Tuesday 23rd of July 2024
History of Islam
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What kind of a book is Manaqib Murtazawi by Sayyid Muhammad Saleh Tirmidhi Kashfi? Are its contents reliable and authentic?

What kind of a book is Manaqib Murtazawi by Sayyid Muhammad Saleh Tirmidhi Kashfi? Are its contents reliable and authentic?
What about the book Kokab e Durri written by Syed Mohammad Saleh? Is there anything authentic in this book? Please tell the opinions of Ulema of Ilmul Rijal about hadiths or sermons mentioned in these books??Concise answerThe book "Kawkab Durri" or "Manaqi Murtazawi" was authored by Sayyid Saleh Tirmidhi Kashfi. He is a follower of Sunni school of jurisprudence and theology but he is a lover of the Ahlul-Bayt. He is intellectually a Shia who ...

Declaration of one present in Yazid’s court

Declaration of one present in Yazid’s court
Tabari recounts, "Then Yazid gave permission to the people to come to visit him. The people entered the king's court and saw Imam al-Husayn's (as) head placed opposite Yazid. Yazid was hitting Imam al-Husayn's (as) head with a wooden stick in his hands. A man from among the Prophet's (S) companions named Abu Bazrah Aslami addressed Yazid protestingly, ‘Are you hitting the throat of al-Husayn with your staff? Be aware that your stick is ...

Caliphate after the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P)

Caliphate after the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P)
Abu Bakr, son of Abu Quhafa, was the first caliph after the Prophet's demise. There are differing views on his name being either 'Abd Allah or 'Atiq. Apparently, many individuals have insisted on saying that his name was 'Abd Allah but he had previously been called 'Atiq. He belonged to the Banu Taym tribe, one of the tribes of the Quraysh.During the Dark Age, this tribe maintained minimal special standing among the other tribes. This claim is ...

The Qur'anic View of History

The Qur'anic View of History
The verses of the Holy Quran confirm the third view. As I have stated earlier, the Quran does not discuss human problems in our philo­sophical and scientific terminology. Its language and approach is dif­ferent. Nevertheless, the Quran views the problems concerning society in such a way that it supports the third view. The Quran puts forward the idea of a common history, a common destiny, a common record of deeds, a common consciousness, ...

Victory for Khomeini as army steps aside

Victory for Khomeini as army steps aside
  of the Ayatollah Khomeini appear to be in control of the Iranian capital, Tehran, tonight. Only 10 days since Khomeini's triumphant return to Iran from exile in Paris, the army has returned to barracks and given up the fight to defend the old regime. Prime Minister Shahpour Bakhtiar, brought in by the Shah only last month in an effort to win back popular support, has resigned and disappeared. Iran radio is reporting rumours he has ...

His Humbleness

His Humbleness
A. His Humbleness Once Imam Hussein (a.s.) passed by poor men eating crumbs of bread on a mat. He greeted them and they invited him to their meal. He sat among them and said: "If your food were not alms, I would have eaten with you. Come home with me," he asked them. There, he fed them, clothed them and provided them with money. 13One could easily detect the depth of his humbleness through examination of this vivid testimony, particularly when ...

The meaning of distortion (tahrif) in general

The meaning of distortion (tahrif) in general
Fourth Sermon In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the MercifulAll Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the worlds and the Maker of all creation, and may Peace and benedictions be upon His servant and messenger, His beloved and elect, our master, our prophet, and our sire, Abu al-Qasim Muhammad, may Allah bless him and his pure, immaculate, and infallible Progeny.I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan:"So for their breaking their ...


  From the day the Prophet migrated to Madina and made that city the centre of Islam, he was always watchful of the conditions of the enemies and their enthusiasm and conspiracies, and attached great importance to the collection of information about their activities. He sent skillful and proficient persons to Makkah and to the different tribes of idolaters at various places so that they might inform him in time about the decisions and plots of ...

Theoretical Gnosis

Theoretical Gnosis
We now come to the theoretical aspect of gnosis. The theoretical gnosis deals with the nature of the universe and discusses man, God and the world. As such this part of gnosis has a close resemblance to theosophy, for both of them interpret the nature of the universe. Just as philosophy has its own problems and principles, similarly mysticism also has its own problems and principles. The difference between the two is that philosophy bases its ...

The Beginning of the Mission

The Beginning of the Mission
At the age of forty, when Prophet Muhammad was in spiritual retreat in the cave of Hirã’, he received the first revelation from God through Arch-Angel Gabriel: this was the beginning of the mission of propagating the new religion. At that moment the first five verses of Chapter 96, Surah al-Alaq, of the Qur’ãn were revealed to him. (This event is known as bi‘that — being raised to proclaim God’s message.) That very day he ...

Academics Discuss Problems to Study Islam

Academics Discuss Problems to Study Islam
Interpreting Islam edited by Hastings Donnan. Pub: Sage Publications, London, 2002. Pp: 196. Pbk: £18.95.By Laila JumaThis small volume, fewer than 200 pages, is timely, coming soon after the September 11 attacks, which have brought Islam to the forefront of many minds in the West. Unlike many books rushed into the bookstores during the last few months, this is not an attempt to explain Islam to the uninformed (often by the uninformed); ...

History of Islamic Philosophy

History of Islamic Philosophy
History of Islamic Philosophy   The interest of Western scholars in the development of Islamic philosophical thought has been comparatively small. There appear to be two reasons for this neglect: the nature of the subject matter and the character of Western scholarship itself. The main body of Islamic thought, in so far as it has any relevance outside the scope of Islam, belongs to a remote past. In fact, as this book will show, Islamic ...

The Imam's journey

The Imam's journey
Muaweyah declared his open defiance to the Imam, and the Imam found his confrontation with Muaweyah inevitable. Therefore, he went on trying to mobilize an army in order to subdue this dangerous rebellion. While he was dealing with this crisis, he received the news of the journey of the three leaders to Iraq. He changed his plan. The Imam found it necessary to give priority to the crisis of the three leaders. The providence of Iraq was the most ...


In the middle of the month of Zil Qa'dah of the eighth year of migration the Prophet disposed of all the booty of Hunayn at Ji'rinah. Haj days were fast approaching and it was the first year when the polytheist Arabs and the Muslims were to perform Haj ceremonies together under the supervision of the Islamic Government of Makkah. The participation of the Prophet in these ceremonies would add to the pomp and grandeur of Haj, and it was under his ...


Migration of a group of Muslims to Ethiopia is a clear proof of their faith and deep sincerity. With a view to get rid of the mischief and atrocities of Quraysh and to acquire a peaceful atmosphere for observing their religious ceremonies and worshipping Allah the One, they decided to leave Makkah and to forsake their wealth, business, children and relatives. They, however, wondered what to do and where to go, for they saw that idolatry ...


CESSATION OF REVELATION The soul of the Holy Prophet had been illuminated with the light of revelation and he continuously meditated and reflected upon the onerous duty which the Almighty Lord had entrusted to him by saying: "O you who are wrapped up in your vestment, arise and give warning. Magnify your Lord . . ." (Surah al-Muddaththir, (74:1-3) He was also expecting another message from his Lord, so that by hearing the verses and the word ...

The Environments of the Event of Fadak

The Environments of the Event of Fadak
That was the veracious Fatima, the daughter of the prophet, the delight of his eye,the example of infallibility, the radiant halo and the remainder of the prophet among the muslims, on her way to the mosque .She lost the father, who was the best at all in the history of mankind , the most sympathetic, the most compassionate and most blessed.This was a calamity that could make the one efflicted with, taste the betterness of dying and find dying ...

Proclamation of Prophethood

Proclamation of Prophethood
I praise Allah seeking completion of His Blessing, submitting to His Glory and expecting safety from committing His sins. I invoke His help being in need of His Sufficiency (of protection). He whom He guides does not get astray, He with whom He is hostile gets no protection. He whom He supports does not remain needy. Praise is most weighty of all that is weighed and the most valuable of all that is treasured. I stand witness that there is no ...

Becoming A'araab after the passing of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.)

Becoming A'araab after the passing of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.)
During the lifetime of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) it was incumbent upon every person to migrate towards him (s.a.w.s.) to obtain instruction in religion and faith. In case he lived in the midst of unbelievers where he could not perform the obligatory acts of prayers and fasting, it was all the more necessary to migrate. Failure to migrate and returning to nomadism is decreed to be a Greater Sin and the Almighty has promised Hell fire for such ...


The last writer in the list of authorities is Shaykh al‑Mufid. In his work Kitab al‑Irshad[65], hepresents an account of the martyrdom of the Imam al‑Husayn. He claims that his authorities are Ibn al‑Kalbi and al‑Mada'ini. In fact, he seems mostly to have used Ibn al‑Kalbi in al‑Tabari's recension. On one occasion he uses an alternative to Ibn al‑Kalbi which al‑Tabari has provided concerning Ibn Ziyad's entry into Kufa[66], but ...