Saturday 29th of June 2024
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London Protesters Demand Justice For Zaria Massacre Victims During Buhari Visit / Photos

London Protesters Demand Justice For Zaria Massacre Victims During Buhari Visit / Photos

The Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) is staging a protest and vigil for Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky in London, where President Muhammadu Buhari is attending an anti-corruption summit.

The aim of the protest is to call attention to the Zaria massacre, in which over 350 Shiite Muslims were killed by the Nigerian military, and the abuse and unlawful detention of Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky, the leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN).

The massacre, took place between December 12 and 14, 2016, by Nigerian army against hundreds of unarmed members of the Islamic Movement.

President Buhari and top military leaders have not taken meaningful legal action connected to the Zaria massacre to date, which has sparked outrage among the Muslim and non-Muslim communities around the world. The Kaduna State government established an apparent Judicial Commission of Inquiry to investigate the incident, but thus far, no concrete steps have been taken to hold the perpetrators of the massacre accountable.

IHRC is hoping that its protest will pressure the Buhari administration and Nigerian military to thoroughly investigate the matter and bring justice to the families of the victims.


source : abna24.com
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