Saturday 29th of June 2024
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Alhaji Ismail Yakubu; New Shia Muslim, Who is trying to teach some children about Teachings of Ahlulbayt in Ghana

Alhaji Ismail Yakubu; New Shia Muslim, Who is trying to teach some children about Teachings of Ahlulbayt in Ghana

I said to myself I should do my best to deliver the message of Ahlul Bait. Therefore, I opened a school for children and adults. They are now increased to more than one hundred. I teach syntax (nahv). recitation of the Quran (Tajweed), Arabic word (Luggat-ul arabia) and etc.

An interview with Alhaji Ismail Yakubu by Zahra Salehi conducted by  rahyafte (the missionaries and converts website):

For the first question, Mr. Yakubu, please give us a short biography of yourself.
My full name is Alhaji Ismail Yakubu. I was born in May 12, 1980 in Techiman, B A region, Ghana, west Africa. I attended nursery and primary, also secondary and high school all in Techiman, B A region. I learned about Islam since childhood in the school Al Azaria. I completed Quran in 1995. I was one of the best Tijanniyan students and also an eulogist for Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

What is your educational level?
I have a diploma in religious studies.

What happened that you became a Shia Muslim? What made you to know about Shiism?
In 2002, I became familiar through my friends with Ahlul Bait Center in Accra, Ghana. So, I went to take an examination. I was admitted in 2003, Praised be to Allah. All of a sudden, I criticized Shi’a through their reasons but, Allah, Glorified be He and Highly exalted, chose me to become one of the Ahlul Bait lovers; then I accepted Shia’s school. So I completed the course in Ahlul Bait Teacher Training centre in Accra, Ghana in 2007. Then, I came back to my hometown in Techiman, B A region and I started to get a job like teaching or something else. My father helped me to open a school.

What was your family’s reaction after you became a shia? Did you have any problem with people who knew you?
Only one of my uncles accepted Shiism and supported me; he even helped me to get married but, unfortunately, he passed away five months ago. He was like Abu Taalib for me. Right now no one else is willing to help me like him.
My family had a very bad reaction. They became very sad; they don’t like to see me. They don’t want to have a relationship with me. They don’t invite me in their family meetings. But, I try to forge closer relationship with them because I love them. I pray someday they understand Ahlul Bait Insha Allah. But, unfortunately wahhabits and tijanis are disturbing us; there is no help and support for us. I am afraid that if I could not have support and help, they destroy my efforts. We are in desperate need of basic essentials. We need someone who can help us to expand our school and also to add chairs for the children.
What happened that you felt you should establish an Islamic school? What do you teach there? Do you only teach to children?
In fact, they are illiterate to know the reality of Islam. So we are struggling and praying for them to understand Islam. Most of them are now confused. Unfortunately, wahabites are disturbing us. We are under pressure from them. I said to myself I should do my best to deliver the message of Ahlul Bait. Therefore, I opened a school for children and adults. They are now increased to more than one hundred. I teach syntax (nahv). recitation of the Quran (Tajweed), Arabic word (Luggat-ul arabia) and etc.
As we are near Moharram, do you hold any religious ceremony in your region?
Of course. That is Ashura and Arbaeen of Imam Hussein (AS).
How do you see the spread of Islam in Ghana?
It is going on very well but unfortunately wahhabites’ proselytizing are in the lead for now.
For the last question, as someone who teaches Quran, what is the most beautiful Ayah of the Quran in your opinion?
I think Ayah 33. Sura Al-Ahzab that says, “Verily Allah’s Will is to remove away impurity from you, the people of the messenger’s household and to purify you thoroughly” is the sweetest Ayah. By listening to this Ayah, I am filled with enjoyment.
Thank you very much for your attention. You are doing a great job and we all appreciate you and your friends. 

source : shafaqna
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