Tuesday 23rd of July 2024
History of Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Kufa During The Days Of The Pledge

Kufa During The Days Of The Pledge
  Sa'sa'a b. Sawhan al-`Abdi [1] described Kufa as: "the dome of Islam and top of speech." However, there were rude persons in Kufa. They prevented the people from obeying those who were in charge of authority (i.e., the Prophet's family). Also they prevented the people from meeting them. These were the manners of the possessors. The Muslims inhabited Kufa in the year 17 A.H., namely directly after the conquest of Iraq. [2] The early houses ...

Ancient Egypt; Laws, Traditions and Religion

Ancient Egypt; Laws, Traditions and Religion
Laws and traditions that existed in Egypt accorded the king a divine position, but no laws about justice and equity Courts did exist which were however held by the representatives of the minister and the feudal lords to see to the claim of the subject. According to Iranian writers at that time in Egypt no laws existed even to compare with the 'Code in Chaldea and Assyria. 52 Among the traditions existing in ancient Egypt which seem odd to us ...

Jews in Yemen

Jews in Yemen
Jews in Yemen Any region in which Jews lived; they propagated the Law of Moses. Yemen, too, was under the influence of the Jews for some time, and Dh£-Nuw¡s, the king of Yemen, who had accepted Judaism, started suppressing Christians and announced Judaism as the official religion. In view of some researchers and historians, Dh£-Nuw¡s had some national and patriotic motives rather than religious sentiments, in announcing Judaism as an ...

The Arabian Peninsula;

The Arabian Peninsula;
Chapter OneThe Arabian Peninsula;its Geographical, Social and Cultural Status The Arabian Peninsula, located in the south-west of Asia, is the world's largest Peninsula. Extended from the north-west towards southeast, it resembles an irregular trapezoid[1] with an area of three million and two hundred thousand square kilometers[2]. The present Saudi Arabia covers nearly four-fifths of this Peninsula;[3] the rest, in accordance with the present ...

The events that Imam Ali (A.S) reminded the Tradition

The events that Imam Ali (A.S) reminded the Tradition
Imam Ali (A.S), in person, reminded others who witnessed the event of Ghadir and the tradition of the Messenger of Allah; these are some of the events:- On the day of Shura (Election Day for Uthman)- During the days of Uthman's rule- The Day of Rahbah (year 35) where 24 companions stood up and swore that they attended and heard the tradition of the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.F) first hand, twelve of whom were the warriors of Badr.- The Day of Jamal ...

Rabi al-Awwal 8, the Day of Grief

Rabi al-Awwal 8, the Day of Grief
“Peace upon you, O the Representative of Allah, and the Son of Allah’s Representatives; and the Father of His Representative… Peace upon you, O he who speaks with the Book of Allah…”The above is a passage from the ziyarah or standard form of salutation to an Infallible Member of Prophet Muhammad’s (SAWA) Household, at the news of whose martyrdom today in 260 AH (874 CE), according to contemporary accounts, ...

The Prophet’s achievements in Medina part 2

The Prophet’s achievements in Medina part 2
11. Priding on lineages Islam has prohibited the priding on lineages for it leads the split of the Islamic brotherhood. People in Islam are equal as the dents of a comb; no one has preference to another except by piety and good deeds. Once Uqbah bin Basheer al-Asadi had the honor of meeting Imam Abu Ja’far al-Baqir (a.s.) and began praising himself and his lineage. The imam said to him, “Do not pride on your lineage before us. Allah has ...

Ashura - History and Popular Legend-3

 	   Ashura - History and Popular Legend-3
We have attributed several companions to Husayn ibn 'Ali that he did not have, such as the Za'far the Jinn. Similarly, there are some names among the enemies that did not exist. It is mentioned in the book Asrar al-shahadah that 'Umar ibn Sa'd's army in Karbala' consisted of one million and sixty thousand men. One may ask, where did they come from? Were they all Kufans? Is such a thing possible?  It is also written in that book that Imam ...

Issues warning to the people of Kufa

Issues warning to the people of Kufa
This news reached No’man bin Basheer, who was made the governor of Kufa by Mu’awiyah and Yazeed too had let him remain in his place. He ascended the pulpit and after Praising and Glorifying Allah said, “Now then! O slaves of Allah! Fear Allah and do not make haste in spreading mischief and discord, for it will result in the murder of men, bloodshed and confisca­tion of wealth. I do not fight the one who does not confront me, nor do I ...

Old Mosques, Mausoleums and Imamzadehs, Ilam

Old Mosques, Mausoleums and Imamzadehs, Ilam
Vali Mosque, IlamThe people of the present Province of Ilam were nomads with tribal decamping life style thus no city in true sense has arisen. Therefore, most of the Jame' Mosques of the province have been constructed in recent century. Vali Mosque of Ilam may be considered as one of the oldest in the province with 90 years of antiquity. It was constructed by the order of Ilam Vali (Governor) and is named after him.Other Mosques, Ilam ...

Amirah's Conversion Story

Amirah's Conversion Story
Assalamualaikum. My name is sister Khadijah.. I really hope that my experiences can help and encourage those who are reverts to Islam and are living in non-muslim families . I reverted back to Islam about 6 years ago, I use the term 'reverted', because every baby is born a Muslim, it is only the parents that make him/her Jew, Christian, Buddhist etc.  So, Alhamdulillah, I reverted back to Islam 6 years ago after I met a Malaysian brother ...

Regime of Mu'awiya

Regime of Mu'awiya
Regime of Mu'awiya The topic of this book is an account of the sacred rising of Imam Husayn, which is a glorious chapter in the history of Islam. We propose to state briefly the important events of this period of less than a year which is quite short from the viewpoint of duration but extremely effective and eternal so far as its role is concerned. Distortions have taken place and continue to take place in every chapter of Islamic and ...

Marifat (recognition)

Marifat (recognition)
From our writing you can ascertain the importance of the value of love, but one can only love that which he recognizes. This recognition is called marifat.Description of Marifat (recognition)The description of marifat is to recognize one with those attributes which are only associated to him and not with any other. W e will make you understand by this example. Suppose two people are standing. Both are wearing black dress. One is wearing white c ...

The Treaty of Hudaybiyah

The Treaty of Hudaybiyah
Promulgation of the Treaty As soon as this pact was solemnly concluded by the parties concerned, the tribe of Khuza`ah entered into an alliance with Muhammad and that of Band Bakr with Quraysh. Soon after, Abu Jandal ibn Suhayl ibn 'Amr left Makkah forever and came to the Muslim camp seeking to join the Muslims. When Suhayl, the delegate of Quraysh to the Muslim camp, saw his son change loyalties in his presence, he struck him in ...

Who Wrote the History of Islam and How?

Who Wrote the History of Islam and How?
HISTORY, IT HAS BEEN SAID, IS THE PROPAGANDA OF THE VICTORIOUS PARTY. What this means is that in any conflict, the victor can manipulate history just as it pleases him, and there is nothing that the vanquished can do about it. The victorious party can cook up a story and broadcast it as the absolute truth without any fear of being challenged by anyone. It has not only the power to cook up its own story; it also has the power to spike the story ...


  During 8H, the Prophet (a.s) deputed Khalid ibn al-Walid with a group of Companions to Yemen for propagating the Message of Islam there. He stayed there for six months, but the efforts did not bear any fruits. There was no positive reaction from the people there al-Barra’ ibn `azib, who was a member of the delegation, says: “The Prophet (a.s) sent Khalid ibn al-Walid to Yemen for inviting people to the Faith. I was one of the persons ...

Tragedy of Karbala Remains Unforgetable

Tragedy of Karbala Remains Unforgetable
Tragedy of Karbala Remains Unforgetable In the month of Muharram 61 A.H. a terrific tragedy took place in Iraq on the bank of the river Euphrates. It seemed in those days to be trivial and insignificant from the historical point of view. A large army which had been mobilized by the Umayyad regime besieged a group of persons numbering less than one hundred and put them under pressure so that they might take the oath of allegiance to the ...

The Study of Islamic Philosophy

The Study of Islamic Philosophy
For a long time Islamic philosophy was under a cloud of doubt and uncertainty. Some people denied its existence while others affirmed it. This uncertainty continued all through the nineteenth century. Those who denied the very existence of an Islamic philosophy feigned ignorance and maintained that the teachings of Islam opposed all free discussion and investigation, and therefore Islam has never risen to the aid of philosophy and science ...

The Captives Taken To Syria

The Captives Taken To Syria
Ibn Ziyad sent a messenger to Yazid to inform him that al-Husayn (‘a) and those in his company were killed, that his children were in Kufa, and that he was waiting for his orders as to what to do with them. In his answer, Yazid ordered him to send them and the severed heads to him.1 ‘Ubaydullah wrote something, tied it to a rock then hurled it inside the prison where the family of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his ...

Muawiyah's Innovations due to enmity with Imam ‘Ali (as)

Muawiyah's Innovations due to enmity with Imam ‘Ali (as)
Nassa'i and the other transmitters of hadith quote Sa‘id ibn Jabir saying that on the Day of ‘Arafah, Ibn ‘Abbas asked him, "Why is it that I do not hear the people saying the talbiyah (labbayk)?" Sa‘id ibn Jabir answered, "The people are afraid of Mu‘awiyah." At that moment, Ibn ‘Abbas came out of his tent and defiantly said, "Labbayk! Allahumma Labbayk! (Here I am! O my Lord, here I am at Your service!). I say this even though ...