Saturday 29th of June 2024
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Artworks on Three Grand Mosques to Be Exhibited in Jordan

Artworks on Three Grand Mosques to Be Exhibited in Jordan

-- The Layaan Cultural Institute in Saudi Arabia and National Museum of Fine Arts in Jordan plan to hold on December 19 the fourth exhibition of the three grand mosques- those in Mecca and Medina as well as Al-Aqsa Mosque in Palestine- at the museum in Amman.

According to Al-Dastoor newspaper, 20 artists from 15 Arab and Islamic countries will take part at the exhibition which has been organized in line with the programs for commemorating "Quds; Cultural Capital of the Arab World in 2009".

The exhibition will display the artistic relation between the three mosques, the holiest and the most important religious sites for Muslims around the world- and the manifestation of the mosques in visual arts.

It was for the first time held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and then in Casablanca and Rabat in Morocco.

Layaan Cultural Institute was established in 2007 in Jeddah with the aim of introducing Islamic-Arabic civilization through organizing art programs.

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