Saturday 20th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Fatima (A.S) the daughter of the Last Messenger and the Mother of Imams.

Fatima (A.S) the daughter of the Last Messenger and the Mother of Imams.
Name: Fatima Al-Zahraa, daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) and Lady Khadija (A.S.); wife of Imam Ali (A.S.); mother of Imam Hassan (A.S.), Hussein (A.S.); Zeinab and Um Kulthum. Birth: Most historians agree Fatima (A.S.) was born five years after Prophethood, the 20th of Jamadi Al-Thani. Death: Fatima (A.S.) died at the age of 18 years and seventy-five days old. Naming Fatima (A.S.): The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) said Fatima was ...


 A brave man was AliThe Lion Of God, the Prophet's wasiHis father was the chief of the clan,He was a good and pious man.His mother was entirely free from blame.Fatema binte Asad was her name.His cousin, the prophet was brought up by these two,Children they'd had and quite a few too.In Kaaba our first Imam was born,Near the very early hours of dawn.When his eyes opened for the very first time,He was met with the Prophet's face sublime.The ...

English Nohay For Imam Husain (A.S) [1]: Baby is Slaughtered

English Nohay For Imam Husain (A.S) [1]: Baby is Slaughtered
Baby is Slaughtered The Slaughter of a Baby Most Revered Ali Asghar (‘a) ("Banu ke sheerquar ko haftum se pyaas hai") Banu's son has had no water for days His pulse is weak and his mother prays No hope in sight of getting water or milk Helpless, she lingers by his cradle in a daze "Pray tell me, what shall I do now Ya Husain? The baby's eyes now roll back in pain" "Oh Ya Ali, Ya Ali where can I go? I cannot watch my baby suffer so How do I ...

The Great Struggle of Muslim Ibn Aqeel

The Great Struggle of Muslim Ibn Aqeel
The Imam sent three people with Muslim: Qays Ibn Mash'ar al-Saydawi, 'Imarah Ibn 'Abdullah al-Saluli and 'Abdul Rahman Ibn 'Abdullah al-Azdi. The Imam said to Muslim, "Fear God, and check to see if whatever the people of Kufah are saying in their letters is true. If that is the case, write me a letter immediately about the situation." Muslim left Mecca on the 15th of Ramadan traveling by way of Medinah. He went to Masjid al-Nabi and prayed ...

Questions Relating to Ashura/Karbala (7)

Questions Relating to Ashura/Karbala (7)
1. Mourning and the revival of the culture of ‘Ashura Some of Imam al-Husayn’s (as) messages 2. The affectionate relationship between the Islamic community and Allah’s awliya’ (as) 3. Spiritual benefits derived from the atmosphere at gatherings where mourning for Allah’s awliya’ takes place In addition to the fact that people gathering in mourning ceremonies where the name of the Doyen of Martyrs is mentioned ...

Who is Zahra?

Who is Zahra?
Who is Zahra shall dawn on Doomsday, Enemies of her enemies in divine pardon sway, Friends of her enemies shall contrite in dismay; Today's tears shed in her love tomorrow pay. What is Zahra? First let us know To acquire a letter angle to peep into her woe, If the prophets placed in one pan and she in another Imam Sadiq says the pan of Zahra weighs heavier. From a higher station to a lower station If a thing given from his own ...

The Path of Imam Husayn (A.S.)

The Path of Imam Husayn (A.S.)
In understanding the events of the life of Imam Husayn, upon him be peace, it is necessary to understand his position in relationship to the Prophet Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his family, which necessitates an understanding of his view of the Qur’an and how this view manifested itself in his actions.It is reported by al-Kulayni in his book al-Kafi that Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq, upon him be peace, was ...

The Epistles of Imam Sajjad (A.S.)

The Epistles of Imam Sajjad (A.S.)
Imam `Ali- ibn al-Husayn is reported to have written down many epistles the most famous of which are Risa-lat al-Huqu-q (The Treatise on Rights) and al-Sahi-fah al-Sajja-diyyah commonly known as “The Psalms of Islam.”[1122] It has been narrated that Abu--Hamzah al-Thama-liy said, “As I recited an epistle that comprised the words of (Imam) `Ali- ibn al-Husayn on asceticism, I copied it. I then showed my copy to `Ali- ibn ...

Imam Khomeini’s Statements on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Imam Khomeini’s Statements on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
God’s blessing and peace be upon the Holy Prophet Muhammad who rose against pagans and oppressors alone, and hoisted the flag of unity in favor of the poor; he didn’t fear the lack of forces or the limited number of his companions while he had no military equipments. He attacked rebellious and wicked oppressors only with the power of faith and decision-making, and in less than half a century, he delivered the message of unity to the ...

The Last Successor of Prophet in Ghadir Sermon

The Last Successor of Prophet in Ghadir Sermon
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) of Islam, on his way back from his last pilgrimage to Mecca, received some commandments from God through Gabriel. Two of these commandments were: "O Prophet! Declare what you were commanded to"‌ and "Your Prophetic mission is not incomplete unless you declare the commandment of God"‌. There would have been no word of Mahdi had the Prophet not introduced him because the people disobeyed divine order about the Velayat ...

Hazrat Zainab (A.S.): The Unschooled Scholar

Hazrat Zainab (A.S.): The Unschooled Scholar
Hazrat Zainab (A.S.): The Unschooled ScholarBy: Seyyed Ali ShahbazIt is beyond the power of ordinary mortals to pen the merits and virtues of Hazrat Zainab (A.S.), whose praise requires a tongue as eloquent as that of the Holy Qur’an or as fluently expressive as that of Prophet Muahammad (SAWA) and his Infallible progeny. Her genealogy is impeccable. Hazrat Zainab (A.S.) was a blue blood scion of the House of Hashem (AS), the noble leader ...

Doctrine of the Necessity for Seeking Knowledge

Doctrine of the Necessity for Seeking Knowledge
We believe that Allah has endowed us with the faculty of the intellect ('aql), and that He has ordered us to ponder over His Creation, nothing with care the signs of His power and His Glory throughout the entire universe as well as ourselves. It is stated in the Qur'an:We shall show them Our signs on the horizons and in themselves, till it is clear to them that it is the Truth. (41;53)Allah has shown His disapproved of those who blindly follow ...

'Who is Hussain campaign' organized in Doddaballapura, state of Karnataka (India)

 'Who is Hussain campaign' organized in Doddaballapura, state of Karnataka (India)
Who is Hussain campaign' organized in Doddaballapura in the state of Karnataka (India) - 1437-2015 Ahlul Bayt News Agency - 'Who Is Hussain' campaign organized in Doddaballapura a town in the state of Karnataka (India) on 31.10.2015. Local people expressed high interest in learning more about Imam Hussain (A').Organizers of “Who is Hussein?” Campaign distributed leaflets and water bottles to local to promote the Husseini ...

Abbas, The Lion Roars

   Abbas, The Lion Roars
Abbas, his brother; fearless, grand, Thundered, with rage, took a bold stand: Proximity of water, deny you can"t your witting Caliph"s obnoxious flaunt in sheer buffoonery, arrant nonsense Convey to him scorn, intense. Pompous pride I abhor, detest, Like the prismatic glass "tis just a jest. His faith is dimmed by the lure of gold, And conscience, to rapacity he has sold. Drained off is his fount of sense, And creed abandoned to vain ...

The People who sacrificed in the Service of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.)!

The People who sacrificed in the Service of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.)!
The word sacrifice is not limited to material things but can also be extended to spiritual things, and any work and effort put to spread Islam is also an act of charity. The love of our Ahlul Bayt (a.s.)is a very dear act to Allah, and there are many incidents that prove this. Allah (S.w.T.) helps anybody who befriends the Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) in any way. Allah says in the Qur’an on behalf of his Prophet (S): “I ask nothing from you as a reward ...

Rules of Azadari

Rules of Azadari
If someone s relative dies in this world, then he leaves aside all other matters, i.e. work, job, etc. and goes immediately to the home of the one who has died. His face shows his grief, and he gives his condolences to the family members of the one who has died. While he is there, his only concern is in his mourning. He does not pay any attention to any other matters. Now imagine who is closer to us than Imam Hussain (as)?How should we express ...

Ashura Special Programs for Teenagers in Austria

Ashura Special Programs for Teenagers in Austria
On the occasion of Muharram, Imam Ali (AS) Islamic Center in Vienna, Austria, plans special programs for teenagers during the lunar calendar month, which starts on October 26. According to IQNA's branch in Europe, "Ashura Circles" is the title of the center's special programs for the teenagers of the region in Muharram. Participants will get acquainted with the Ashura teachings and the philosophy of Imam Hussein's (AS) uprising, which led to ...

Hadith Recordation by Imam Musa al-Kazim (A.S.)

Hadith Recordation by Imam Musa al-Kazim (A.S.)
By: Sayyid Ali Al-ShahristaniFollowing the course of his forefathers, Imam Mūsā al-Kādhim paid great attention to the question of recording the religious knowledge and safeguarding such recordations in general and the Book of Imam `Alī in particular. However, the recording of the Hadīth during the age of the Imam took another form. The Imam, from behind the bars of al-Rashīd's jail, had to use the form of the secret correspondence that he ...

Birthday of Imam Muhammad ibn 'Ali al-Baqir (Peace be Upon him)

Birthday of Imam Muhammad ibn 'Ali al-Baqir (Peace be Upon him)
The holy Imam Muhammad al-Baqir is the Fifth Apostolic Imam. His epithet was Abu Ja'far and he was popularly titled "al-Baqir". His mother was the daughter of Imam Hasan. Thus, he was the only Imam who was connected with Hadrat Fatimatu'z-Zahra', both from his paternal and maternal sides. Imam Muhammad al-Baqir was brought up in the holy lap of his grandfather Imam Husayn, for three years. For thirty-four years he was under the gracious ...

The Walaya (love and guardianship) of Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.)

The Walaya (love and guardianship) of Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.)
Zayd-ibn Arqam: When the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) returned from his "Farewell Pilgrimage'" "and stopped at Ghadir Khum, he gave an order to sweep the ground under the trees then he said "Verily Allah is my benefactor and I am the guardian of every believer; he then held 'Ali's hand, raised it and said: "Whoever that I am his guardian, this man is his protector. Oh Allah love whoever loves him and be the enemy of those who are his enemies. The ...