Monday 22nd of July 2024
History of Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Universe And Its Parts

The Universe And Its Parts
  Al-Mufadhdhal said, “I left him so happy and delighted. That night felt so long while I waited for that which he had promised me. In the morning, I went to him. After being permitted, I went in and stood before him. He asked me to have a seat, and I did. Then he went up to a room to where he would often retire in solitude. I got up too. He asked me to follow him. He entered the room, and I entered after him. He sat down, and I sat before ...

History of al-Baghi in Madinatul Munawwarah

History of al-Baghi in Madinatul Munawwarah
 History of al-Baghi in Madinatul Munawwarah (Saudi Arabia)IntroductionOn 8th Shawwal, Wednesday, in the year 1345 AH (April 21, 1925), mausoleums in Jannatul al-Baqi (Madina) were demolished by King Ibn Saud. In the same year (1925), he also demolished the tombs of holy personages at Jannat al-Mualla (Makkah) where the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)'s mother, wife, grandfather and other ancestors are buried.Destruction of sacred sites in Hijaz by ...


  The Battle of Badr is one of the greatest and most famous battles of Islam and those who participated in it enjoyed a special distinction amongst the Muslims. Whenever one or more mujahids of Badr participated in or gave evidence about any matter the people used to say: "So many Badris agree with us". The word 'Badri' is used in the biographies of the companions of the Prophet for those persons who participated in the Battle of Badr and the ...

God! be a witness

God! be a witness
Ayesha's army forced its way into the city of Basra during a very cold night. They killed many citizens in the masjid. Then they entered the house of Uthman bin Hanif and maltreated and insulted him. Talha and Zubayr resented very much the treatment meted out by the soldiers to Uthman bin Hanif because he too was one of the distinguished companions of the prophet. (We have already written in detail in "Hazrat Amirul Mo'mineen" part III that the ...

Imam Sajjad in the Court of Ibn Ziyad

Imam Sajjad in the Court of Ibn Ziyad
Imam Sajjad in the Court of Ibn Ziyad Imam Sajjad was brought to Ibn Ziyad's court and made to stand before that. tyrant. "Who are you?" He asked the Imam. The Imam replied: "I am Ali ibn Husayn". He said: "Did Allah not kill Ali ibn Husayn?" The Imam replied: "I had a brother whose name was also Ali and the people killed him ". (The Imam meant to tell Ibn Ziyād not to attribute sin to Allah and not to say something irrelevant, because ...

The Battle Of Khaybar

The Battle Of Khaybar
In Dhu 'l-Hijjah of 8/ 630 the Battle of Khaybar took place. According to al-Waqidi, this battle took place at the beginning of the 7th year of the Hijrah. [55] There were at the time of the settlement of Khaybar (near Medina) fourteen thousand Jews, living in well fortified strongholds. The Messenger of Allah besieged them for twenty some days, and began to break down their fortifications one by one. The strongest of these and most populated ...

Acquaintance with the School of the Prophets

Acquaintance with the School of the Prophets
In the world where our existence unfolds, we have never heard of or seen an organization or administration that is left to its own devices without a supervisor being responsible for it. Human reason and intelligence cannot accept that social institutions be without a leader or ruler, and no thinker will approve of an organizational formula that lacks a responsible leader. Given that reason and logic emphasize the necessity of a responsible ...


SETTLEMENT IN NAJAF Najaf is situated five miles to the west of al-Kūfah. There is a legend that log ago there was a mass of water at the place. When the water was totally absorbed by the soil and its substrata, the place was called annajaf or nayjaf, meaning the water had dried up. With excessive use the place came to be called Najaf. Adjacent to Najaf, there was another habitation, three miles from al-Kūfah, that was known as al-Hirah. ...

The Reasons behind the Burgeoning of the Shi‘ah during the Period of ‘Abbasid Caliphate

The Reasons behind the Burgeoning of the Shi‘ah during the Period of ‘Abbasid Caliphate
Shi‘ism experienced ever-increasing expansion during the period of the ‘Abbasid caliphate. This fact had some reasons and factors, some of which are the following:1. The Hashimis and ‘Alawis during the Period of Umayyad CaliphateDuring the Umayyad period, the Hashimis—including both the ‘Abbasids and the ‘Alawis—were united, and from the time of Hashim when the ‘Abbasid campaigns started and ...

Someone asked Imam Bagher (P) : “ Why Hajj has been named “ The Hajj of God’s House “? “ Imam said: It means that the pilgrim has reached salvation.

 Someone asked Imam Bagher (P) : “ Why Hajj has been named “ The Hajj of God’s House “? “ Imam said: It means that the pilgrim has reached salvation.
Someone asked Imam Bagher (P) : “ Why Hajj has been named “ The Hajj of God’s House “? “ Imam said: It means that the pilgrim has reached salvation. Imam Ali Ibn Hossain Zeinol Abedin (P) says: perform Hajj and Omreh rituals in order to be safe and sound, to make it better living for yourfamily and make a better life.  Imam Ali Ibn Hossain Zeinol Abedin (P) says: Pilgrim of God’s House will be ...

Zaynab bint Ja¦sh

Zaynab bint Ja¦sh
Zaynab bint Ja¦sh A close relative of the Holy Prophet, Zaynab was married to Zayd ibn °¡rithah, the Holy Prophet's stepchild.[1] She married the Holy Prophet after her separation from Zayd. Zayd had been the slave of Khad¢jah before he was freed and adopted by the Holy Prophet. From then on, he was called Zayd son of Mu¦ammad.[2] After the prophethood, God made the adoption of sons illegal: Allah has not made for any man two hearts ...

The Qur'an Informs Us Of Muhammad

The Qur'an Informs Us Of Muhammad
The Qur'an Informs Us Of MuhammadIn regard to the Prophet Muhammad, we read God's word in the chapter of The Moon: "The hour (of judgement) is near, and the moon has been split. But if they see a sign, they turn away and say: This is prolonged magic." (ch. 54, vs. 1-2)This verse informs us that Allah split the moon in response to His Messenger Muhammad's prayer, and this never happened before the time of Muhammad.A Tree Walked In Response To The ...

Jabbir faces the Imam Baqir (A.S.)

Jabbir faces the Imam Baqir (A.S.)
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) told one of his pious friends named Jabbir bin Abdullah, "Oh Jabbir! You will live and will see my son Mohammad Bin Ali Bin Al Hussain whose name in Torah (The Old Testament) is Baqir, convey my compliments (Salam) to him." The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) passed away and Jabbir remained alive for long times to come. One day, he visited the house of Imam Zain-ul-Abidin (A.S.) and came across a small child. He asked lmam Sajjad ...

Breach of Ban£-Qaynuq¡` Treaty

Breach of Ban£-Qaynuq¡` Treaty
Breach of Ban£-Qaynuq¡` Treaty Ban£-Qaynuq¡` was the first Jewish tribe that violated the nonaggression pact. This was because Muslims' victory was bitter for both the Jews and the infidels. After the Battle of Badr and the victory of Muslims, both the Jews and the hypocrites became so furious. The first group that started incurring animosity of Islam was Ban£-Qaynuq¡` although the Holy Prophet had warned them against so and advised them ...

How much do you know Allame Hilli?

How much do you know Allame Hilli?
History bears evidence that after Halaku Khan, the Mongol sovereigns embraced Islam and settled down in Iran and ruled there. The question is how the wild Mongol tribes had a sudden change of mind and accepted Islam—the Faith of Peace? It was Khawaja Naseer ud Deen Toosi who motivated them to convert to Islam. The great grandson of Halaku Khan, Sultan Khazan Khan, had inherited the territory of Iran in the year 702 H. It so happened that one ...

Mu‘awiyah and abandonment of divine limits

Mu‘awiyah and abandonment of divine limits
Al-Mawardi and other transmitters of hadith have recounted that a number of thieves were brought before Mu‘awiyah for judgment. He cut the hands of all the thieves save one. Then, Mu‘awiyah said to the remaining thief, "I have cut the hands of all of your companions. What should I do with you?" The mother of the thief whose hands had not yet been cut interjected and pleadingly said, "O Amir! Consider this to be one of those sins which you ...

The Culture Established by Islam

The Culture Established by Islam
  Culture is a Bi-polar Reality (Innately Internal and Innately External)   The bi-polar quality of culture means it possesses both innately internal and innately external aspects, just like the bi-polar quality of beauty does. Since conceiving beauty depends on human psychological and mental characteristics (other living beings are incapable of it), comprehending culture also has an innately internal aspect resulted by “The Principle of ...

The Defeat of the Tawwabin

The Defeat of the Tawwabin
Before Sulaymen b. Surad left, Yazid b. al‑Harith b. Yazid b. Ru'aym, one of the Kufan tribal leaders reported the Shi'a activities of both Sulayman b. Surad and al‑Mukhtar to the governor'Abd Allah b. Yazid. He pointed out that al‑Mukhtar did not want to revolt yet, but that Sulayman b. Surad would revolt very soon. He suggested firm action against him. 'Abd Allah b. Yazid preached in the mosque against revolt and said that he would not ...

Mu‘awiyah himself cursed Imam ‘Ali (as)

Mu‘awiyah himself cursed Imam ‘Ali (as)
As long as the Holy Prophet (S) was alive, Bani Hashim and Imam ‘Ali (as) holding the foremost position among them, were held in great honor and high respect, but soon after the death of the Holy Prophet (S), hostilities and enmities began to appear. These antagonisms were especially directed towards Imam ‘Ali (as). These enmities reached their climax during the reign of Bani Umayyah especially under the leadership of Mu‘awiyah ibn Abu ...

Harmony and Discord

Harmony and Discord
The holy Prophet gave orders that his newly acquired courtyard should be into a mosque, and as in Quba they began work on it immediately. Most of the building was done with bricks, but in the middle of the northern wall, that is, the Jerusalem wall, they put stones on either side of the prayer niche. The palms in the courtyard were cut down and their trunks were used as pillars to support the roof of palm branches, but the greater part of the ...