Thursday 26th of December 2024
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Egyptians’ Love for Ahl-ul-Bayt (AS) Reason for Ale-Saud’s Enmity

One of the reasons for the Saudis’ hostility towards the people of Egypt is that Egyptians love Ahl-ul-Bayt (AS).

Muhiyeddin Al-Ghundur , Egyptian Shia political activist, told IQNA that since the Fatimid era, one of the characteristics of the people of Egypt has been their love for Ahl-ul-bayt (AS) though the majority of the country’s population is Sunni.

He said Saudi Arabia is attempting to spread Wahabism in Egypt, but the Egyptian people are vigilant and oppose the move.

He referred to the Islamic awakening movement in Egypt and said, “I am proud to have been among young Egyptians during the country’s great revolution.”

Al-Ghundur also pointed to the Egyptian protesters’ capturing of the Zionist embassy in Cairo and said it was a clear message for Egyptian youths to Washington and Tel Aviv that they would not back down on their struggle against the world arrogance.

He went on to say that the revolution of the people of Egypt has not concluded and that people are still present in the scene demanding for change.

source : ایکنا
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