Saturday 29th of June 2024
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Imam Khamenei: Negotiating with US not resolve Iran’s problems, but aggravate them

Leader of the Islamic Revolution has warned that the mentality should not be promoted that negotiation with US would provide solutions to country’s problems. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei received and addressed a group of school and university students on Wednesday, largely seen as a me

Leader of the Islamic Revolution has warned that the mentality should not be promoted that negotiation with US would provide solutions to country’s problems.

Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei received and addressed a group of school and university students on Wednesday, largely seen as a meeting to mark the anniversary of November 4, 1979 where a group of university students took over US embassy, an event Imam Khomeini called it a ‘second revolution.’

Leader warned that the mentality that the US and concessions against it would help solve some of country’s problems was misguided; instead, he believed, the ‘revolutionary spirit’ would provide a panacea for ills of the society as well as economic woes; “the historic event of November 4 revealed the true nature of the US as a state behind all the political plights of the nation; the day was historic in that our Revolutionary students forestalled any preemptive measures the US would have embarked otherwise,” he told the meeting. “Their action was an act of valor and a proved a hindsight which now seems a great feat.”

“The ‘second revolution,’ a name given by Imam [Khomeini] is an apt title, since the US had engaged in almost all changes in the country and supported an autocratic Shah and sought to abort the Revolution early in its formative years; 70 books of the US measures, prepared by the students and published since then, made the embassy a true candidate for a name, ‘Den of Spies,’” emphasized the Leader, criticizing the educational system for their ignoring, in systematic manner, the historical significance of the issue, and the fact that school and university textbooks and curricula were carried no trace of the event.

Leader then turned to a misguided mentality promoted by specific circles which was an orchestrated attempt to inculcate in the young generation that the US should be seen as the remedy for all problems of the country; “the undermining of Imam Khomeini’s assertion that the US should be the target of all cries and complaints is now strictly propagated by their proxies and mercenaries and cultural boots in the country, where they have found universities and the press as good places of infiltration,” he added.

Ayatollah Khamenei believed that the US political establishment shunned any trace of human value, and attributed Imam’s accurate resistance against them as his endeavor to defend human values; “the political regime in Washington evinces the least affinity with human values; this is evident in the campaign trail of the presidential elections; both candidates expose to the world public the disasters and the harsh realities of the US domestic politics; I have referred to few examples in my addresses, but have been evident in the political scene of the US itself.”

A dominant issue in his addresses, that the US should not be trusted, also was Leader’s other subject matter in his address; “in their JCPOA, they have shown that they are not to be trusted; even our nuclear negotiator have admitted the fact in many occasions; many high-ranking officials of the system also are aware that the Washington is not a good place to invest political hopes,” he told the meeting.

“Courage in action, innovation in bypassing restrictions, and facing the enemy, along with a hope in the future should constitute the parts of any successful plan which would aptly called ‘Revolutionary;’ the individuals of average courage however would falter in the path and lament that the workings of the heavens had betrayed them; such individuals contribute to undermining the ideals of the Imam and would discourage the young cohort,” he concluded.
Leader of the Islamic Revolution has warned that the mentality should not be promoted that negotiation with US would provide solutions to country’s problems.

Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei received and addressed a group of school and university students on Wednesday, largely seen as a meeting to mark the anniversary of November 4, 1979 where a group of university students took over US embassy, an event Imam Khomeini called it a ‘second revolution.’

Leader warned that the mentality that the US and concessions against it would help solve some of country’s problems was misguided; instead, he believed, the ‘revolutionary spirit’ would provide a panacea for ills of the society as well as economic woes; “the historic event of November 4 revealed the true nature of the US as a state behind all the political plights of the nation; the day was historic in that our Revolutionary students forestalled any preemptive measures the US would have embarked otherwise,” he told the meeting. “Their action was an act of valor and a proved a hindsight which now seems a great feat.”

“The ‘second revolution,’ a name given by Imam [Khomeini] is an apt title, since the US had engaged in almost all changes in the country and supported an autocratic Shah and sought to abort the Revolution early in its formative years; 70 books of the US measures, prepared by the students and published since then, made the embassy a true candidate for a name, ‘Den of Spies,’” emphasized the Leader, criticizing the educational system for their ignoring, in systematic manner, the historical significance of the issue, and the fact that school and university textbooks and curricula were carried no trace of the event.

Leader then turned to a misguided mentality promoted by specific circles which was an orchestrated attempt to inculcate in the young generation that the US should be seen as the remedy for all problems of the country; “the undermining of Imam Khomeini’s assertion that the US should be the target of all cries and complaints is now strictly propagated by their proxies and mercenaries and cultural boots in the country, where they have found universities and the press as good places of infiltration,” he added.

Ayatollah Khamenei believed that the US political establishment shunned any trace of human value, and attributed Imam’s accurate resistance against them as his endeavor to defend human values; “the political regime in Washington evinces the least affinity with human values; this is evident in the campaign trail of the presidential elections; both candidates expose to the world public the disasters and the harsh realities of the US domestic politics; I have referred to few examples in my addresses, but have been evident in the political scene of the US itself.”

A dominant issue in his addresses, that the US should not be trusted, also was Leader’s other subject matter in his address; “in their JCPOA, they have shown that they are not to be trusted; even our nuclear negotiator have admitted the fact in many occasions; many high-ranking officials of the system also are aware that the Washington is not a good place to invest political hopes,” he told the meeting.

“Courage in action, innovation in bypassing restrictions, and facing the enemy, along with a hope in the future should constitute the parts of any successful plan which would aptly called ‘Revolutionary;’ the individuals of average courage however would falter in the path and lament that the workings of the heavens had betrayed them; such individuals contribute to undermining the ideals of the Imam and would discourage the young cohort,” he concluded.

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