Saturday 20th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Imam’s letter to the noblemen of Basra (Part 1)

Imam’s letter to the noblemen of Basra (Part 1)
It is quoted by Sayyed ibne Tawoos in Malhoof that Imam Hussein (A.S) sent a letter to a group of righteous noblemen of Basra through his retainer named Sulayman, whose agnomen was Abu Razeen, inviting them for assistance and obedience to him. Those included therein were Yazeed bin Mas’ood Nahsha­li and Mundhir bin Jarood Abadi. Yazeed bin Mas’ood then gathered the people of Bani Tameem, Bani Hanzalah and Bani Sa’ad. ...

The Mission of Ma’qal

The Mission of Ma’qal
When Muslim bin Aqeel was informed regarding the arrival of Ubaydullah and heard his words, he left the house of Mukhtar and went to the door of Hani bin Urwah Muradi.Thus Hani gave him residence and the Shiea started visiting him in secret. People started swearing the oath of allegiance at the hands of Muslim until the number reached twenty five thousand.Ubaydullah called his retainer Ma’qal and gave him three thousand dirham and told him ...

Ayatollah Nouri Hamadani: Enemy exaggerates differences between Iranian politicians

Ayatollah Nouri Hamadani: Enemy exaggerates differences between Iranian politicians
Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani has stressed that the enemies are trying to take advantage and exaggerate the differences between Iranian politicians in order to use them against Iran. Grand Ayatollah Hoseyn Nouri-Hamadani has met a group of members of the Islamic Consultative Assembly of Iran (Majles) and stressed that the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution (Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei) has stressed that we should not create a tense ...

A Syrian Encounters Fatima

A Syrian Encounters Fatima
Historians record that a Syrian looked at Fatima daughter of ‘Ali (‘a)38 then asked Yazid to give her to him to serve him. This daughter of the Commander of the Faithful (‘a) was terrified; she clung to her sister Zainab and said, "Serve him?! How could I do that?!" Zainab said to her, "Do not be concerned; this shall never happen at all." Hearing her, Yazid said, "It could if I would!" She said to him, "Not unless you renege from our ...

Who was al-Sadiq (AS) ?

Who was al-Sadiq (AS) ?
ndeed, the writer should give a general idea about the person whom he writes about before he goes deeper into his writing so the reader does not misunderstand such a person when he reads each chapter of his life.imamsadiq01Here I would like to mention a group of the viewpoints of the religious scholars concerning Ja’far al- Sadiq, peace be on him, because such viewpoints express the ideas of generations about this great figure. They are as ...

Wonderful Short Maxims

Wonderful Short Maxims
The following are some of the wonderful maxims transmitted from Imam Abu Muhammad al-Askari (AS). He said, 1. "If fate is inevitable, then what for is the supplication (of man to other than Allah)?" 2. "A believer is a blessing for a believer and an authority on an unbeliever." 3. "The heart of a fool is in his mouth, and the mouth of a wise man is in his heart." 4. "Anger is the key of every evil." 5. "A spiteful one is the least ...

Lady Zainab (s.a.): The Unschooled Scholar

Lady Zainab (s.a.): The Unschooled Scholar
After the tragedy of Karbala, Lady Zainab (PBUH) and the other captives were brought to the palace of Ibn Ziyad. There, Lady Zainab disguised herself among the other women. Once Ibn Ziyad noticed her, he asked:“Who is that disguised woman?”No one answered him; so he repeated his question. Then, one of his servants replied:“She is Zainab, the daughter of Fatimah, daughter of the Messenger of Allah”.Ibn Ziyad recognized ...

A Poem for Arbaeen

A Poem for Arbaeen
Written on the occasion of Arbaeen Imam Husain (A.S) Look at the heads atop the spearand the eyes that are full of tears.Husain has gone and his sister is alone,and her lonely sight is so hard to bear.It will touch so many hearts of stonebut her suffering, so few shall share.The daughter of Fatima is full of sorrow.In her path, so many woes have been steered.She doesn"t know what will happen tomorrow.She hasn"t finished wiping her tears.The ...

Martyrdom of Imam Musa Al-Kadhim (a.s.)

Martyrdom of Imam Musa Al-Kadhim (a.s.)
The earth, as a whole, was created, in the eyes of the Imam to be a worshipping place, a concept first presented by the Apostle of Allah (s.a.w.). This life was created so that people could serve and glorify Allah, the Most High. It is merely a trip towards Allah, and an attempt to know Him better. The Imam wouldn't feel a change in time or place. All the times and places for him were the same. One the contrary, the more he was persecuted, the ...

Imam Ali (AS), Voice of Human Justice’ seminar planned in Sweden

Imam Ali (AS), Voice of Human Justice’ seminar planned in Sweden
A book titled “Imam Ali (AS); The Voice of Human Justice” by George Jordac, a Christian author, will be the theme of a seminar to be held at the Imam Ali (AS) Islamic Center in Stockholm, Sweden. AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): A book titled “Imam Ali (AS); The Voice of Human Justice” by George Jordac, a Christian author, will be the theme of a seminar to be held at the Imam Ali (AS) Islamic Center in Stockholm, Sweden. The program ...

Transfer of Imamate from Imam Hussein to Imam Sajjad

Transfer of Imamate from Imam Hussein to Imam Sajjad
Transfer of Imamate from Imam Hussein to Imam Sajjad The transfer of the Imamate to the next Holy Imam has to occur at the death of the previous Holy Imam and the transfer of the Imamate of Imam Hossein to Imam Sajjad was under particularly distressing circumstances with the severe illness that Imam Sajjad was suffering and the martyrdom of so many family members and companions.In the book Kitab al-Irshad, it is quoted that The Shia gives ...

English Nohay For Imam Husain (A.S) [2]

English Nohay For Imam Husain (A.S) [2]
The Journey of Imam Husain (‘a) Leaving Medina("Ghar Sejab Behre Safar Sayyid-a Aalam Nikle")When the Noble Prince left His homeHis eyes were teary and His heart did mournAs friends and sons followed behindHe cried out "Destiny, here I come.""I've heard the cries of Zahra all nightThe forsaken wilderness is in my sight"Then towards the Prophet's tomb He glancedHe bowed His head in a respectful stanceThen approaching the tomb, He knelt and ...

Martyrdom of Imam Ali Al-Hadi (a.s.)

Martyrdom of Imam Ali Al-Hadi (a.s.)
Imam Ali al-Hadi (a.s.) made a decision to leave Medina for Samarra for the reason that Abd Allah ibn. Muhammad was put in charge of war and prayer in Medina, the city of the Apostle of Allah (s.a.w.). He told lies to Al-Mutawakkil with the intention of harming him. Imam al-Hadi (a.s.) learnt of his lying and wrote to al-Mutawakkil, mentioning ‘Abd Allah ibn Muhammad’s unfair treatment of him and the lies with which he had slandered him. ...

Al-Hussein (a.s.) in the eyes of non-Muslims

Al-Hussein (a.s.) in the eyes of non-Muslims
Probably, the utmost form of self-sacrifice for the sake of Allah is in the case of Imam Al-Hussein (a.s.). The event of Karbala itself marks a landmark in Islam, as it shaped the history of the Islamic nation. Imam Al-Hussein (a.s.), the grandchild of the Prophet (p.), the Messenger of Allah, and His best and most devout worshipper; the son of Imam Ali (a.s.), the most pious judge and bravest warrior; the son of Lady Fatima (a.s.), the ...

The Traditions On His Imamate

The Traditions On His Imamate
The Traditions On His Imamate The following are some of the traditions that were transmitted from Imam al-Hadi (AS) concerning the appointing of his son Abu Muhammad al-Hasan as the imam after him. 1. Yahya bin Yasar al-Anbari said, ‘Abul Hasan Ali bin Muhammad (al-Hadi) entrusted his son Abu Muhammad al-Hasan with the matter (imamate) four months before his death and made me and some of his mawali (adherents) bear witness to that.'[1] 2. ...

Paragon Par-Excellence

Paragon Par-Excellence
In houses Allah has allowed to be raised and wherein His Name is celebrated, He is glorified therein, morning and evening.” (Holy Qur’an 24:36) When this ayah was revealed and Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) expounded its meaning to his companions, according to a narration found in the books of hadith of our Sunni brethren, Abu Bakr asked whether the house of Imam Ali (AS) and Hazrat Fatema Zahra (SA) was also among the houses exalted by ...

Special Favor towards Shiites

Special Favor towards Shiites
A group of people from Isfahan including Abu’l-`Abbas Ahmad ibn Nazar and Abu-Ja`far Muhammad ibn Alawiah report: In Isfahan, there was a man of Shi`ite faith named `Abd al-Rahman. He was asked, “Why in our time you have made belief in the Imamate of `Ali al-Naqi (A.S) incumbent upon yourself?” He answered: I have seen something which made the Imam’s leadership obligatory to me: I dare to say I was a needy man and one ...

Imam Musa Kazim's Knowledge

Imam Musa Kazim's Knowledge
Imam Kadhim (A.S.), the seventh Imam from the lineage of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), was born on the seventh of Safar of year 128 (A.H). He was born in a house located between Makkah and Madinah named as "Abva"; and he was named "Musa", but was also referred to as "Abul-Hassan". His lifetime was contemporary with the government of the Abbasid caliphs. During his lifetime, he suffered greatly from the oppression and torture of the caliphs in his ...

Zaynab Al-Hauraa (p); Granddaughter of Prophet Muhammad (p)

Zaynab Al-Hauraa (p); Granddaughter of Prophet Muhammad (p)
Sayedah Zaynab Al-Hauraa (peace be upon her) …. She was the granddaughter of Prophet Muhammad and Khadija, the daughter of Fatima az-Zahraa and Ali, the sister of the Youths of Paradise, Hassan and Hussein, and the beloved aunt of Imam Ali Zayn al Abideen (peace be upon them). A narration says that Zaynab’s characteristics represented each of her family member: in her seriousness and calmness she was Khadija; in her modesty and ...

Tolerance of Opponents by Imam Ali (A.S)

Tolerance of Opponents by Imam Ali (A.S)
Imam Ali, the son-in-law and cousin of the Prophet Muhammad, during his rule as the Caliph and Imam granted full freedom to Kharijites or Khawarij in Arabic language – a general term embracing Muslims who initially supported the authority of the Imam and Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib and later rejected his leadership.Kharijites did not accept Hazrat Ali (A.S) as their Imam in congregational prayers as they deemed him as a pagan. They went to ...