Friday 20th of September 2024
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Ancient mosque turned into ruin

Leaked pictures and a video footage showed that the ancient mosque of Sa’sa’a bin Suhan has been vandalized. The mosque, that is located in Askar, had been turned into ruins while under the knowledge and supervision of the regime. It is one of more than 38 mosques to be either demolished or partly vandalized by the regime in a systematic sectarian campaign against Shiite mosques. The mosque houses an ancient grave of a historic Islamic figure, and which has been vandalized too.

Al Wefaq considered this dangerous attack a religious insult against the religious sects and reflects the level of hostility and hatred practiced by the regime and protected when practiced by its loyalists.

Al Wefaq said the regime uses systematic sectarian provocation to retaliate from the citizens.

It is difficult to reach the mosque after threats by regime loyalists who threatened the guard, who is of Asian origin, that his legs would be cut off if he appeared in the mosque again, which forced him to leave the area. All this happens with the knowledge of the concerned State-institutions.

The Sa’sa’a bin Suhan mosque is a historic milestone that was built more than 1000 years ago. It reflects the origins of the people of Bahrain since the first years of Islam more than 1400 years ago. However, the mosque has been subjected to deliberate neglect together with repeated attacks over the three past years. The regime is fully responsible for this dangerous tampering of the mosque.

source : http://abna.ir
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