Tuesday 23rd of July 2024
History of Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Word Muhammad in the Bible

The Word Muhammad in the Bible
This brief study seeks to answer the simple question of whether or not the Hebrew Bible refers to the word Muhammad, or more specifically to one of its Hebrew cognates, as a proper name. The usefulness of such a task is clear. If such a usage can be attested, the many descriptive passages that some scholars have appealed to in reference either to the prophet or the Mahdi of that name (upon whom be peace) gain in validity.  The larger problem ...


MARCH PAST OF THE ARMY BEFORE THE PROPHETThe day for the departure of the army of Islam arrived. On that day the Prophet reviewed his troops in the army headquarters of Madina. The magnificent scene of the march past of the faithful and self-sacrificing men who had preferred, for the sake of their objective, hardships and death to comfort and worldly gains with enthusiasm and faith, impressed the audience.At the time of departure the Prophet ...

The story of the six month old baby

The story of the six month old baby
Ashura came to the land of Karbala.One-by-one, Hussain (A.S)'s friends and companions were martyred.Aun & Muhammed, Qasim, Abbas and Ali Akbar went to the battlefield and were martyred.By noon time Hussain (A.S) was left alone.The time had come for Hussain (A.S) to go to the battlefield. Hussain (A.S) said good bye to everyone.Hussain (A.S), with his sword Zulfiqar on his waist, mounted Zuljanah, his horse.Hussain (A.S) rode his horse to a small ...

The Day Of Ashura

The Day Of Ashura
At dawn the Imam glanced over the army of Yazid and saw "Umar Ibn Sa"d ordering his forces to march toward him. He gathered his followers and addressed them thus" Allah has, this day, permitted us to be engaged in a Holy War and He shall reward us for our martyrdom.So prepare yourself to fight against the enemies of Islam with patience and resistance. O" sons of the noble and self-respected persons be patient! Death is nothing but bridge which ...

Sects and Religions in the Arabian Peninsula and its Surroundings

Sects and Religions in the Arabian Peninsula and its Surroundings
Chapter ThreeSects and Religions in the Arabian Peninsula and its Surroundings Despite the fact that at the advent of Islam the prevailing belief of the Arabs involved idol-worshipping, there were different religions, such as Christianity, Judaism, °an¢fiyyah, M¡nawiyyah, Sabian and other schools practiced in different localities of Arabia. Thus, the Arabs did not follow a specific sect. For this reason, there was a sort of fatigue and ...

Ibn Taymiyyah’s defence of Yazid

Ibn Taymiyyah’s defence of Yazid
Driven by undisguised hostility against the Ahl al-Bayt (as), Ibn Taymiyyah rose in defence of Yazid. He endeavored by all means to exonerate Yazid of all corruption and unscrupulousness including his guilt in the killing of Imam al-Husayn (as). He has done so by shamelessly resorting to guile and deceit to justify Yazid's actions. Ibn Taymiyyah writes, "Yazid was not pleased with the killing of al-Husayn. He even expressed his displeasure at ...


In the summer a kâfilah from Sham arriving at Medeenah, with carpets and provisions for sale, gave information that the army of Room, commanded by the emperor Herkul (Heraclius) in person, who had been joined by many of the Arab tribes, had arrived at Hams, the main body of the army having advanced as far as Bulkà, their object being to attack the Musulmâns. The prophet immediately made preparations to march to Tabook, and summoned all the ...

History of the Holy Shrine of Imam Ali al-Naqi & Imam Hasan al-Askari,Peace Be Upon Them

History of the Holy Shrine of Imam Ali al-Naqi & Imam Hasan al-Askari,Peace Be Upon Them
The modern city of Samarra is situated on the bank of the river Tigris some sixty miles from the city of Baghdad. The city is of outstanding importance because of its two shrines. The golden dome on one shrine was presented by Nasr al-Din Shah and completed under Muzaffar al-Din Shah in the year 1905 A.D. Beneath the golden dome are four graves, those of Imam Ali al-Naqi (10th Imam) and his son, Imam Hasan al-Askari (11th Imam). The other two ...

In order to learn more clearly as to how far the views expressed by Imam Husayn about Yazid are indisputable according to the history of Islam, one should refer to the following remarks of Mas'udi in respect of Yazid.

In order to learn more clearly as to how far the views expressed by Imam Husayn about Yazid are indisputable according to the history of Islam, one should refer to the following remarks of Mas'udi in respect of Yazid.
Who was Yazid? In order to learn more clearly as to how far the views expressed by Imam Husayn about Yazid are indisputable according to the history of Islam, one should refer to the following remarks of Mas'udi in respect of Yazid. "Yazid was a pleasure-seeking person. He was a man, who kept beasts of prey. He had dogs, monkeys and panthers. He always arranged wine-drinking parties. One day after the martyrdom of Imam Husayn while he ...

Ashura: Reformative Thought as the Basis of a Humane Education and Social Order

Ashura: Reformative Thought as the Basis of a Humane Education and Social Order
Ashura: Reformative Thought as the Basis of a Humane Education and Social Order Ahmad Aakuchakiyan    Obright perspective of God   To life,   And to death!   We live with you,   We die with you.Ashura is the embodiment of the highest of sublime human and social values and ideals which has always summoned the people to the understanding of those values and ideals and to commit themselves to them and to live in accordance ...

The Destruction of Ma'rib Dam

The Destruction of Ma'rib Dam
The Destruction of Ma'rib Dam Due to the spread of corruption among the southerners and because of the internal turmoil, the star of Yemenite civilization gradually declined and the Yemenis and their kings could not repair the Ma'rib Dam which was in terrible need of repair, and then through the destruction of this dam, a devastating flood inundated all the villages and the farms and drought prevailed in the surrounding regions, destroying ...

After the death of the Holy Prophet

After the death of the Holy Prophet
Allah sent Muhammad (p.b.u.h.a.h.p.) as a warner (against vice) for all the worlds and a trustee of His revelation, while you people of Arabia were following the worst religion and you resided among rough stones and venomous serpents. You drank dirty water and ate filthy food. You shed blood of each other and cared not for relationship. Idols are fixed among you and sins are clinging to you. Part of the same sermon on the attentiveness of the ...

Difficulties and moral problems

Difficulties and moral problems
Islam Views the Problem from Every Angle The book "Burhan-e-Quran" examines the punishment for adultery as prescribed in Islam keeping in mind the factors of human desires and sexual feeling, Islam has also enunciated the easiest ways of satisfying sexual desires and fulfilling sensual feelings. It has ordered its followers to marry at the beginning of puberty. It is the most recommended way. The book also describes the punishment prescribed ...

The Identity of the Ulama

The Identity of the Ulama
Imam Hasaan Al-'Askari (as) narrates form Imam Zain-ul-'Abidin (as), "When you see a person who has the appearance of a religious scholar, gives deep thought in giving opinion on religious matters, shows excessive humility in his dealings, don't make haste in falling to his stratagems. There are plenty of people who, for worldly gains, pretend to be what they are not in reality. If you notice that the person is not interested in material gains, ...

Peace Treaty of Imam Hasan

Peace Treaty of Imam Hasan
After Imam Ali, Imam Hasan attained to the caliphate. At this time the Muslim society had assumed a peculiar form. Their strength had been divided almost evenly, and if Imam Hasan had continued fighting against Mu'awiya neither of the two parties could expect victory without severe bloodshed. The result of such a fighting would have been disastrous for the Muslims. Hence, Imam Hasan was faced with a situation in which he had no alternative but ...


"Dear Ibrahim! We can't do anything for you. Divine Will can't be changed. Your father's eyes shed tears, and his heart is sad and grieved for your death. However, I will not say anything which may invite the wrath of Allah. If there had not been the true and certain promise of Allah that we too shall come after you, I would have wept more and become more grieved at the separation from you".[653] These sentences were uttered by the Prophet of ...

Last moments of Aboo Zakeria

Last moments of Aboo Zakeria
Aboo Zakeira was a very pious and virtuous worshipper fellow. When he was in his death bed a friend of him came to him and advised him to recite Kalima-e-Taiyabah (testimonial words confirming oneness of God). But Aboo Zakeira turned his face away. His friend repeated his request to say Laa ilaah Illallah (There is no God but Allah). But he again turned his face and said: ‘I will not recite’, and then he fainted. After some moments when he ...

The two families of Quraysh

The two families of Quraysh
The prophet had said very correctly: "My followers will meet destruction at the hands of the youngsters of Quraysh". These youngsters mentioned by the prophet who were to create trouble and to conspire, were born at a place which served as a cradle for the shameless persons like Yazid son of Mu`awiya. The prophet could see that this party was waging war at one time to safeguard its chiefdom and authority, and was surrendering and making a show ...

Imam Husayn and the Muslim and Jewish Calendars

Imam Husayn and the Muslim and Jewish Calendars
THE 1400th year of the hijra caleadar is nearing its end. Since the last two years or more a substantial amount of time, energy and money is being spent of what has come to be known as the commemoration of the end of the 14th century of hijra and the welcome of the 15th. Seminars are being held, articles written, booklets published, postage stamps issued and a lot of trinkets designed, made and sold to honour this occasion. Not even the ruling ...

Imam Husain (a.s)'s hault at the ground of Karbala

Imam Husain (a.s)'s hault at the ground of Karbala
  When Imam Husain (a.s) stopped at the plain of Karbala, (Kamil) he in­quired as to what was the name of the place. People replied that the place was known as "Aqar." Imam said, "Almighty Allah! We seek your refuge from Aqar" (Aqar means barren, sterile). Sibt ibne Jawzi has written in his Tazkirah, that Imam Husain (a.s) asked as to what was the name of the place. They replied that it was Karbala and was also called Ninawa, which was a ...