Sunday 30th of June 2024
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Hundreds of Pakistani women hold anti-US rally

Hundreds of Pakistani women have taken to the streets in the largest city of Karachi to protest US-led airstrikes that killed dozens of Pakistani soldiers last month, Press TV reports. 

The protesters also on Tuesday condemned the US for what they called intervening in Pakistan's internal affairs. 

The Jamaat-e Islami Karachi Chief, Muhammad Hussain Mahenti, warned US and NATO forces that their acts of aggression against the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Pakistan would not be tolerated and would be retaliated with full force. 

"Pakistani army should be deployed on borders with Afghanistan to ensure complete protection from any adventurism," Mahenti said. 

He further said that the women rally is a concrete proof that the entire nation is united for the cause of protecting the country from the US aggression. 

In November, at least 24 Pakistani troops were killed and dozens of others were injured in US-led airstrikes in northwest Pakistan. 

Washington claims that the drone strikes target militants, although casualty figures indicate that the aerial bombings have led to the loss of hundreds of Pakistani civilian lives. 

The country has lost more than 35,000 people in militant attacks and bomb explosions since 2007, according to independent estimates. 

Millions more have been displaced by the wave of violence and militancy across the country.

source : http://abna.ir
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