Tuesday 23rd of July 2024
History of Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Sermon of Lady Zaynab in the court of Yazid

Sermon of Lady Zaynab in the court of Yazid
Now we propose to study the sermon of lady Zaynab which she delivered in the court of Yazid and which is recorded in a book written in the third century A.H. [21]   Yazid recited the blasphemous poetic verses of Abdullah bin Zab'ari Sahmi which he had composed while he was an unbeliever and also added some poetic verses of his own and said openly that he wanted to take revenge upon the descendants of Muhammad because Muhammad and his ...

The Holy Prophet’s Childhood and Adolescence

The Holy Prophet’s Childhood and Adolescence
The Birth The Arabs at the Ignorance Era did not have any constant historical starting point; rather, they considered some significant local events, such as the death of a distinguished man or a bloody war between two tribes as a temporary historical point of reference.[1] No such historical point existed among all Arab tribes either. Rather, each tribe used a specific historical point of reference of its own.[2] When the army of elephants, ...

Karbala: From a Spiritual to a Political Interpretation

Karbala: From a Spiritual to a Political Interpretation
Karbala: From a Spiritual to a Political Interpretation Rasul Jafariyan The uprising of Karbala as a religious and sacred jihad and a revolutionary political movement is the most durable movement in Shi'ah political history. This revolutionary movement was launched for reviving the laws of Islam, for rectifing religious and political deviations and for replacing the Umayyad regime with the Alawi Imami government...Throughout the ...

Religious Education and Training

Religious Education and Training
Respect For Parents As it is Wajib to fulfill the rights of the parents, it is also necessary to give them due respect and honour. Numerous traditions have been recorded from the Ahlul-bayt (a.s.) 1) One must not address the parents by their names. However, they can be addressed by their title or kunniyat. 2) One must not precede them while walking, nor should one sit down before them. 3) While having meals one should not begin before the ...

Dignitaries Buried in the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (A.S)

Dignitaries Buried in the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (A.S)
The great Iranian dignitaries buried in the Holy Shrine are classified into three groups, including:1. Religious Dignitaries2. Social and Political Dignitaries3. Poets and Artists Religious Dignitaries:• Ali Akbar Abootorabi (1364A.H-1421A.H)• Sayyed Jonah Ardebili (1296A.H-1377A.H)• Hasan Ali Esfahani(1279A.H-1361A.H)• Mirza Mahdi Esfahani (1152A.H-1218A.H)• Mohammad Bahauddin Amoli(953A.H-1030 A.H)• Abbas Torbati (born in ...

At Karbala, In Damascus

At Karbala, In Damascus
1. Introduction There is no doubt that the atrocities committed at Karbala' reached their brutal climax with the death of al-Husayn as a martyr in the afternoon of 10th Muharram in the year 61. It led to the performance of funeral and remembrance rites by the surviving family at Karbala' and in the houses of the Hashimites in Medina and elsewhere. The savage execution of vengeance, as represented by taking the families of the martyrs into ...

Peace Treaty

Peace Treaty
A group of the historians such as al-Tabari and Ibn al-Athir has narrated the following: "Indeed Mu'awiya had sent al-Hasan a blank page. In the bottom of the page, there were his stamps." Then Mu'awiya wrote al-Hasan the following: "In this page, whose bottom I have stamped, stipulate whatever you want, for that will be for you. "[1] Then the historians have not mentioned the tradition thoroughly, for they have not mentioned what al-Hasan, ...

Haj in the context of middle eastern worldviews

Haj in the context of middle eastern worldviews
Encyclopaedia of religion and Ethics HAJJ. Unique among the world's great pilgrimages, the hajj is in many ways also the most important. Even compared to the ancient and highly developed international pilgrimage systems of Christianity and Hinduism, the hajj is remarkable in its doctrinal centrality, its geographic focus, and its historical continuity. The size and global coverage of the hajj areunparalleled. It regularly attracts one million ...

The Reasons Behind `Al¢'s Taking the Lead

The Reasons Behind `Al¢'s Taking the Lead
The Reasons Behind `Al¢'s Taking the Lead (1) The Holy Prophet explicitly referred to `Al¢'s pioneering in accepting Islam. At the presence of a group of Muslims, he declared: The first person among you who will meet me at the side of the heavenly fountain [Kawthar], on the Resurrection day, will be `Al¢, who is the first among you who accepted Islam.[1] (2) Great and well-known narrators report that Mu¦ammad (¥) became a prophet on ...

Rude Farmer

Rude Farmer
There was a poor uneducated farmer who was very rude to our 7th Imam, Imam Musa al-Kadhim (A.S) whenever he saw him.No matter how rude this man was, Imam (A.S) never got angry and he never said anything to the man.Imam's (A.S) friends wanted to punish the rude man, but Imam (A.S) would not allow them to. Imam (A.S) told them that he himself would teach this man a lesson.One day Imam Musa al-Kadhim (A.S) rode out to the rude man's farm where the ...

Historic perspective of demolition of Baqee & Mualla cemeteries

Historic perspective of demolition of Baqee & Mualla cemeteries
Turkey was practically a Muslim State under the control of a Muslim caliph but the intrigues of British and the conspiracies hatched by the opponents, not only tore his caliphate apart into pieces but rooted out it forever. At first, the British continued hypocritical attitude against Muslims quietly and then started taking part in conspiracies against them. They provided resources to help the enemies of Islam for this purpose, and then they ...

cousin came to the presence of Imam Husain (a.s)

cousin came to the presence of Imam Husain (a.s)
Our Shaikh Sadooq, through his successive chain of narrators, relates from Amr bin Qays Mashriqi, who says that I alongwith my cousin came to the presence of Imam Husain (a.s) at Qasre Bani Maqatil. We saluted the Imam and my cousin asked him, "The colour of your hair is due to the dye or a chemical dye"? Imam replied, "It is dyed, for we, the Bani Hashim turn old very soon." Then the Imam turned towards us and asked, "Have you come to assist ...

Egyptian Newspaper Belongs to 1920s Condemning Demolishing the Baqee Tombs by Al Saud

Egyptian Newspaper Belongs to 1920s Condemning Demolishing the Baqee Tombs by Al Saud
Rare photo from an Egyptian belongs to 1920s condemning the crime of demolishing the Baqee tombs and the houses of the companions of the prophet by Al Saud. It reads:1- Al Saud demolished the house where the prophet PBUH was born.2- Al Saud demolished the house of Khadija, wife of the prophet.3- Al Saud demolished the house of Abu Bakr4- Al Saud demolished the house where lady Fatimah was born5- Al Saud demolished the house of Hamza bin ...

Results of Muslims' Victory

Results of Muslims' Victory
Results of Muslims' Victory The victory of the Islamic troops has certain consequences some of which will be dealt with hereinafter: (1) God has previously promised Muslims victory over the Meccan troops (Qur’¡n 8:7) and the Holy Prophet informed them about this promise at the end of their military discussions.[1] With this victory, Muslims relied more on God's assistance and became stronger in their faith. (2) Both the hypocrites and the ...

Shi'ite Authors in Islamic History

Shi'ite Authors in Islamic History
The pioneer in this field was Asbagh bin Nabatah Tabi'i who was one of the closest friends and companions of of Amir-al-Muminin Imam Ali(A.S.). Ash-Shaikh has said in Al-Fahrist that Ad-Dawri reported through him the accoumt of the battle against Imam Husain (A.H.). He has also given the authorities for it. He died during the first century. The first one to write a book on Islamic History was Aaban Bin Uthman al-Ahmar Tabi'i. He wrote ...

Attraction of the Holy Qur'¡n

Attraction of the Holy Qur'¡n
Attraction of the Holy Qur'¡n Inviting people to his religion, the Holy Prophet rarely spoke of himself; rather, he made use of the best means available to him, i.e. the verses of the Holy Qur'¡n which had enchanting effects on the Arab's ears. The Holy Qur'¡n is the Holy Prophet's great miracle—a miracle of eloquence. The lexicon and the lexical items, the structure of the verses, and the melody of the Qur'¡nic verses are so attractive ...

The Advent of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) - A Fabulous Blessing

The Advent of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) - A Fabulous Blessing
It is not possible for a man to achieve spiritual excellence without the love and obedience of a spiritual father. "Certainly Allah conferred a benefit upon the believers when he raised among them an apostle from among themselves, reciting to them His communications and purifying them, and teaching them the book and the wisdom, although before that they were surely in manifest error."  (Surah Aale Imran 3:164) This verse signifies the ...


WHO WERE THE FIRST PERSONS TO EMBRACE ISLAM? The advancement of Islam and its penetration into different peoples took place gradually. In the terminology of the Holy Qur'an those persons who preceded all others in embracing and propagating Islam are called as-Sabiqun (the preceding ones), and in the early days of Islam this precedence was in itself a criterion of virtue and superiority and, even amongst these persons, one who preceded another ...

The Beginnings of Shi’i Ijtihad

The Beginnings of Shi’i Ijtihad
After the demise of the Prophet (S) in the year 11/632, the need forijtihad was felt acutely by the Sunnis, for they thought that the continuity of Divine guidance in the form of authoritative texts (nass)had ceased with his (S) demise and the only means of deter­mining the Divine laws that remained was to search for them in the Book of God and the statements and acts of the Prophet (S). The Shi'ah, on the other hand, believed in the ...

The responsibility of the three leaders

The responsibility of the three leaders
The responsibility of the three leaders   As we look back at this war retrospectively, we find that thousands from the Bassrites met their death, believing that they were on the right side. They were confounded, and it was difficult for them to believe that a wife of the Messenger and two of his outstanding companions had parted with the truth. People were, and still are, trying to know the truth through their Leaders, rather than to try to ...