one can bring the dead back from death; these are but ...

Imam Reza's (A.S.) Journey

Imam Reza's (A.S.) Journey
We are in front of an important historical event which busied the public opinion and stunned all political circles. The event is that al-Ma’mun appointed Imam al-Reza, peace be on him, as a heir apparent after him; it indicates that the succession would be taken from the ‘Abbasids and handed over to their opponents, the ‘Alawides; it astonished the people and they asked each other: "How has the 'Abbasid policy changed into this line ...

Bibi Zaynab From Madina to Sham

Bibi Zaynab From Madina to Sham
Abstract Apart from the theoretical meaning of commitment to wilayah, it is reflected in the actions and behaviors of Muslims and believers who are committed to it. The person truly committed to wilayah can be only known from his actions; otherwise, commitment to wilayah is not achieved through mere claim and knowledge on its importance. The Battle of Karbala was replete with such commitment to wilayah in which Lady Zaynab is the prime example ...

Imam Husain’s miracles

Imam Husain’s miracles
Before we discus Imam Husain’s miracles, it is necessary to understand the meaning, connotation, and genesis of miracles. Simply defined, a miracle is an act of a Divinely appointed Prophet, Apostle, or Saint which is contrary to the ordinary nature of things, incapable of being explained or duplicated by human beings, performed not by any practiced skill but as a Grace endowed by God, rendering the beholders spellbound and submissive to a ...

Imam Husain And His Martyrdom

Imam Husain And His Martyrdom
Imam Husain And His Martyrdom Sorrow as a Bond of Union I am going to talk this afternoon about a very solemn subject, the martyrdom of Imam Husain at Kerbela, of which we are celebrating the anniversary. As the Chairman has very rightly pointed out, it is one of those wonderful events in our religious history about which all sects are agreed. More than that, in this room I have the honour of addressing some people who do not belong to our ...

Short About Hadrat Fatima Masoumah (SA)

Short About Hadrat Fatima Masoumah (SA)
The name of this divine lady was Fatima and her nickname was Masoumah. Her father was Imam Musa al-Kazim (AS), the seventh Imam of the Shi'ites and her mother was named Najma Khatun who was also the mother of Imam Reza (AS), the eighth Shi'ite Imam.She was born on first day of the month of Zee al-Qa'adah in the year 173 A.H./789 A.D., in the holy city of Madinah Munawwarah. Her holy father was martyred in the Baghdad prison at the hands of the ...

Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) is Mentioned in the Bible

Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) is Mentioned in the Bible
Do you (Muslims) really hope that they (the People of the Book) believe in your religion? Whereas a party of them heard the words of God in (the Bible about the coming of the Prophet of Islam), then they altered it knowingly, after they had understood its implications! (Surah 2, Ayat 75)   1 - Hagar, Mother of Ishmael"Yet I will also make a nation of the son of the bondwoman, because he is your seed." (Genesis 21:13)Then Sarai, Abram's ...

who are ulu 'l-amr

who are ulu 'l-amr
(those vested with authority)?   o you who believe! obey allah and the messenger and those vested with authority from among you; then if you quarrel about anything, refer it to allah and the messenger if you believe in allah and the last day; this is better and very good in the end. (4:59) ibn babawayh has narrated through his chain from jabir ibn abdillah al-ansari that he said: "when allah, the mighty, the great, sent to his prophet, ...

Karbala and the Imam Husayn in Persian

Karbala and the Imam Husayn in Persian
Karbala and the Imam Husayn in Persianand Indo-Muslim literature Annemarie SchimmelHarvard UniversityAl-Serat, Vol XII (1986) I still remember the deep impression which the first Persian poem I ever read in connection with the tragic events of Karbala' left on me. It was Qaani's elegy which begins with the words: What is raining? Blood.Who? The eyes.How? Day and night.Why? From grief.Grief for whom? Grief for the king of Karbala' This poem, ...

The members of the Ahlul Bayt

The members of the Ahlul Bayt
Allah’s Holy Book has lauded the excellence of the members of the Ahlul Bayt; and Allah’s Apostle (a.s) honored them. He joined them to the Holy Qur’an. He has made it incumbent on the community to show affection and love for them. It is necessary for us to quote some verses and traditions in respect of the Ahlul Bayt, peace be on them. That is because they strongly related to our research and show us the great importance and high position ...

The Hijri Era

The Hijri Era
In the time of Umar it was felt that the Muslims should have a calendar of their own. The question that arose for consideration was as to from which event such era of the Muslims should begin. Many suggestions wore made in this connection. When Umar sought the advice of Ali he advised as follows: "The migration is a turning point in the history of Islam. Prior to migration, the Muslims were a persecuted people, and they had to struggle for ...

Imam is the Representative of Allah

Imam is the Representative of Allah
  Imam is the Representative of Allah After the martyrdom of Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Reza (A.S.), Ma’moon moved his central power in Khurasan to Baghdad. He then sent a letter to Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Jawad (A.S.) and summoned him respectfully and honorably acknowledging his knowledge and superiority. The elders of the Abbasid Dynasty immensely disagreed with this matter because the Imam was not only from the Hashemi tribe, but he was ...

Elder son of Ali and Fatima (a.s)

Elder son of Ali and Fatima (a.s)
Born in Madina 15th Ramazan 3rd year of Hijri. Elder son of Ali and Fatima, grandson of the Prophet of Islam. When he was born and the news of the birth of a grandson was conveyed to the Holy Prophet he came to the house of Fatima, took hold of the baby in his arms, said Azan and Iqamah in his ears and said, this is a beautiful child, I name him Hasan. He will keep Islam and muslims safe from the hands of its destroyers. Historians note that ...

The Battle of Karbala-2

 	   The Battle of Karbala-2
The Lord of High and Low in arms was dressed; The Sayyid's standard stood before the hand. The women, hair dishevelled, were distressed; His sister clutched the pole with trembling hand. With swords bound to their waists, on battle bent, The sons of Zainab came before the tent. Those rosy-cheeked young boys with valour trod. Their cloaks tucked in and sleeves rolled up for war. The might of Ja'far and the Lion of God; In stature small, hut ...

Ali (a.s) At Ohod

Ali (a.s) At Ohod
The Qureshites came out from the Battle of Badr with an astonishing result which tney did not expect. They were confident of their capability to annihilate the Muslims easily. For the Qureshites were more numerous and with a bigger reserve and more logistics. Yet they suddenly found themselves losing seventy of their warriors and leaders along with seventy captives in a one-day battle. And above all the resounding defeat which they received was ...

Morality of Imam Ja`far al-Sadiq (a.s.)

Morality of Imam Ja`far al-Sadiq (a.s.)
Mu`awiyah ibn Wahab has reported: I was with Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) in Medina intending to go to the market. Suddenly, he fell into prostration. When he rose is head, I asked for the reason. He said, “I just remembered Allah’s blessings on me.” I said, “Near the market where people are going and coming?” The Imam said, “None saw me.”[1] Helping Non-Shi`ites Mu`alla ibn Khunays has reported: At a drizzling night, Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) ...

Imam Musa Ibn Ja’afar (AS) was one of the illustrious Imams

Imam Musa Ibn Ja’afar (AS) was one of the illustrious Imams
Imam Musa Ibn Ja’afar (AS) was one of the illustrious Imams who God had set a paragon of moral excellence. Each member of this noble family possessed cardinal virtues. Naturally in some individuals a particular virtue is dominant and more conspicuous. The seventh Imam excelled in tolerance and forgiveness, so much so that he was entitled al-Kazim, the suppressor of anger. Never was he heard speaking roughly or harshly to anyone. Even in the ...