Sunday 21st of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Backlash of Saqifah Event

Backlash of Saqifah Event
Allah only wishes to remove all abomination from you, O members of the Family, and to make you pure and immaculate. (Holy Qur’an, 33:33)Attempt to Burn the House of Fatima al-ZahraThe day after the Saqifah, ‘Umar Ibn al-Khattab, along with a group of individuals came to the house of the daughter of the Holy Prophet. In the house, there was ‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib, Fatima, and their two sons, Hasan and Husayn, who were still in a ...

The Protection (Taqiya (Hiding One's Religion In Times of Danger))

The Protection (Taqiya (Hiding One's Religion In Times of Danger))
The Protection (Taqiya (Hiding One’s Religion In Times of Danger)) No one of the lmams but al- Sadiq, peace be on him, suffered from the Marwani and the Abbasid dynasties, which waged war against the Islamic Law and its Owner the Trusty Prophet through obeying lusts and mastering pleasures.Then from among those stringed instruments and songsters and that injustice and dissoluteness appeared the leaders of the heresies and the schools ...

The Psychology of Mourning

The Psychology of Mourning

A Glance at the Life of Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba (A)

A Glance at the Life of Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba (A)
Name : HasanTitle : al-Mujtaba (The Chosen One)Kuniyat : Abu MuhammadFather : Imam Ali (A)Mother : Bibi Fatima Zahra (A)Birthdate : 15th of Ramadhan 3 A.H. in MadinaImamat : From 40 A.H. to 50 A.H.Martyrdom : 28th Safar 50 A.H.Buried : Madina, Saudi Arabia. His BirthHe was born in Medina on the night of the middle day of the month of Ramadan, in the year 3 A.H. He was the eldest son.When Al-Hasan was born, the Prophet, may Allah bless Him and ...

The Martyrdom of Imam Hussain (A.S.)

The Martyrdom of Imam Hussain (A.S.)
The month of Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar year. An important and tragic event took place on the tenth of Muharram that shook the Muslim world. It was the murder of Imam Husain (A.S.), his family members, and his close friends by the army of Yazid. Yazid was at that time the despotic ruler of the Muslim world, who came to power as the self-proclaimed “sixth caliph of Islam” after the death of his father, ...

I Walk for Hussein

I Walk for Hussein
I walk through the valleys and the shadows of the death that surrounds meEntrenched in the smell of blood lingering in my soulSearching for their stories repeatedly told and simultaneously ignoredAnd I walkI walk and I stumble on the remains of those who passed before meSacrificing their life for that eternal glory?No, to them death is sweeter than honeyAnd I’m taken back by the feeling that overwhelms meAs I walk and spot Hussein sitting ...

Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Ali (A) / Biography

Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Ali (A) / Biography
    Imam Ali was martyred on 21st Ramadan 40 A.H. by an assassin who mortally wounded the Holy Imam with a poisoned sword in the Mosque at Kufa during morning prayers on 19th Ramazan. Imam Ali (as), the First Muslim, an intimate associate of the Holy Prophet of Islam (pbuh) in the life and holy Islamic mission, the Immediate Successor to the Holy Prophet of Islam (pbuh) and the First Holy Immaculate Imam of the Shi'ites in the ...

Lady Zaynab (AS)'s Second Address

Lady Zaynab (AS)'s Second Address
Page 1 of 2When he recollected these bitter days of his father and grandfather who led campaigns against al-Husayn's grandfather and the failure that chased them even in their own homes, Yazid showed his great rejoicing at the current situation as the family of the Prophet were captives between his hands and the heads of the Prophet's grandsons were thrown before him.He then quoted poetic verses said during the Battle of Uhud, with suitable ...

The Fourth Infallible: The Second Imam Al-Hasan Ibn Ali Al-Mujtaba (Peace be on him)

 The Fourth Infallible: The Second Imam Al-Hasan Ibn Ali Al-Mujtaba (Peace be on him)
Name: al-Hasan.Title: al-Mujtaba.Agnomen: Abu Muhammad.Father's name: Ali Amir al-Mu'minin.Mother's name: Fatimah (daughter of the Holy Prophet).Birth: In Medina on Tuesday, 15th Ramadan 3 AH.Death: Died at the age of 46, in Medina on Thursday, 28th Safar 50 AH; buried in Jannatu 'l-Baqi', in Medina.Imam Hasan was the eldest son of Imam `Ali and Hadrat Fatimah. When the Holy Prophet received the happy news of the birth of his grandson, he came ...

Imam Al-Sadiq (AS) and Rotation of the Earth around the Sun

Imam Al-Sadiq (AS) and Rotation of the Earth around the Sun
At the age of 11, Imam Sadiq (AS) refuted the theory that the sun, moon and the planets rotated around the earth. He said that the sun, during its course round the earth, passes through the 12 constellations in one year and remains in each constellation for 30 days, so why does it then disappear from sight during the night. It should remain visible in each constellation for 30 days. Ptolemy theory said that the sun has two movements. One of its ...

Muhammad (S) The Messenger of Allah: A Glimpse on Holy Prophet's Life

Muhammad (S) The Messenger of Allah: A Glimpse on Holy Prophet's Life
Born in Makka on 17th Rabiul Awwal about 53 years before Hijra. The year of his birth was called “Amul Feel” due to the invasion of the Ka’aba by Abraha the viceroy of the Abyssinian King. Since the forces of Abraha arrived on elephants which is “Feel” in Arabic, the Arabs called this the year of the elephant. According to the Christian Calendar it was 571 AD.The Roman Empire was in decline, the Capital was ...

Lady Zaynab's Panic

Lady Zaynab's Panic
Lady Zaynab's PanicImam 'Ali ibn al-Husayn zayn al-'Abidin (AS), the only survivor of th tragedy of Karbala', later on reported : My aunt Zaynab was nursing me on that night (the night before the tenth of Muharram) when my father isolated himself in a tent. Only Juwayn, the servant of Abu Dharr, was with him mending his sword. The Imam (AS) then cited ( the following poetic verses): O days, fie upon you! How bad mates you are!Too many those ...

Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (A.S.) and the Adversities

Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (A.S.) and the Adversities
This lasting conflict between the religion and the world, which are rarely united during a certain time, is a trial for religious people. This conflict caused taqiya and those adversities which hit Ahl al Bayt.The conflict between Ahl al- Bayt and the Omayyads and the Abbasids was not new as long as Ahl al Bat represented the religion and the latter represented the life in this world.The Marwanis and the Abbasids knew that al- Sadiq, peace be on ...

Imam Jawad’s (A.S.) Gifted Powers and Generosities

Imam Jawad’s (A.S.) Gifted Powers and Generosities
Imam Jawad’s (A.S.)seventeen years of Imamate coincided with the reigns of Ma’mun and Mu’tasim Abbasi, two of Abbasid Caliphs: 15 years in the reign of Ma’mun(1) and two years in the reign of Mu’tasim. During this period the Imam experienced great hardship in preaching Shiism. Ma’mun’s reign was especially hard on the Imam for as Ibn Nadim has said: “Ma’mun was the most knowledgeable of the ...

Imam Musa al-Kazim (A.S.) Commands Safwan Jammal

Imam Musa al-Kazim (A.S.) Commands Safwan Jammal
By: Shaheed Ayatullah Abdul Husain Dastghaib ShiraziSafwan Jammal bin Mahram Kufi was a very pious companion of Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) and Imam Musa al-Kadhim (a.s.). He used to earn his livelihood by hiring out camels. He owned a large number of camels.He says that one day Imam Musa al-Kadhim (a.s.) said to him, "Safwan every action of yours is meritorious except one.""May I be sacrificed for you, what action is that?" He said, "You hire ...

Why We Cry?

Why We Cry?
 Take Refuge In Allah From The Stoned Satan. In Name Of Allah The Source Of Mercy To All Of Creation; The Source Of The Mercy To The Believing Congregation. Oh Allah Bless Muhammad’s Soul, And Rain Down Peace on His Household. “Why We Cry” Don’t think our cries are too extreme. There’s good reason for grown men to scream. Our actions aren’t of those insane, we weep in zikr (remembrance) of Hussein. When ...

Martyrdom of Imam Sajjad (a.s)

Martyrdom of Imam Sajjad (a.s)
He was born in Madina some 22 years ago, on 5th Shabaan 38 year of Hijra. In some history books his date of birth is shown as 15th Jumada Awwal 38 AH... Martyrdom of Imam Sajjad (a.s) (AhlulBayt News Agency) - He was born in Madina some 22 years ago, on 5th Shabaan 38 year of Hijra. In some history books his date of birth is shown as 15th Jumada Awwal 38 AH. His mother was Shahr Banu the daughter of Yazdjurd II, the last of the Persian Kings ...

Demise Anniversary of Hadrat Zainab Daughter of Imam Ali (A.S.)

Demise Anniversary of Hadrat Zainab Daughter of Imam Ali (A.S.)
The Daughter of Imam Ali (A.S.) and Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.) and the Greatest Messenger of the Husaini Revolution, Hadrat Zainab bint Ali (A.S.) who universalized the message of Hussaini Revolution and laid the foundation of Mourning of Imam Husain(A.S.) was dead on 15th Rajab 62 A.H. in Damascus(Syria) by the ruling Umayyad caliph.On this Sorrowful and Mourning Occasion we extend our Heartfelt Condolences to all the Lovers Holy Ahlul Bayt ...

Imam Hussain(as) is killed on the Plains of Kerbala

Imam Hussain(as) is killed on the Plains of Kerbala
One from amongst the crowd said to him, "You are not going to drink water until you enter hell fire, whereupon you can drink from its boiling water". Imam Hussain replied, "I do not enter hell fire, but enter unto my grandfather, the Apostle of God and stay with him in his own house (in the seat of honour with a most powerful King) and complain to him of that which you have done to me and your transgression against me". All were very furious at ...

A Brief History of az-Zahra"s Life

A Brief History of az-Zahra"s Life
Birth   Fatimah, the only daughter of the Holy Prophet of Islam, was born in Mecca on 20th jumada "th-thaniyah 8 B.H. The good and noble lady Khadijah and the Apostle Of Allah bestowed all their natural love, care and devotion on their lovable and only child Fatimah, who in her turn was extremely fond of her parents. Character   The Princess of the House of the Prophet, was very intelligent, accomplished and cheerful. ...