Saturday 29th of June 2024
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Top Yemeni general joins protesters

 In a televised message on Monday, Gen. Ali Mohsen expressed his support for anti-government protesters.

Mohsen, however, has not announced his resignation, AFP reported.

This comes after Yemeni ruler Ali Abdullah Saleh sacked his entire government on Sunday amid persisting protests by the oppression-weary public that has staged a revolution against his regime.

Saleh has vowed to form a new government soon and has instructed the current cabinet, which was headed by Prime Minister Ali Mohammed Mujawar, to act as a caretaker and run daily operations until a new government is formed.

Also on Sunday, crowds swarmed the square near the Sana'a University, commemorating 30 people that died together with 22 others on Friday in an attack by the military's snipers.

Protest rallies have been raging on since January, blaming the Saleh regime for trampling upon the rights of the people.

Since the beginning of the popular revolution, scores of people have been killed and hundreds more wounded during armed attacks by Saleh's loyalists.

Meanwhile, a number of influential Yemeni clerics on Sunday called on Saleh to appease the demands of protesters and end his decades-old rule to avoid further violence and bloodshed.

source : http://abna.ir
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