Saturday 29th of June 2024
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15 Killed, Dozens injured in Car Bomb Explosion near Holy Shrine of Lady Zaynab

15 Killed, Dozens injured in Car Bomb Explosion near Holy Shrine of Lady Zaynab

15 killed, dozens injured in massive car bomb explosion that has ripped through an area in the vicinity of the holy shrine of Lady Zaynab (PBUH) on the suburbs of the violence-plagued Syrian capital city, Damascus.
Syrian media said at least 15 people were killed and dozens of others injured on Saturday when the explosions hit near the holy shrine of Lady Zaynab (Peace Be Upon Her).
Sources said a bomber blew up his explosives vast at the entrance of the shrine, leaving several casualties among pilgrims.
It was followed by a second explosion when an explosive-laden car parked on the nearby al-Tin street went off shortly afterwards.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility but Takfiri terrorists such as Daesh have hit the area at least three times this year, killing or injuring scores of people.

source : hawzahnews
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