Saturday 28th of September 2024
Kalam and Beliefs
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Role of Ijtihad in Legislation

The Role of Ijtihad in Legislation
The terms 'mujtahid' and 'ijtihad' are nowadays among those which have acquired great currency, even sanctity, among the Shi'ah. One would be surprised to know that the term ijtihad was formerly, from the times of the Prophet (S) and for several successive centuries, a Sunni term. It became Shia after undergoing a change of meaning, or what would be more precise to say, the term remained specifically Sunni for several centuries and became ...

Subject Index Search Announcements Feedback Support this Site al Tawhid Fasting according to the Five Schools of Islamic Law

	 Subject Index  Search Announcements Feedback Support this Site  	 al Tawhid   Fasting according to the Five Schools of Islamic Law
Fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the `pillars' of the Islamic faith. No proof is required to establish its being obligatory (wajib) and one denying it goes out of the fold of Islam, because it is obvious like salat, and in respect of anything so evidently established both the learned and the unlettered, the elderly and the young, all stand on an equal footing  It was declared an obligatory duty (fard) in the second year of the Hijrah ...

Are Shi'a Muslims?

Are Shi'a Muslims?
Are Shi'a Muslims?These are accusations against the Shia by an Ignorant MuslimHow powerful can propaganda be in this age? Flooded by publication in so many language, the Shi'a, for so many years, continously uttered falsehood as truth. For those who are ignorant of the Shi'a Beliefs, as every Muslim's duty, Sipah-e-Sahaba-USA intend to enlighten our brothers and sisters especially the REVERT MUSLIMS trying to understand the difference between ...

The Knowledge of Allah

The Knowledge of Allah
With a continuous chain of authorities reaching up to Muhammad ibn Ya’qub al-Kulayni, from ‘Ali ibn Muhammad, from someone who reported it, from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Isa, from Muhammad ibn Humran, from al-Fadl ibn al-Sakn, from Abu ‘Abd Allah (A) who said: The Commander of the Faithful (A) said, “Know God through God, the Messenger through the Messengership, and the wali al-amr by his commanding to what is right ...

The Secret of the Purity of Clothing

The Secret of the Purity of Clothing
Know that the Salat is the state of ascension to the state of Proximity and being present in "the Presence of Intimacy" [nahdar-i uns], and the salik has to observe the disciplines of being present in the Holy Presence of the King of kings. As from the lowest of the degrees and stages of the appearance of the soul which is most superficial (the crust of the crust) and is its formal and visible body to the highest of its stages and realities ...

Keep you off from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer

Keep you off from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer
Alcohol and gambling are vices leading to spiritual bankruptcy. These offenders are oblivious of Allah and of their duties towards their Creator. Living in a state of forgetfulness of Allah is the worst tragedy that befalls the unfortunate victims of these vices. "...And to keep you off from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer...."  (Surah Maidah 5:91) An alcoholic in a state of intoxication is in no condition to remember Allah and he ...

The Concept Of Martyrdom In Islam

The Concept Of Martyrdom In Islam
A. Ezzati, Tehran University, Al-Serat, Vol XII (1986) ISLAM as an all inclusive systematic religion is an interrelated set of ideals and realities covering the entire area of human notion and action, beliefs and practices, thought, word, and deed. Islamic principles and concepts cannot be fully and properly appreciated unless they are analysed and realized within the framework of Islam as a whole. [1] The concept of martyrdom (shahada) in ...

Seeking Allah's Guidance

Seeking Allah's Guidance
  The first thing that a spiritual traveller has to do is to inquire into various religions as far as possible so that he may become conversant with the unity and guidance of Allah. He should try to acquire at least as much knowledge as be enough for practical purposes. Having carried out this kind of investigation into the unity of Allah and the Prophethood of the Holy Prophet he will come out of the domain of infidelity and enter that of ...

Punishment of hell for the false witness

Punishment of hell for the false witness
According to the corpus of traditions false testimony is a Greater sin. It is also mentioned in the narration of Abdul Azeem quoted from Imam Muhammad al-Taqi (a.s.). Similarly the tradition of Fazl Ibne Shazaan includes it in the list of Greater sins as mentioned by Imam Reza (a.s.). That it is a Greater sin is also proved by the hadith of Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) as quoted by Amash. We have already mentioned in the chapter on "lying" that ...

Gambling Causes Voluptuousness and Sensuality

Gambling Causes Voluptuousness and Sensuality
It must be understood that as it is Haraam to initiate abusive language it is also Haraam to abuse in reply to it. This strictly applies to words that denote, qazaf (accuse of adultery or sodomy). But for abuses like 'ignorant', idiot tyrant, it is permissible to reciprocate with the same words. (Mustadrakul Wasael) The Holy Quran also allows this, in the following ayat  "... Whoever then acts aggressively against you, inflict injury on him ...

The Infinite Power of God

The Infinite Power of God
The infinite power of God has no clearer proof than that furnished by the study and examination of the phenomena of the created universe and the multiple forms and colorations of nature that can never be fully described. When we look at God's creation we find ourselves confronted with so vast an energy that no limit can be imagined for it. A look at creation and the millions of truths secreted in the wonders of nature and the depths of man's ...

The Concept Of Martyrdom In Islam

The Concept Of Martyrdom In Islam
ISLAM as an all inclusive systematic religion is an interrelated set of ideals and realities covering the entire area of human notion and action, beliefs and practices, thought, word, and deed. Islamic principles and concepts cannot be fully and properly appreciated unless they are analysed and realized within the framework of Islam as a whole. [1]  The concept of martyrdom (shahada) in Islam can only be understood in the light of the Islamic ...

The blessings of intellect and trustworthiness

The blessings of intellect and trustworthiness
Types of misappropriations Defalcation the opposite of safekeeping is of three types: Breach of trust with Allah, with the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and with people. 1. The trust of Allah "Surely We offered the trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, but they refused to be unfaithful to it and feared from it, and man has turned unfaithful to it; surely he is unjust, ignorant."  (Surah Ahzaab 33:72) What is meant by Divine trust? ...

Outward Piety (Riyah) is the Lesser Shirk

Outward Piety (Riyah) is the Lesser Shirk
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said,  "Certainly what I fear for you most is the lesser shirk." Someone enquired, "O Prophet (s.a.w.s.), what is meant by lesser shirk?" He replied,  "It is Riyah when Allah would reward His creatures for their deeds on the Day of Judgement He would address those who committed Riyah thus, 'you approach those, to please whom you had performed all the deeds in the world. And obtain your rewards for your deeds from ...

The Abundance and Capacity of Blessings and Talents

The Abundance and Capacity of Blessings and Talents
Everything in the heavens and in the earth has been created for our sake and has been subjected to serving us: the sun, the moon, the planets and the spatial beings, whether seen or unseen. All of them have been subjected by Allah to serve us and to achieve our advantage. Mountains, deserts, seas, woods, plants, gardens, springs, rivers, animals and all the different creatures on the earth serve us in one way or another and assure our survival ...

Method of lending and borrowing

Method of lending and borrowing
Authentic traditions have greatly emphasised the rewards that are promised for the one who lends. On the other hand, those who avoid this good deed have severe punishment in store. Sometimes it is obligatory to lend and not prohibited to lend. And sometimes it is Mustahab (recommended) to lend and Makrooh (detestable) not to lend. Generally it is detestable to borrow but if the need to do so is genuine the detestibility is scaled down. The ...

Rights vary from one to another according to values of favors

Rights vary from one to another according to values of favors
Rights vary from one to another according to values of favors. A friend has his own familiar rights that are a degree lower than these of the affectionate brother who joins the tie of relation to the tie of kindness. The right of the brother, in a like fashion, comes after that of parents, because of their superior favors to sons. Through such standard, we can realize the grand value of the divine rights that excel any other rights, because God ...

Evil Desires are a Barrier to Devotion

Evil Desires are a Barrier to Devotion
  Another point to be remembered is that, the intensity of one's devotion is the means for the early forgiveness of ones sins. If love is more, the intercession is swift. Even the painful moments of death are converted into comfort by the help of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.). There was a poet by the name of Sayyid Himyari who died in 173 A.H. He was an ardent devotee of Hazrat Ali (a.s.) and has composed a Qasida (panegyric) on each and every quality of ...

When is the vow correct?

When is the vow correct?
There are some requirements for the correctness of a vow that a person takes for performing or avoiding particular actions in the future. If all the requirements are fulfilled then it is haraam to break this vow. If it is broken, expiation becomes wajib. The following are the conditions for such vows: 1. The vow should be with regard to a wajib or a Mustahab act. For example, he can vow that he shall not intentionally avoid the Morning Prayer, ...

To vow or pledge after saying Insha-Allah

To vow or pledge after saying Insha-Allah
Helping the oppressors in other matters Helping the oppressors or tyrants in matters other than oppression; like to work as their personal assistant, to stitch clothes for them, or build their house or guard their property. All these types of jobs can be classified into three categories:  (1) In some cases these jobs indirectly help in oppression; for example, if the tyrant had usurped a piece of land and orders a mason to build a house on it, ...