Monday 22nd of July 2024
History of Islam
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Hardships and obstacles on the way

Hardships and obstacles on the way
Hardships and obstacles on the way Despite all these obstacles, the army of Islam left Medina, but as it could be predicted; Muslims encountered a lot of hardships concerning the long distances to be covered, the meager number of horses,[1] the extreme heat and scarcity of water. For this reason, this war, in the history of Islam, is called war of hardship[2] or the miserable army.[3] In any case, the army of Islam arrived at the land of ...


THE PLEDGE OF RIZWAANIn 5 A.H. the Holy Prophet (S) received the commandment of Allah making Haj Wajib on all Muslims. In the following year he saw in a dream that he was actually performing the Haj along with his companions. He therefore decided to perform Haj that very year.The Holy Prophet (S) announced to the Muslims that he intended to go for pilgrimage to Makka in the month of Zilqad of 6 A.H. The Muhajireen, who had migrated to Madina ...

The Battle of Uhud (624 A.D.)

The Battle of Uhud (624 A.D.)
Ghazwat al-Sawaiq was only a prelude to the big battle that was to follow. The chagrin and fury of Abu Sufyan and his Quraishite supporters at their defeat at Badr knew no bounds. Their whole energy was aroused and they commenced preparations for another attack on the Muslims. Abu Sufyan rallied behind him the coastal tribes of Banu Kinanah and Banu Tihamah. Their united forces numbered three thousand well equipped soldiers, seven hundred of ...

A Brotherly Contract between Muh¡jir£n and An¥¡r

A Brotherly Contract between Muh¡jir£n and An¥¡r
A Brotherly Contract between Muh¡jir£n and An¥¡r The Prophet's second social act of significance during the first year of Hegira[1] was the convention of a brotherly treaty between the Muh¡jir£n and An¥¡r. Previously, these two Muslim groups had some rivalry over business and racial issues, because An¥¡r had migrated from the south (Yemen) and were from the Qa¦§¡ni race, and Muh¡jir£n belonged to the Northern Arabs and to the ...

The Holy Prophet’s Youth

The Holy Prophet’s Youth

Saqifa and the Logic of History

Saqifa and the Logic of History
"Mohammed died at Medina on June 8, 632, without leaving any instructions for the future government of the Muslim community..."This statement occurs in the article captioned Caliphate, on page 643, volume 4, 14th edition (1973) of the Encyclopedia Britannia. It is a patent piece of propaganda but the Encyclopedia Britannia, that great disseminator of knowledge, has swallowed the line. It is the most divisive historical canard in Islam, but ...

Christian Zionist Messianism: How It Views Islam and Muslimsa

Christian Zionist Messianism: How It Views Islam and Muslimsa
Christian Zionist Messianism: How It Views Islam and Muslimsa Represented by literally hundreds of small denominations and churches today, particularly in America, evangelical Christian Zionist messianism is today a formidable force and a major actor in global politics. It exercises an enormous clout in the current Bush administration in America. George Bush, too, himself can be characterized as an arch upholder of this ideology, and his ...

Muslims, the Founders of Great Libraries in History

Muslims, the Founders of Great Libraries in History
Muslims, the Founders of Great Libraries in History The human tendency of preserving the records of their achievements in various fields of life is very primitive and dates back to the beginning of civilization. Before the invention of paper, such records were laid down on stone slabs, clay tablets, parchments, leather and pieces of wood. The temples and State archives of Assyria and Babylon contained clay tablet libraries. The first library in ...

Ghadeer Affair

Ghadeer Affair
  On the 13th of the month of Rajab, twenty-three years before the migration of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) a child was born in the family of Abu Talib, the light of whom kindled the whole World. Kunaab Mecci narrates about his birth: "We and Abbas (Ibne Abdul Mutalib) were sitting together when suddenly we saw Fatima bint-e-Asad moving towards the Kaabah in the condition having delivery pain and saying "Oh God I have faith in you and the ...

Who Started The Battle Of Basra?

Who Started The Battle Of Basra?
Who Started The Battle Of Basra?The circulators of false accusations against the followers of the members of the House of the Prophet say that the followers of Ibn Saba started the battle of Basra at night just before the negotiations between Imam Ali and his three opponents ('A'ishah, Talhah, and Zubayr) were about to succeed.They started the battle at night by attacking the two armies simultaneously in order to make them plunge into battle. ...

Misconceptions about Nahj al Balaghah

Misconceptions about Nahj al Balaghah
No scholar of Sunni or Shi'a profession has questioned the genuineness and authenticity of Nahj al-balagha for more than two centuries. The first person to raise doubts about its attribution to Amir al-Mu'minin was Ibn Khallikan (d. 681/1282), who, without referring to any author or source,made the following remarks about the authorship of Nahj al-balaghah: People have different opinions about the compiler of Nahj al- balaghah, a collection of ...

Holy Prophet of Islam's (S.A.W.) Maxims and Words of Wisdom

 Holy Prophet of Islam's (S.A.W.) Maxims and Words of Wisdom
The following is only a part of a long narrative and many questions that a monk, named Shimon-bin-Lawi-bin-Yahuda, had asked the of the Holy Prophet of Islam(S.A.W.) who answered all the question in spite of their too numerous number. On that account, the monk believed and gave full credit to of the Holy Prophet of Islam(S.A.W.). We, here, refer to some of these questions.The monk asked: Tell me about the intellect. What and how is it, and what ...

History of the Holy Shrine of Imam Ali al-Naqi & Imam Hasan al-Askari (PBUT)

History of the Holy Shrine of Imam Ali al-Naqi & Imam Hasan al-Askari (PBUT)
The modern city of Samarra is situated on the bank of the river Tigris some sixty miles from the city of Baghdad. The city is of outstanding importance because of its two shrines. The golden dome on one shrine was presented by Nasr al-Din Shah and completed under Muzaffar al-Din Shah in the year 1905 A.D. Beneath the golden dome are four graves, those of Imam Ali al-Naqi (10th Imam) and his son, Imam Hasan al-Askari (11th Imam). The other two ...

Kaaba Stone

Kaaba Stone
In terms of Islamic religion, the Kaaba, the "House of Allah," is the central shrine of Islam. Simply an ancient stone building in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, it is considered number one holiest place in Islam. It is measured to be 45 feet high, 33 feet wide, and 50 feet long. It is covered with a gold-covered cover that is replaced every single year. The Kaaba is housed within the Masjid, under whose roof can hold a total of 1,000,000 worshippers. The ...

Badr: First Battle In Islam (624 A.D.)

Badr: First Battle In Islam (624 A.D.)
Quraish had begun grand-scale preparations to attack Medina. The trade caravan which had gone to Syria that year headed by Abu Sufyan was extraordinarily equipped. Every Quraishite put all his savings in that caravan, and it was decided that the profit accrued that year would be given to the traders to spend on arms, horses, and other items of war to battle the Muslims of Medina. This news did cause a great deal of anxiety in Medina. As Abu ...

Secret Of The Attitude

Secret Of The Attitude
  Up till now, we have brought nothing to quench our thirst or to serve as a proof for understanding the reason why al-Hasan, peace be on him, turned away from martyrdom and accepted making peace practically. The most important point in the matter of al-Hasan arose from the day when he made peace with Mu'awiya. For people have criticized him since then. The subject which we have mentioned within this study is the worthiest of all subjects in ...

The World Before Islam

The World Before Islam
The chaotic situation of the world prior to Islam is clearly reflected in the accurate mirror of history. The outline of decline, oppression, bloodshed, idol-worship is evident in this mirror. Before Islam, it was as if mankind were leaning over the edge of the precipice of ruin and destruction, and there was the fear that at any moment it could roll down and be annihilated in it.  The Religions and Beliefs of the Peoples a) In the Arabian ...

The Slave Zayd Ibin Harithah

The Slave Zayd Ibin Harithah
On the day of his marriage, The Holy Prophet Mohammad Al-Mustafa(pbuh&hf) had set free Barakah, the faithful slave he had inherited from his father; and on the same day the Lady Khadeejah(as) made him a gift of one of her own slaves, a youth of fifteen named Zayd. As to Barakah, they married her to a man of Yathrib to whom she bore a son, after whom she came to be known as Umm Ayman, the mother of Ayman. As to Zayd, he and some other youths had ...

Are there any women who reached the rank of ijtihad in religious seminaries?

Are there any women who reached the rank of ijtihad in religious seminaries?
Are there any women who reached the rank of ijtihad in religious seminaries?Concise answer A worthy interaction of Islam with science, and requiring that from every Muslim man and woman, has resulted in women always studying the sciences in Islamic communities and finally some of them reached the rank of ijtihad. As an example, lady Mujtahideh Amin who passed away in 1403h. Lady Mujtahideh Sefati who presently is one of the great teachers of ...

The Events after Ashura

The Events after Ashura
THE NIGHT OF THE TENTHOne of them asked, "What kind of revenge do you think God will take?" The Imam said, "Some of you will kill others and the punishment of God will come pouring down on you."That night, the sky was red like blood. It was the hardest night for the family of the Prophet. In the emptiness of the desert, they faced the darkness and loneliness of night. During the night, they could hear a voice coining from the darkness. The ...