Monday 22nd of July 2024
History of Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Mubahilah; An Extremely Imperative Event of History

Mubahilah; An Extremely Imperative Event of History
In the early days of Islam, Najran was a large center of people who had changed from idol worship to Christianity. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w) had sent letters to the heads of different countries inviting them to Islam. One such letter was addressed to the Christians of Najran. It read as follows: "In the Name of the God of Ibrahim, Ishaaq and Ya'qub. This letter is from Muhammad, the Prophet and Messenger of Allah to the Asqaf (Bishop) of Najran. ...

Letters from people of Kufa

  Letters from people of Kufa
When Imam Husain (a.s) intended going towards Makkah, Abdullah bin Muti\' came to meet him and said, \"May I be your ransom! Where do you intend going\"? Imam replied, \"Presently I have decided to go to Makkah, after that I shall seek consultation from the Almighty.\" Abdullah said, \"May Allah destine goodness for you! You may go to Makkah, but lest you go to Kufa for it is an ill-omened city. Your father was assasinated therein and your ...

Some Important Events during the Holy Prophet's Mission in Madinah

Some Important Events during the Holy Prophet's Mission in Madinah
Some Important Events during the Holy Prophet's Mission in Madinah   THE DECLARATION OF BROTHERHOODAfter his arrival in Madina, the Holy Prophet (S) was faced with a new challenge. For the first time, the Muslims were centralised and arrangements had to be made to run this new Muslim state.The Holy Prophet (S) faced three main problems. These were: The danger of attack from the Quraish in Makka and other idol worshippers from the rest of ...

Slavery of Females, Past and Present

Slavery of Females, Past and Present
" And (remember) when We delivered you from the people of Pharaoh who had afflicted you with evil torment, slaughtering your sons and sparing your women-folk, and in that was a great trial from your Lord." Commentary : In this verse, the Qur'an points to another great bounty out of the bounties He bestowed on the Children of Israel. This favour is the bounty of deliverance from the grips of those transgressors. This is the greatest bounty ...


MAKKAH: THE STARTING PLACE FOR THE PROPHET'S PROPAGATION OF ISLAM It is crystal clear that when the Holy Prophet of Islam illuminated the dark atmosphere of Makkah with the call of monotheism, he did not mean to lead just the people of the Hijaz or the Arabs, but his divine mission was to communicate God's message to the whole world and to start this momentous task from Arabia. One proof of this true belief is that at the beginning of his ...

Historical Events in Madinah

Historical Events in Madinah
THE CONQUEST OF MAKKA In 6 A.H., the treaty of Hudaybiya had been signed by the chiefs of the Quraish of Makka and the Holy Prophet (S). An important clause of this treaty stated that there would be no fighting between the two parties or their allies. In the years following the treaty, there was general peace and the Muslims went freely to Makka to perform their pilgrimage in the presence of thousands of idol worshippers who were the enemies of ...

Martyrdom in Karbala

Martyrdom in Karbala
The Philosophy of the Martyrdom of Imam Husayn (A.S.) By: Rasul JafariyanTranslated by: Zahra' Shuja KhaniAs a sacred religious movement and as a revolutionary political step the epic of Karbala is the most crucial religio- political uprising in the political culture of the Shi ah. This movement aimed at the revival of the religious laws, the elimination of religious and political deviation, and (as some believe) there placement of the Umayyid ...

With the Nakiseen and Qasiteen

With the Nakiseen and Qasiteen
  What the Imam Amirul Momineen Ali (‘a) prophesied came out to be true because His Eminence was the gate of the city of knowledge of the Prophet and he was the carrier of the secrets and wisdom of His Eminence. The Umayyads kingdom had not become extinct when the tomb of the beloved one of the Messenger of Allah (s) was constructed in splendor and it became the sanctuary of the Almighty Allah that the hearts of all Muslims are attracted to ...

Pupil of the school of the Prophet of Islam

Pupil of the school of the Prophet of Islam
The first distinguished pupil of the school of the Prophet of Islam was also faced with the same embarrassment and on this account Ali the perfect model of the Prophet became for various reasons an embodiment of his personality and they conformed with each other at many stages. When the Commander of the Faithful excused himself from deleting the words 'Messenger of Allah' the Prophet turned towards him and informed him about his future which ...

The Companions Of The Holy Prophet Mohammed

The Companions Of The Holy Prophet Mohammed
The true meaning of the term of The Prophet's(pbuh&hf) Companions The Arab historians have estimated the total number of the Sahabbah meaning 'companions or friends' of The Prophet Mohammed Al-Mustafa, The Messenger of Allah(pbuh&hf), is at an astonishing figure of 150,000 persons. Their definition of a companion or a friend of The Holy Prophet Mohammed(pbuh&hf) "Is any Muslim who saw him with his own eyes." But this is a very loose ...

Entering Madinah

Entering Madinah
Aly was ten years old when Mohammed assumed the prophetical office, and the first prayer he performed with the prophet was two rukats at noon. For the period of ten years, when the people began to embrace the faith, the Most High made it obligatory on all Musulmâns at Mekkah to perform two rukàts in every prayer, which law continued till the Hijret. Mohammed left Mekkah on the first day of Rabeea-ul-evvel, and arrived at Medeenah on Monday, ...

Incorporation of haj and umrah into Islam by Muhammad

Incorporation of haj and umrah into Islam by Muhammad
Encyclopaedia of religion and Ethics Incorporation of hajj and umrah into Islam by Muhammad-Muhammad had seen the hajj sincehis youth. When he began to preach, he had no reason for enjoining the old Arabic rites as a religious duty on his followers. For in the revealed books of the Jews and Christians no divine prescripts were given as to the hajj feast. After the hijrah, however, as Muhammad hadpersuaded himself that the Jews and Christians had ...

The Path of Imam Husayn (A.S.)

The Path of Imam Husayn (A.S.)
In understanding the events of the life of Imam Husayn, upon him be peace, it is necessary to understand his position in relationship to the Prophet Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his family, which necessitates an understanding of his view of the Qur’an and how this view manifested itself in his actions. It is reported by al-Kulayni in his book al-Kafi that Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq, upon him be peace, was heard ...

What is the Sunni opinion on Bilal al-Habashi?

What is the Sunni opinion on Bilal al-Habashi?
What is the Sunni opinion on Bilal al-Habashi?Concise answer What Sunni references say about the great sahabi, Bilal, is that he was freed by Abu Bakr, a resistant believer against the tortures of the Kuffar, the Prophet's Mu'adhin, and one of the Mujahidin (soldiers) of Islam in different battles alongside the Prophet (pbuh). After the Prophet's demise, he left Madinah for Damascus and passed away there. Detailed Answer Bilal was the son of ...


  The Battle of Badr was a dreadful storm which blew in the heart of the Arabian Peninsula. This was a storm which pulled out many old roots of polytheism and idol-worship. Some of the heroes and champions of Quraysh were killed or were made captives and the others fled away very ignominously. The news of Quraysh having been routed spread through Arabia. However, after this storm, there was a sort of lull coupled with fear and disturbance of ...

I ask Allah to forgive me

I ask Allah to forgive me
Once Imam Ali (s) heard someone saying, “I ask Allah to forgive me”. He said to him, ‘Woe unto you! Do you know what “asking for forgiveness” is? Asking for forgiveness is the position of “illiyeen”.[1] It includes six meanings; the first is to feel contrition for what one has committed before; the second is to determine not to commit it again forever; the third is to give people their rights until meeting Allah with no ...

Hamzah the brave, uncle of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.):

Hamzah the brave, uncle of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.):
There have been a number of brave and self-sacrificing officers and strong and powerful champions in the army of Islam but the bravery of Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib is recorded in the pages of history and in fact constitutes the golden leaves of the history of the battles of Islam. Muhammed Mustafa, the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and his Ahlel-Bayt), though safe under the protection of his uncle, Abu Talib, was not immune from ...

The practice of Bidaa (innovation) is forbidden

The practice of Bidaa (innovation) is forbidden
The superior Prophets (as) were all endowed with their own Shariah (Jurisprudence) that was relevant to their times. The Prophet of Islam (S) too brought with him the perfect Shariah. If there was juridical change with each Prophet (S), it doesn't mean that the earlier laws were defective in any manner.Since the followers of Prophet Musa (as) were very mischievous, stringent punishments were prescribed to reform them. It was the rule, for ...

The Period of Silence

The Period of Silence
The Meeting of the Banu 'Abd al-Muttalib Among these is the account that the Prophet, may God bless him and his family, gathered his own family and tribal kin together at the beginning of his mission for Islam. He showed them the faith and sought their help against the people of unbelief and enmity, and guaranteed for them, if they did that, favour and honour in this world and a reward in heaven. None of them answered him except the Commander ...

Persecution between 64 to 85 AH, by Marwan and his son Abdul Melik

Persecution between 64 to 85 AH, by Marwan and his son Abdul Melik
Marwan could control only Syria and Palestine at first. After the martyrdom of Muhammad bin Abu Bakr, Egypt also came under his rule. The notorious Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad was his commander in chief, and persons like Umar bin Sa’d, Hussayn bin Numair, Shimr bin Thil Joushan, and other such cruel and tyrannous persons were heading the divisions of the army and cavalry. However, Marwan lived hardly for a year after coming into ...