Sunday 21st of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Day and Night in Sahifeh Sajadieh

Day and Night in Sahifeh Sajadieh
By the might of the Al-Mighty God the earth rotates around the sun and receives energy and light from one side of it; in this way, the bright day comes into being. During the day man is obliged to endeavor to obtain God's blessings and Benevolence through his engagement in husbandry, agriculture, industry, arts, and trade; in this way, his sustenance is guaranteed. The very act for the pursuit of one's sustenance is considered a kind of ...

Imamm Ali Al-Hadi To the Paradise

Imamm Ali Al-Hadi To the Paradise
(Bayt Agency) -  Imam al-Hadi (a.s.) suffered pressing misfortunes and distresses from the Abbasid tyrants. They spared no effort in oppressing and harming him. Al-Mutawakkil was the most spiteful towards Imam al-Hadi (a.s.) from among all the Abbasid caliphs. He oppressed him too much. He moved the Imam from Yathrib to Samarra’ and imposed on him house arrest, and surrounded his house with policemen who watched even his ...

After The Prophet's Death

After The Prophet's Death
After The Prophet's DeathAfter the Prophet's death, events continued to occur. When studying the era following the Prophet's death, history speaks of the wonders, which occurred. Indeed, history tells us about "Apostasy" which included the majority of Muslims who objected to Abu Bakr's seize of power from its righteous candidate, Ali Ibn Abu Talib (A.S.). It also tells us how Fatima's rights were usurped- especially in Fadak-and how Ali was ...

Al-Ma'mun Martyrs Imam Reza(A.S.)

Al-Ma'mun Martyrs Imam Reza(A.S.)
Al-Ma'mu`n feared that the people came to know that the Imam Reza, peace be on him, was virtuous and spiritual, that he would be able to establish political and social justice in their regions, and that the 'Abbasids were not entitled to the leadership of the community and the authority over the Muslims.Al-Ma'mu`n reflected for a long time on (this affair) and summoned his advisers in order to get rid of the Imam Reza(A.S.), so he took the ...

The Ziarat of Lady Fatima Masuma

The Ziarat of Lady Fatima Masuma
Arabic TextFirst recite this Tasbeehاللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ  ( thirty four times)سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ‏  (thirty three times)الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ‏  (thirty three times)Then,السَّلاَمُ عَلَى آدَمَ صِفْوَةِ اللَّهِ السَّلاَمُ عَلَى نُوحٍ نَبِيِّ اللَّهِ‏السَّلاَمُ عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ خَلِيلِ اللَّهِ ...

Imam Musa al-Kazim (A.S.)'s Words of Wisdom

Imam Musa al-Kazim (A.S.)'s Words of Wisdom
1 - The nafilas are the offertories of every believer to Allah.2 - Hajj is the jihad of every weak.3 - Everything has its tax and the tax of the body is the recommendable fasting.4 - After the acknowledgment of Allah, the best worship is expecting the Relief.5 - He who supplicates to Allah before he praises Him and blesses the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) is as same as throwing an arrow without the existence of a string.6 - He who is certain of the ...

Successors of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)

Successors of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)
If anybody who holds the position of the patron and administrative head of a community or an organization wants not to carry out his duties temporarily, he undoubtedly appoints his successor and entrusts the administration to him. He can never be willing to leave the community or the organization without an administrator. The Prophet of Islam also fully realized the importance of this question. He always appointed an administrator immediately ...

Wilayat of Ali (A.S.) is a Strong Fort of Allah Almighty

Wilayat of Ali (A.S.) is a Strong Fort of Allah Almighty
 Shaheed Ayatullah Abdul Husain Dastghaib ShiraziOne of the traditions concerning the position of the Shias and the lovers of Ahl ul-Bayt (a.s.) states that the fire of Hell cannot scorch them. Thus, these types of traditions impart strength to our hope. Our love for the Ahl ul-Bayt (a.s.) is certainly a surety for us but it should not tempt us to commit sins blatantly.Shia and MohibThe traditions regarding this subject are based on two ...

27th Rajab Holy Prophet's(S.A.W.) Appointment to the Prophetic Mission

27th Rajab Holy Prophet's(S.A.W.) Appointment to the Prophetic Mission
It was a man from among themselves who was to lift the humanity from their slough of ignorance and depravity into the light of faith and devotion to one God. 27th Rajab Holy Prophet When Muhammad (S.A.W.) was 38 years of age, he spent most of his time in meditation and solitude. The cave of the mount Hira was his favorite place. It is there that he used to retire with food and water and spend days and weeks in remembrance of Allah. Nobody was ...

Let’s know Hazrat Fatimah’s Honor and grand dignity

Let’s know Hazrat Fatimah’s Honor and grand dignity
Fatimah (peace be upon her) has endowed with honor and grand dignity; the honor no one could achieve it as Fatimah (peace be upon her) did. Expressing all her aspects of her character is not feasible; therefore, some points are stated: 1. She is Allah's beloved:She is the pure servant of Allah, and is always in worship and contact with Him in order to give her servanthood superiority over her other positions, so that no luxury, effort, or ...

Biography of Imam Al-Hasan Bin Ali Al-Askari (AS)

Biography of Imam Al-Hasan Bin Ali Al-Askari (AS)
Biography Name : Al-HasanTitle : Al-AskariAgnomen : Abu Muhammad.Father's name : Ali al-Hadi ( An Naqi )Mother's name : Hadithah ( or Susan )Birth : In Madina, on Friday, 8th Rabi'uth Thani 232 AH (846 A.D).Death : Died at the age of 28, in Samarah, on Friday the eighth Rabi-ul-Awwal 260 A.H. ( 873 A.D.) buried in Samarah The Holy Imam Hasan al-Askari spent twenty two years of his life under the patronage of his father, Imam Ali al-Hadi (an ...

40 Sayings of Hazrat Fatimah Al-Zahra (AS)

40 Sayings of Hazrat Fatimah Al-Zahra (AS)
1. Praise and Eulogy is for Allah for the blessing and bounties which He has bestowed. And thanks to HIM upon what He revelated (to His servants) And Praise is for HIM upon the common boons and blessings which He bestowed upon His servants without their request And upon the comprehensive and complete blessings which He granted to all and sundry and gave it to us, consequetively. Those graces and favours which are uncountable. And are ...

Every day is Ashura and every land is Kerbala!

Every day is Ashura and every land is Kerbala!
Once more Muharram has come, and the hearts of free men incline toward Hussain (PBUH), the son of Ali (PBUH), and their eyes are fixed upon Ashura, the event which took place more than 1300 years ago. Even after such a long passage of time, not only Shiite Muslims are attracted to this event, but all Muslims and other free believers. Why the remembrance of Imam Hussain (PBUH) is tied so much to Muharram? Why hasn't Ashura faded from history ...

In Praise of Imam Zaynul Abideen (a.s.)

In Praise of Imam Zaynul Abideen (a.s.)
Farazdaq, in this poem, refers to the occasion when the Caliph Hisham b. Abd al Malik was overshadowed by the respect which people showed towards the great grandson of the Holy Prophet (pbuh&hf), at the time of Hajj when both of the individuals were trying to reach the crowds around the Kaab"ah to get to the black stone. The people gave way to the Imam (as) while the Caliph struggled desperately. The Caliph, deeply offended, inquired in a ...

Birthday Anniversary of the world’s most outstanding Lady: Fatima az-Zahra (PBUH)

Birthday Anniversary of the world’s most outstanding Lady: Fatima az-Zahra (PBUH)
Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.) the Leader of the Women in Paradise, the only Daughter of the Holy Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.), The Holy Prophet of Islam`s Beloved and the Infallible Lady of Islam, The Mother of the Leaders of Youth of Paradise: Imam Hasan(A.S.) and Imam Husain(A.S.) was born on 20th Jamadi al-Thani five years after the revelation to the Holy Prophet of Islam(S.A.W.). Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.) completely resembled the Holy Prophet of ...

Doctrine of the Infallibility of the Prophets

Doctrine of the Infallibility of the Prophets
We believe that all the prophets are infallible, and also that the Imams (A.S) (the successors to the prophet of Islam) are infallible, but some non-Shi'a Muslim do not believe in the infallibility of the prophets, let alone of the Imams. Infallibility means purity from all sins, both major and minor ones,and from mistakes and forgetfulness. It is necessary that a prophet should not even do what is contrary to good manners: that is, by laughing ...

Huge crowds of mourners attend Arbaeen procession in Tehran

Huge crowds of mourners attend Arbaeen procession in Tehran
Tens of thousands of people poured into the streets in Iran’s capital of Tehran on Thursday for a religious procession in commemoration of Arbaeen, forty days after the martyrdom anniversary of the third Shiite Imam, Imam Hussein ...

Hazrat Fatimah’s Outlook

 Hazrat Fatimah’s Outlook
Fatimah (peace be upon her) is the student of Islamic school. She was brought up in revelation house and under the supervision of the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants), and even when she married Ali (peace be upon him), she had a close contact with her father. Her view towards the world and its aspects is the view of Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants). It is as if she has derived all her views from the ...

Imam Hasan (A.S.):The Saviour of Islam

Imam Hasan (A.S.):The Saviour of Islam
(This is) an account of the Imam Hasan(A.S.) after the Commander of the Faithful(A.S.), the date of his birth, the evidence for his Imamates the period of his succession, the time of his death, and the place of his grave. (It also provides) a brief outline of the reports about him. The Imam after the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, was his son al-Hasan, the son of the leader of the women of the worlds, Fatima, daughter of Muhammad, ...

Seven Strategies to Train Kids this Ramadan

Seven Strategies to Train Kids this Ramadan
Holy Prophet Muhammad (saww): "No father has given a greater gift to his children than good moral training."The many aspects of Ramadan - fasting, prayers, moral values, charity, Holy Quran, family, Eid - provide a valuable opportunity to train kids. Whether they are your own kids or kids you teach, education or training isn"t an automatic or easy process. Children don"t bring empty minds and fill them with what we say. Training requires effort, ...