Wednesday 3rd of July 2024
Ahlul-Bayt as the Earth Angels
ارسال پرسش جدید

Fatima Masuma (S.A.) Similar to Hazrat Fatima Zahra (S.A.)

Fatima Masuma (S.A.) Similar to Hazrat Fatima Zahra (S.A.)
On the first of Dhi al-Qa’dah in 173 AH, the city of Medina was enlightened by the birth of Hadrat Fatimah Ma’soomah (A.S.)(1). She was born to Imam Moosa ibn Ja’far (A.S.) and her mother, Najmah.Hadrat Fatimah Masumah (A.S.) was the second and last child of Najmah, after her older brother, Imam Ali ibn Moosa al-Reza (A.S.). In fact, after Imam Reza (A.S.), she has the highest status and position amongst the children of Imam Moosa ...

Hadith Recordation by Imam Musa al-Kazim (A.S.)

Hadith Recordation by Imam Musa al-Kazim (A.S.)
Following the course of his forefathers, Imam Mu-sa- al-Ka-dhim paid great attention to the question of recording the religious knowledge and safeguarding such recordations in general and the Book of Imam `Ali- in particular. However, the recording of the Hadi-th during the age of the Imam took another form. The Imam, from behind the bars of al-Rashi-d’s jail, had to use the form of the secret correspondence that he sent to his disciples ...

Nicknames of Imam Reza(A.S.)

Nicknames of Imam Reza(A.S.)
Imam Reza(A.S.) was given a group of noble nicknames. Each nickname represented one of his noble qualities. The following are some of them: 1. Al-RezaThe historians and narrators have differed over the person who gave this exalted nickname to the Holy Imam(A.S.),to the extent that it has prevailed him and become a name through which he is recognized. The following are some of the statements:Some narrators believe that it was Ima`m Musa ...

Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Jawad(A.S.)

Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Jawad(A.S.)
Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Jawad (A.S.) the Ninth Infallible Imam of the Shiite Muslims and the Greatest Miracle of his age who enriched and expanded the Islamic thought and Shari'a during the period of his Imamat which lasted for seventeen years.Imam al-Jawad (A.S.) was exiled to Baghdad from Madinah by the ruling Abbasid caliph and stayed in Baghdad until in the year 220 A.H. when he was martyred in Baghdad by poisoning on 29th Zee al-Qa'dah 220 ...

The Rank of Imam Ali (A.S.)

The Rank of Imam Ali (A.S.)
By:Ayatullah Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi LariThe Rank of Imam Ali (A.S.) as Indicated in the Sayings of The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) It was not only at Ghadir Khumm that the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, proclaimed 'Ali, peace be upon him, to be the leader of the Muslims and his successor, officially and in the presence of the people. In the third year of his mission, when he was commanded to proclaim his prophethood ...

Two types of permission from Imam al-Husayn (as)

Two types of permission from Imam al-Husayn (as)
Two types of permission from Imam al-Husayn (as) With recourse to history, we come to know that Imam al-Husayn (as) gave two types of permission to his companions. A. General permission Imam al-Husayn (as) addressed his companions in a general way, «أمّا بعد؛ فانّي لا اعلم اصحاباً اوفی ولا خيراً من اصحابي، ولا اهل بيت ابرّ واوصل من اهل بيتي، فجزاکم الله ...

Imam Muhammad Taqi (A.S.), the Generous and Benevolent Holy Imam (A.S.)

Imam Muhammad Taqi (A.S.), the Generous and Benevolent Holy Imam (A.S.)
Imam Muhammad Taqi (A.S.), the Generous and Benevolent Holy Imam (A.S.)   The ninth Infallible Imam of Shi'as in the world, Muhammad Taqi (A.S.), his sobriquet is Aba Ja'far and his titles are: Taqi, Javad, Qane, Morteza and Montakhab, but the most noteworthy of them is `Taqi', signifying a pious person, and `Javad', meaning generous and benevolent.The Ninth Imam (A.S.) was renowned for having a sweeping command of science, philosophy and ...

The Spring of the Favor of the Divine

The Spring of the Favor of the Divine
In 1365 Solar Hijrah, the war operations of the brave fighters of Islam against the Baathist army of infidel Saddam started with the code of Ya Zahra! (A.S.) to the west of the Arvand River. The cry of "Allah O Akbar (God is the Greatest)!" had overfilled and perfumed the air of the war-front of Truth against falsehood.The sound of the war weapons and the whistles of the bombshells and other war arms deafened ears.Behbood, one of the fighters ...

Seyyedah Zainab (A.S.) [Poem]

Seyyedah Zainab (A.S.) [Poem]
Seyyedah Zainab (A.S.) [Poem] By: Dr. Hasan NajafiIn you a world is born,Messenger of resistance is born.A diver in the flood of blood is born,After Karbala, a new Karbala is born.In the ocean of blood a navigator is born.Decked are the lanes, streets, squares of Damascus,Under the curious gaze you will have to pass.The ignorant eye, the strayed mind will learnFrom you to turn from hell to heaven.As you will pass from the streetsGuidance to the ...

Imam Reza's Miracle in Austria

Imam Reza's Miracle in Austria
One of my very close relatives was a young man, strong and handsome and full of life and vigor. He was a tradesman in the bazaar. All of a sudden he got an eye disease as a result of which he lost his eyesight. Several days passed without any recovery. He consulted some of the formerly well-known ophthalmologists of Tehran, such as Dr. Lashgari, Dr. Muhsin-zadeh, Dr. Darrabi and their likes, and all of them told him that at the farthest point ...

Imam Zayn al-Abidin's (A.S.) Advice to His Companions

Imam Zayn al-Abidin's (A.S.) Advice to His Companions
O people, fear Allah and know that you will inevitably return to Him, when every one will see his good and bad deeds right before his very eyes, he will wish for the longest period of time to separate himself from his bad deeds. Allahwarns you about Himself.Woe is you, son of Adam. You are negligent but not neglected. Your death is the hastiest to you. It is approaching you with sure steps. It is targeting at you and is about to hit you and you ...

Imam Hasan (as), a brief look into his Life

Imam Hasan (as), a brief look into his Life
(This is) an account of the Imam after the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, the date of his birth, the evidence for his Imamates the period of his succession, the time of his death, and the place of his grave. (It also provides) a brief outline of the reports about him. The Imam after the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, was his son al-Hasan, the son of the mistress of the women of the worlds, Fatima, daughter of Muhammad, ...

Ali ibn al-Husayn Zaynul-Abidin

Ali ibn al-Husayn Zaynul-Abidin
Ali ibn al-Husayn Zaynul-Abidin The holy Imam Ali Zaynul-Abidin is the Fourth Apostolic Imam. His epithet was Abu Muhammad and was popularly titled as Zaynul-Abidin. The mother of this Holy Imam was the royal personage, Shahr Banu, the daughter of King Yazdgerd, the last pre-Islamic Ruler of Persia. Imam Zaynul-Abidin spent the first two years of his infancy in the lap of his grandfather Ali ibn Abi Talib and then for twelve years he had the ...

Imam Musa al-Kazim's(A.S.) Words of Wisdom

Imam Musa al-Kazim's(A.S.) Words of Wisdom
1 - The nafilas are the offertories of every believer to Allah.2 - Hajj is the jihad of every weak.3 - Everything has its tax and the tax of the body is the recommendable fasting.4 - After the acknowledgment of Allah, the best worship is expecting the Relief.5 - He who supplicates to Allah before he praises Him and blesses the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) is as same as throwing an arrow without the existence of a string.6 - He who is certain of the ...

Why all this desire to prolong Imam Mahdi's life?

Why all this desire to prolong Imam Mahdi's life?
Now we should deal with the second question which is: Why should Allah, the Exalted, show all, this desire for this person in particular? Why should the natural laws be hindered just to pro-long his life? Why should the leadership of the appointed day not be left to a person born in the future, who will appear then and assume his expected role?   In other words: What is the use of this long absence and what is the motive behind it? Indeed ...

The History of Rey and Personality of Hazrat Abdolazim

The History of Rey and Personality of Hazrat Abdolazim
Rey, before the sunrise of the brilliant religion of Islam was a vast land in the central desert of the central iran and the bare mountains of the north Iran and was in fact the linking route of the east iran to the west.abdolazimAvesta,called rey the 12th sacred land created Ahurmazda and some believe due to the place of birth of Zoroaster the prophet,it was called Racazartosht.As the fourth main classes of religious men,worriors,farmers and ...

Knowledge of the Ahlul Bayt

Knowledge of the Ahlul Bayt
    1. Introduction The universal wilãyat is in a way linked to the knowledge that Almighty Allãh has bestowed upon the person holding the wilãyat. The universal wilãyat of Imam 'Ali, for example, is described in the Qur'ãn by the words "the person who has knowledge of the Book." What is 'ilmu 'l-ghayb? Our means of gaining knowledge are through the senses that Allãh has created in us. "And Allãh brought you forth from the wombs of ...

Eligibility for Imamat

Eligibility for Imamat
(124) وَإِذِ ابْتَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ رَبُّهُ بِكَلِمَاتٍ فَأَتَمَّهُنَّ قَالَ إِنِّي جَاعِلُكَ لِلنَّاسِ إِمَامًا قَالَ وَمِن ذُرِّيَّتِي قَالَ لاَ يَنَالُ عَهْدِي الظَّالِمِينَ 124. " And (remember) when his lord tested Abraham with words (of command) which he fulfilled. he said: ' verily, I have ...

Short Maxims of Imam Ali(A.S.)

Short Maxims of Imam Ali(A.S.)
Quoted in Tuhaf al-Uqool(The Masterpieces of the Intellects)1- Piety, concealment of the good actions, stedfastness against disasters, and suppression of the misfortunes are within the treasures of Paradise.2- The best friend is good mannerism. It is the title of the believers' record books.3-The true abstinent in this world is he whose tolerance is not overcome by the ill-gotten matters and whose gratitude is not engaged by the legal gotten ...

Who is He (a.t.f.s) waiting for?

Who is He (a.t.f.s) waiting for?
After the Death of Prophet (s.w.s), let us first observe the life of his immediate successor, the first Imam [Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s)] . Though he is an Imam, but he was waiting for his Ummah, his followers. . Hazrat Ali (a.s) is a Leader without followers (Imam-Bi la Ummah). Evidence to this is Nahj-ul-Balagha. These are his own words, his own complaint that he is a Leader without nation.     The system of Imamat and Ummah ...