Saturday 29th of June 2024
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ISIS Threat Listing Where Future Attacks Will Occur, Is Your State on the List?

Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Those on the left think we shouldn’t worry about ISIS because they are on the other side of the earth. New info released today is telling us that not only are they here, they are ready to attack in several states. The attack on a Muhammad cartoon contest was only a taste of what is to come. In this threat, the author, Abu Al Ameriki, names Pamela Geller as a target. If you are not familiar with Pamela Geller, she is the woman who coordinated the Free Speech event in
ISIS Threat Listing Where Future Attacks Will Occur, Is Your State on the List?

Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Those on the left think we shouldn’t worry about ISIS because they are on the other side of the earth. New info released today is telling us that not only are they here, they are ready to attack in several states. The attack on a Muhammad cartoon contest was only a taste of what is to come. In this threat, the author, Abu Al Ameriki, names Pamela Geller as a target. If you are not familiar with Pamela Geller, she is the woman who coordinated the Free Speech event in Garland, Texas. The author also names specific states that he implies will be attacked. He claims, “we  are increasing in numbers bithnillah”, which means with the permission of Allah. We can only hope that America takes this seriously, but with a president who won’t even acknowledge radical Islam exists, hope is all we have.

ISIS released their threat on JustPasteIt. It reads:

Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem

“The New Era”

To our brothers and sisters fighting for the Sake of Allah, we make dua for you and ask Allah to guide your bullets, terrify your enemies, and establish you in the Land. As our noble brother in the Phillipines said in his bayah, “This is the Golden Era, everyone who believes… is running for Shaheed”.

The attack by the Islamic State in America is only the beginning of our efforts to establish a wiliyah in the heart of our enemy. Our aim was the khanzeer Pamela Geller and to show her that we don’t care what land she hides in or what sky shields her; we will send all our Lions to achieve her slaughter. This will heal the hearts of our brothers and disperse the ones behind her. To those who protect her: this will be your only warning of housing this woman and her circus show. Everyone who houses her events, gives her a platform to spill her filth are legitimate targets. We have been watching closely who was present at this event and the shooter of our brothers. We knew that the target was protected. Our intention was to show how easy we give our lives for the Sake of Allah.

We have 71 trained soldiers in 15 different states ready at our word to attack any target we desire. Out of the 71 trained soldiers 23 have signed up for missions like Sunday, We are increasing in number bithnillah. Of the 15 states, 5 we will name… Virginia, Maryland, Illinois, California, and Michigan. The disbelievers who shot our brothers think that you killed someone untrained, nay, they gave you their bodies in plain view because we were watching.

The next six months will be interesting, To our Amir Al Mu’mineen make dua for us and continue your reign, May Allah enoble your face.

May Allah send His peace and blessings upon our Prophet Muhummad and all those who follow until the last Day.

Abu Ibrahim Al Ameriki

The threat was posted by Abu Al Ameriki.

source : abna
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