Wednesday 3rd of July 2024
History of Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Stand Of The Islamic State In Iran

The Stand Of The Islamic State In Iran
The Stand Of The Islamic State In IranTo uncover the liars and hypocrites who claim dedication to Islam, the Almighty chose to create in Iran (the biggest Shi'ite country) a popular revolution, replacing the non-Islamic and Zionist agent government of the Shah by a real Islamic government. This new government has revived the rule of the Book of God, the Sunnah of the Prophet, and the instructions of the members of the House of the Prophet.The ...

Yazid sent rewards for ‘Ubayd Allah in Ziyad

Yazid sent rewards for ‘Ubayd Allah in Ziyad
After the martyrdom of Imam al-Husayn (as), Yazid ibn Mu‘awiyah sent numerous rewards for ‘Ubayd Allah ibn Ziyad and he gained a very special proximity to Yazid. 1. Ibn Athir recounts, "When the head of al-Husayn ibn ‘Ali was sent for Yazid, ‘Ubayd Allah ibn Ziyad was raised in stature. He was now regarded with high esteem by Yazid. A lot of rewards and gifts were bestowed on him by the son of Mu‘awiyah ibn Abu Sufiyan. Yazid made ...

The Sunni Theory of Government

The Sunni Theory of Government
Those Muslims who claim that they follow the traditions (the statements and practices) of Muhammad Mustafa, the Prophe of Islam, and of his companions, are called Ahl-es-Sunnat wal-Jama'at or Sunni. They also call themselves "orthodox" Muslims, and they make up the overwhelming majority of the Muslims in the world.The Sunni Muslims believe that the Prophet of Islam did not designate anyone as his successor, and he (probably) assumed that after ...

Muawiyah Failed to recite the traveler’s prayer on journeys

Muawiyah Failed to recite the traveler’s prayer on journeys
Tabarani and Ahmad ibn Hanbal narrate from ‘Ibad ibn ‘Abd Allah ibn Zubayr on an authentic chain of transmission that he said, "When Mu‘awiyah intended to go for the hajj, he came to inform us about his intention and we traveled together to Mecca. He prayed two rak‘ats for the noon prayers with us. Then, he went to Dar al-Nadwah. ‘Uthman was there and was praying full prayers (four rak‘ats). When Mu‘awiyah reached Mecca, he also ...

The Journey for `Umrah

The Journey for `Umrah
The Journey for `Umrah In the 6th year of Hegira, the Holy Prophet decided to go to Mecca for `Umrah (minor pilgrimage). Muslims could not go on such rituals since the emigration. This journey, besides spiritual phases, was a kind of religious demonstration. It attracted the Meccan pilgrims and showed the increasing number of the Holy Prophet’s followers. It also showed that the ceremonies of °ajj and `Umrah, which were significant religious ...

Abu Sufiyan’s conversion to Islam

Abu Sufiyan’s conversion to Islam
It is well known that Abu Sufiyan did not convert to Islam of his own volition and inclination. On the contrary, he became a Muslim out of a feeling of fear and intimidation. When the Holy Prophet (S) conquered Mecca, Abu Sufiyan came with ‘Abbas ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib before the Holy Prophet (S) and requested immunity and safe-conduct from the Holy Prophet (S). The Holy Prophet (S) said, "Woe unto you O Abu Sufiyan! Has the time not yet come ...

The Sacred Head Speaks

The Sacred Head Speaks
My heart goes for your head atop a spearOutfitted with its own lights with an attire,Reciting the Book from the top of the spear,Through him did they raise the Book even higher.38 The martyred grandson of the Prophet (S) remained an ally of the Qur'an since his early childhood. Thus were he and his brother (‘a), for they were the legacy of the Messenger of Allah, his vicegerents over his nation. The greatest Prophet (S) had stated that they ...

Consequences of the defeat at

Consequences of the defeat at
(1) Although Muslims were militarily defeated in this battle, they learned not to disregard the Holy Prophet’s orders. Such disobediences never happened in the following wars. (2) The hypocrites started all sorts of conspiracies; they rejoiced on the Muslims’ defeat and blamed them.[1] (3) The Jews, too, surfaced their hatred, saying, “No prophet has been defeated to this degree!”[2] (4) The enemies of Islam around Medina were ...

Fatima (A.S.)

Fatima (A.S.)
1. It was reported in Bihar, v. 10,[1] that Imam Abu Ja'far Al-Baqir (A.S.) said: "When Fatima was born, Allah (Exalted is His Name) revealed to an angel to speak the name Fatima with Muhammad's tongue. Allah then said: "I have bestowed knowledge upon you and safeguarded you from menstruation." Then Abu Ja'far (A.S.) added: "By Allah, Allah (Blessed and Exalted is His Name) bestowed knowledge on her and safeguarded her from menstruation with ...

The Fundamentals of Shia'ism

The Fundamentals of Shia'ism
Before we deal with the roots and the articles of faith in detail, we may divide our study of the Shi'a religion according to five principles: 1. Knowledge of God. 2. Identification of His Prophet. 3. How to worship. 4. Doing good actions and refraining from bad ones. 5. Belief in ma'ad (the Day of Judgement), and punishment and reward. There are two parts to religion -theoretical and practical- or, more precisely, belief or faith in God and the ...

The Most Sacred Head

The Most Sacred Head
Yazid ordered al-Husayn's head to be brought to him. He put it in a gold washbowl.23 The women were behind him. Sukayna and Fatima stood and tried anxiously to steal a look at it as Yazid kept hiding it from them. When they did see it, they burst in tears.24 He then permitted people to enter to see him.25 Yazid took a rod and kept hitting al-Husayn's lips with it26 saying, "A day for a day: this day is [in revenge] for Badr".27 Then he cited ...

The Zarih on the holy grave of Imam Reza (A.S.)

The Zarih on the holy grave of Imam Reza (A.S.)
One of the outstanding achievements after the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran accomplished along with grand scale development and expansion of the holy shrine is the planning, making and installing the new Zarih on the holy grave of Imam Reza(A.S.).After a lapse of forty years after the installation of the last Zarih the structure of that Zarih got weakened and its golden and silver frame was worn out, thus raising the necessity ...

Peak of Eloquence Nahjul Balagha

Peak of Eloquence  Nahjul Balagha
1. During civil disturbance adopt such an attitude that people do not attach any importance to you - they neither burden you with complicated affairs, nor try to derive any advantage out of you. 2. He who is greedy is disgraced; he who discloses his hardship will always be humiliated; he who has no control over his tongue will often have to face discomfort. 3. Avarice is disgrace; cowardice is a defect; poverty often disables an intelligent ...

Ghadir Khum- Introduction

Ghadir Khum- Introduction
Ghadir Khumm is one of the most important events in the history of Islam that took place in the final days of the blessed life of the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH). On the glory of this day it suffices to say that the Almighty God says: “This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as ...

Were the Sayyid al-Shuhada' to come and observe these things (and, of course, he does from the world of the spirit, but were he come into the world of appearance ) he will find that we have carved out for him companions that he never had.

Were the Sayyid al-Shuhada' to come and observe these things (and, of course, he does from the world of the spirit, but were he come into the world of appearance ) he will find that we have carved out for him companions that he never had.
Were the Sayyid al-Shuhada' to come and observe these things (and, of course, he does from the world of the spirit, but were he come into the world of appearance ) he will find that we have carved out for him companions that he never had. For instance, in the book Muhriq al-qulub - whose author was, incidentally, an eminent scholar and jurist, but who had no knowledge of these matters - that one of the companions to appear out of nowhere on the ...

The Revival Tradition: The Methods of Guarding the Epic of Ashura & Its Culture in the History of Islamic Culture

The Revival Tradition: The Methods of Guarding the Epic of Ashura & Its Culture in the History of Islamic Culture
The Revival Tradition: The Methods of Guarding the Epic of Ashura & Its Culture in the History of Islamic Culture Jawad Muhaddithi The Movement of Ashura aimed at reviving religion and fighting against the sovereignty of the falsehood. After Ashura, the enemies and the oppressive rules tried to push this movement to the margins and destroy its memory. The teachings of Ahl-al-Bayt (A), however, were directed at keeping the memory of ...


3457 years after Habuth (descent of Adam a.s from Heaven) Al-Kahf [18:94] 18:94 They said: "O Zul-qarnain! the Gog and Magog (People) do great mischief on earth: shall we then render thee tribute in order that thou mightest erect a barrier between us and them? In the books of narrations it is described that in the heavenly scriptures like the Holy Quran and Taurat (Torah) the name of Zulqarnain was mentioned. Some believe that he was a messenger ...

The Basis of Islam's Influences in Yathrib

The Basis of Islam's Influences in Yathrib
Emigration to Yathrib The Basis of Islam's Influences in Yathrib W¡d¢ al-Qur¡ is a long valley along with the trade route from Yemen to Damascus. Along this valley, which runs from the north to the south, there were numerous oases surrounded by grass and pastures.[1] The caravans made use of them on their trips along this valley. On one of these oases, five hundred kilometers north of Mecca, there was the old city of Yathrib which was later ...

The Uprising of Mukhtar

The Uprising of Mukhtar
  Al-Mukhta`r b. Yousif al-Thaqafi was among the Arab and Muslim brilliant figures in history. He was the Arab hero who could overcome the events and lead the greatest social revolt. He adopted political and social justice, and accomplished equal opportunities among the people, regardless of their nations and religions. We will briefly speak about his qualities and the achievements of his revolt.His QualitiesAs for the prominent qualities of ...

Dua: Guidance from the Qur’an, the Hadith, and the Imams (A.S.)

Dua: Guidance from the Qur’an, the Hadith, and the Imams (A.S.)
Dua is an important part of our faith and belief. It is a higher form of worship that Allah loves. It is a means of keeping in touch with the Creator, and draws the supplicant closer to the Almighty. It causes increase in bounties and helps remove pain and suffering. There are many ways that people make Dua. This article presents information from the Qur’an, the Hadiths of the prophet, and from the teachings and Duas of the infallible Imams. ...