Saturday 29th of June 2024
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Coordination of Quranic Activities

This is according to Rahim Qorbani who heads the Quran and Etrat Center of Students’ Basij Organization.

He told IQNA that the establishment of the Quran and Etrat Deputy in the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance will also lead to better coordination in these activities.

Qorbani urged for promotion of a Quranic culture in society and said the Quran should enter people’s lives and affect the lifestyle of all members of the society.

Asked about the role of Quran competitions in promotion of the Quranic culture, he said wherever the Quran’s message reverberates, it will pave the way for promotion of the culture of the Quran.

He also pointed to the national Quran competition held in the northern province of Mazandarn last month was received very well the people of the province.

source : http://ca.iqna.ir
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