Saturday 29th of June 2024
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Best Quran scribers to be honored


Best Quran scribers to be honored

 As Mehdi Babaei said, 18 best scribers of the holy Quran will be revered in the ceremony which is held on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Imam Musa Kazem, the 7th Shi’a Imam.

He went on to say that the writers of the complete copies of the holy Quran, scribers of Nour Verse and scribers of fiver supplications will be praised in the closing event.

He asserted that as many as 100 works were submitted to the secretariat of the festival and were screened by the panel of judges based on a number of factors like artistic beauty and the level of artistry of the creators.

The festival is aimed at identification of talents in the field of manuscripts and scripture of the holy Quran and promotion of the art.

Regarding the wide reception of the festival among Quranic artists, the festival will be held every year or two years from now one, he went on to add.

source : http://abna.ir
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