Wednesday 3rd of July 2024
History of Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Election of the Imam Ali

The Election of the Imam Ali
  Had Quraish (Meccan Community) remained in control of the political affairs during the first few days after the death of Othman it would have prevented the Imam Ali Ibn Abu Talib from coming to power. Had Tallah Al-Zubeir and their supporters expected Ali to come to power they would not have opposed Othman or called for his assassination. Each of the two companions was hopeful that he rather than Ali would be the fourth caliph and Quraish ...

Ancient Indian Anecdote in the Shia Islamic Text

Ancient Indian Anecdote in the Shia Islamic Text
To highlight the defects of the world we narrate in some detail: Bin Babawiah narrates from Muhammad bin Zakaria that in the realm of India there was a king who had sway over large areas and populations! He was fond of all carnal pleasures. He preferred the company of sycophants. He hated those who gave sound advice. But, despite all these, he excelled in governance and control of the affairs of the state. All his subjects were obedient to the ...

Who was Ibn Saba?

Who was Ibn Saba?
The mercenary writers whose goal is to split the Muslims allege that a Yemenite Jew from Sana', Abdullah Ibn Saba (also called Ibn al-Sawda), adopted Islam during the reign of the third Caliph 'Uthman. They allege that Ibn Saba, through some doctrines that he spread among Muslims, was a big factor in causing the revolt against 'Uthman.The following are some of the doctrines attributed to Ibn Saba.(1). This alleged Jew invented the idea that the ...


THE NUMBER OF WIVES OF THE HOLY PROPHET After Khadija passed away, when the Holy Prophet was 53 years old, he took other wives including `Aisha, Hafsa, Zaynab hint Khuzayma, Umm Salma, Sauda hint Zama, Zaynab hint Jahash, Juwayriya, Safia, Maymuna, Umm Habiba and Marya. The conditions and circumstances that necessitated the several marriages of the Prophet should be studied. The main reasons for his marriages are the following: 1. To take ...

Jihad And Leadership

Jihad And Leadership
  The caller of Kufa called: "The prayer is a general one (which all should have attained) (al-salat jami `a). "The people gathered. Al-Hasan, peace be on him, went out. He went up on the pulpit. He praised Allah, lauded Him, and said: "Now then, indeed, Allah has enjoined jihad (fighting) on you, and has called it dislike. Then He said to the mujahidin (holy fighters): `Be patient. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.' People, you do not obtain ...


Just like the dates of birth and death of the Holy Prophet the date of his appointment to the prophetic mission is also not known definitely from the historical point of view; the Shi'ah scholars are almost unanimous that he was appointed to the prophetic mission on the 27th of Rajab and his prophethood commenced from the same day. However, the Sunni scholars usually claim that he was appointed to this mission during the holy month of ...

Defining a Nasibi

Defining a Nasibi
For an introduction to the literal meaning of Nasibi we have relied on the definitions stipulated by several recognised Ahl'ul Sunnah scholars:"Famhuus" page 53, Chapter "Al Ba"."Taj al Uroous page 277, Volume 4 Chapter "Al Ba Murtazi al Zubaydi"."Lisan al Arab" page 762, by Ibn Manzur."Hadiya al Sahil ay adalta al Masail" page 96."Tadhrib al Radhi" page 311 Allamah Jalaladeen as-Suyuti."Akrab al Muwarid" page 2 Chapter "Lananat Nusub".In "Lisan ...

History is Very Powerful

History is Very Powerful
History is Very Powerful We have already said that the speeches and addresses of the Ahlul Bayt remained prescribed and were free from distortion. They have been recorded in books and documents and have reached us through reliable sources. Today it is possible to narrate the event of Karbala in detail by means of the speeches which Imam Husayn and the Ahlul Bayt delivered in Makkah and on their way from the Hijaz to Iraq and at ...

Hazrat Adam (A.S.)

Hazrat Adam (A.S.)
When the God, the Munificent (extremely liberal in giving, very generous) wished and created the earthly face and body of Adam a.s. and kindled the spirit in it and commanded the angels to prostrate before him in his respect. Iblis a specie of the Jin who by his extreme adoration to God was honoured the status, to worship God in the row of the archangels, He refused to prostrate the Adam a.s. He was the first who went against the wish of ...

Umar bin al-Khattab, the Second Khalifa of the Muslims

Umar bin al-Khattab, the Second Khalifa of the Muslims
In The Times Of Ignorance, Umar made his living as a broker. Shibli, his biographer, says that in his youth he grazed camels. Before accepting Islam, Umar was one of the most rabid enemies of Muhammad, the Messenger of God.When Muhammad proclaimed his mission, many people acknowledged him as the Messenger of God. Umar acknowledged him as Messenger of God after six years. Some historians claim that Umar was a most awe-inspiring man, and when he ...

Karbala': An Enduring Paradigm of Islamic Revivalism

Karbala': An Enduring Paradigm of Islamic Revivalism
Sayyid Wahid Akhtar[1] The martyrdom of Imam Husayn ibn 'Ali ('a) and his companions in Karbala' proved to be the beginning of the downfall of the Banu Umayyah dynasty which had usurped the Islamic khilafah by deceit, repression, and corruption of the Muslim community. Though the Imam ('a) was martyred with his family and companions, and apparently his murderers seemed to emerge winners from the conflict, it was the martyr of Karbala' who was ...

The Incident of Mubahala

The Incident of Mubahala
  Here I would like to bring another evidence from Sahih Muslim and Sahih al-Tirmidhi that why the wives of the Prophet are not included in Ahlul-Bayt, which is also, by the way, another reason for the superiority of Ali (AS) for the position of leadership after the Prophet (PBUH&HF). The following incident is related to the event of "Mubahala" (which means imprecation, or invoking the curse of Allah upon the liar), which took place in the ...

Yazid in the viewpoint of Sunni scholars [‘ulama’]

Yazid in the viewpoint of Sunni scholars [‘ulama’]
As previously mentioned, many Sunni scholars have strongly criticized Yazid ibn Mu‘awiyah for killing Imam al-Husayn (as) and for numerous other crimes he committed. We will now mention some of these scholars and some of their criticisms: 1. Alusi says, "Anyone who says that Yazid did not sin, and hence cursing him is not permissible, should be considered as one of Yazid's helpers and partisans."57 2. Ibn Khaldun writes, "Ibn al-‘Arabi ...

The Battle of al-Ahzab (Tribes)

The Battle of al-Ahzab (Tribes)
The Battle of al-Ahzab (Tribes), Battle of Khandaq ( Ditch, Moat, Trench ) The Qureshite community had one important dream: The destruction of Mohammed and his religion. Pagan tribes outside Mecca were sharing with them the same dream. Like the Meccans, these tribes considered Mohammed a serious menace to their religion.This belief brought these tribes and the Muslims into military confrontations in which the Muslims had the upper hand. ...

The Importance of Charity and Alms

The Importance of Charity and Alms
There are several traditions that highlight the importance of charity and alms. We are restricting to quoting a few traditions here.Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (as) says that a Jew greeted the prophet (S) by saying assamalaik (that would mean, ‘may death come to you'). The Prophet (S) replied, "Alaik assaam (meaning, ‘May death come to you too" The Companions protested to the Prophet (S), "The Jew has wished for your death!" The prophet (S) ...

The Event of Ghadir and its Importance

The Event of Ghadir and its Importance
Muslims consider every aspect in the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) to be very significant. For not only the Prophet's statements are away from any carnal desires and is related to the origin of Revelation according to the holy Quran2, but also, His actions show the true way of life3. Throughout his life, specific events happened that were of great importance, of those one is known as Ghadir, held in a location called Ghadir Khumm.The ...

The Journey of Imam Husain

The Journey of Imam Husain
Al Husyan, the blessings of God be on him, set out from Mecca to Iraq on the day of Muslim's (attempted) rising in Kufa, that is the day of Tarwiya, after staying in Mecca for the rest of Shaban, the month of Rmadhan, Shawwal and Dhu al Qada and eight days of Dhu- al-Hijja in the year 60 A.H. (680). During his stay in Mecca, peace be on him, a number of Hijazis and Basrans had gathered around him, joining themselves to his household and his ...

“Allah has rated Ka`bah as an honorable abode.”

“Allah has rated Ka`bah as an honorable abode.”
  The Ka`bah is a very ancient structure. Its foundation was laid by Adam (a.s) and the walls were raised by Ibrahim (a.s) and Isma`il (a.s). Although this building is devoid of any designs and embellishments, made out of lime and stones, every stone is the fountainhead of felicity. The Holy Qur’an says about it:   “Allah has rated Ka`bah as an honorable abode.” This eminence of the Ka`bah is permanent and eternal. From the day of ...

Muhammad (S.A.W.) The Most Influential Person in History

Muhammad (S.A.W.) The Most Influential Person in History
From the 100, a ranking of the Most Influential Persons in HistoryBy Michael H. HartMy choice of Muhammad (S.A.W.) to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels.Of humble origins, Muhammad (S.A.W.) founded and promulgated one of the world's great religions, and became an ...

The seven Sahn (Courtyards) Of Holy Shrine of Imam Raza A.S

The seven Sahn (Courtyards)  Of Holy Shrine of Imam Raza A.S
After the twenty one Riwaqs there are seven Sahn (Courtyards) and four Bast (the Sanctuary) around the holy shrine which occupies a total area of 331578 square meters.Sahn(courtyard)are the magnificent buildings within the holy shrine where the pilgrims perform religious services like congregational prayers,anniversary ceremonies of martyrdoms and birthdays of the Infallible Imams(A.S.).The courtyards are very magnificent and distinguished and ...