Saturday 20th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Symbol of Infallible in Qom

Symbol of Infallible in Qom
Being a virtuous incarnate, it is no exaggeration if we call Hazrat Massoumah (SA) second to Hazrat Fatima (SA). She passed away in the prime of her life, at age 17, away from her home. She departed from Medina to Marve, eager to meet her brother Imam Reza (AS), but returned to her Lord before fulfilling her desire. At Saveh, a town on the way to Qom, she fell ill. Since she had been told the two towns were not far from each other, she ...

Does the prophet appointed his uncle (Abbas) as caliph on his death bed???

Does the prophet appointed his uncle (Abbas) as caliph on his death bed???
(P.B.U.H&H.P) appointed Abbas as caliph on his deathbedWhen they (the people) had left (the room), he (the Prophet) said: “Send back to me my brother (Ali) and my uncle (Abbas).”“Apostle of Allah, your uncle is an old man with the responsibilities of a large family,” answered Al-Abbas. “You vie with the wind in liberality and generosity. You have made promises which your uncle could never ...

Birth Anniversary of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA)

Birth Anniversary of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA)
  Heartiest congratulations to you all on the auspicious occasion of the blessed birthday of the Messenger of Mercy, Prophet Mohammad (SAWA). Today on the occasion of the historic 17th of Rabi al-Awwal we present you an interesting article on the Almighty's Last and Greatest Messenger to mankind as follows:   He was born in Mecca in the monotheist Hashemite clan descended from Prophet Abraham through his firstborn son, Prophet Ishmael. The ...

Imam Mohammad Baqir(a.s.)

Imam Mohammad Baqir(a.s.)
Birth and ImamateImam Muhammad Baqir(a.s) was born in the 57th year of the Hijra, on Friday the first day of the month of Rajab, in the city of Madina. His honoured father is Imam Sajjad(a.s.) and his revered mother, Fatema, daughter of Imam Hasan(a.s.). He was the only Imam who was Alawiite from both the side of the Mother and the Father.Imam Sajjad(a.s.), according to the command of Allah(swt) and the decree of the Prophet(pbuh&hf), ...

Hazrat Fatimah(pbuh) in the verse of Mubahala

Hazrat Fatimah(pbuh) in the verse of Mubahala
Allah, the Exalted said: "If anyone disputes in this matter with thee, now after (full) knowledge hath come to thee, say: `Come! Let us gather together; our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves. Then let us invoke the curse of God on those who lie!'"(3: 61) This event is famous and is known to all Muslims. Islamic scholars are united on the fact that it was revealed in regard to the Christian delegation who ...

The Birth of the Holy Lady Fatemah Ma'soomah and her Childhood

The Birth of the Holy Lady Fatemah Ma'soomah and her Childhood
The Birth of the Holy Lady Fatemah Ma'soomah and her ChildhoodIn the holy city of Medina, the holy household was awaiting the arrival of a new born.In the house of Imam Kadhim (AS), Najma, the wife of the honorable Imam was eagerly looking forward to the arrival of the child; she was counting days and nights for that day. The Imam's house was overwhelmed with happiness.Finally, the day arrived, on the 1st of Dhil-Qa'dah 173 (A.H.) when Allah ...

Martyrdom of Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir

Martyrdom of Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir
7 Thul-Hujjah: Martyrdom of Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (peace be upon him)A Glimpse into his LifeFrom Birth until ImamateBoth of Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir's parents were grandchildren of Lady Fatima (peace be upon her). His father was Ali son of Hussein, and his mother was Fatima daughter of Hassan. He lived for four years with his grandfather, Imam Hussein (peace be upon him), and he was present at Karbala and witnessed all of the stages of that ...

The Characteristic distinctions of Imam Jafar as Sadiq (AS)

The Characteristic distinctions of Imam Jafar as Sadiq (AS)
We all know that the conduct of men is the reflection of their inner character and everyone can be recognized by his conduct. There are only a very few people who do not spill out their conduct and whatever they have in their interior and do not exhibit it. Whatever they have in their hearts kindles the exterior of the electric lamp like an electric switch. Whole of the life of Imam Jafar as Sadiq (AS), like the other Imams (AS), was the ...

Imam Reza(AS)'s Character

Imam Reza(AS)'s Character
His SolemnityAs for the solemnity of Imam Reza(AS); faces were humbled in fear of it, for it was similar to that of the prophets and the testamentary trustees (of authority) whom Allah clothed in His light. All those who saw him respected him. An example of his solemnity was that when he sat with the people or rode off with them, none was able to raise his voice because of his great solemnity.The reporters have said: "When he (i.e. Imam Reza, ...


The pilgrimage to the holy shrines of the prophets, Imams, and saints is calledZiyara. It is different from the ritual pilgrimage to Mecca, which is called Hajj. Hajj however is obligatory upon every Muslim man and woman under specific conditions, whereas Ziyara is not obligatory. It is yet very recommended for the innumerable narrations of the Prophet and the Imams regarding the rewards of those who perform such pilgrimages voluntarily.Simply, ...

Imam al-Hadi(A.S.) Companions and the Narrators of His traditions

Imam al-Hadi(A.S.) Companions and the Narrators of His traditions
The vast culture and knowledge of Imam al-Hadi (a.s.) in all sciences such as tafsir (commentary of the Qur'an), jurisprudence, Islamic arts, ethics, and other fields made him the end that scholars and seekers of knowledge set off towards. The companions of Imam al-Hadi (a.s.) represented the true mission of Islam. They saved the mission of Islam from lose. They associated with the infallible Imams of the Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) who were the flowing ...

Journey of Endless Tears Begins, IMAM HUSSAIN (AS) LEAVES MADINA

Journey of Endless Tears Begins, IMAM HUSSAIN (AS) LEAVES MADINA
The Story of Karbala is a tale of five journeys of tears. The first journey started on 28th Rajab, From Madina to Mecca. Each journey had its hero and heroine. The hero of this first journey was Imam Hussain(AS) and the heroine was the memory of Fatima Sughra (SA), his beloved daughter whom he had left behind. When all the men who had accompanied Imam Hussain (AS) to the Governor's palace got back, the ladies came to know about the journey. ...

supplications of Ashura

supplications of Ashura
Abdullah bin Sinaan says that it was Aashoora day when I went to Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (A.S) and found him in sadness, deep sorrow and grief while his eyes were flowing with tears. I asked him the reason. He said: "don't you know that this was the day when my grand father Syed-ush shuhada Imam Hussain (A.S) was martyred wrongfully". Abdullah asked again: "what should we do today?" Imam told him some aamaal of the day, which are as under: --- ...

The Origin and Growth of SHI'ISM

The Origin and Growth of SHI'ISM
Shi'ism began with a reference made for the first time to the partisans of Ali (shi'ah-i 'Ali), the first leader of the Household of the Prophet, during the lifetime of the Prophet himself. [1] The course of the first manifestation and the later growth of Islam during the twenty-three years of prophecy brought about many conditions which necessitated the appearance of a group such as the Shi'ites among the companions of the Prophet. The Holy ...

The Martyrdom of Imam Hassan (AS)

The Martyrdom of Imam Hassan (AS)
The Imam after the commander of the faithful, Hazrat-e Ali, Peace be upon him, was his son, Al-Hassan, the son of Fatima, Daughter of Mohammad, the Lord of Messengers, May God bless him and his pure family.His epithet was Abu Mohammad and he was born in Medina in the month of Ramadhan three years after Hijra (624 A.H.). At the age of 7, the infallible Imam (AS) lost his honorable grandfather, Hazrat-e Mohammad (p.b.u.h) and his holy mother, ...

Imam Ali's Letter to Malik Ashtar

Imam Ali's Letter to Malik Ashtar
This script reads: "Ali Ibn Abi Talib, radiya' llah Ta'aala anhu wa-Karrama wajhahu." (Ali Bin Abi Talib, may God Almighty be pleased with him and honor him.) The script is Tawqi', structured into the shape of a lion. The Richest Treasure The Common Man The Counselors The Different Classes of People The Army The Real Guidance Chief Judge Subordinate Judiciary Revenue Administration Clerical Establishment Trade and Industry The ...

Hazrat Fatimah’s Characteristics (Part 1)

Hazrat Fatimah’s Characteristics (Part 1)
Hazrat Fatimah (A.S) was different from all women in her high qualities and noble characteristics that took her to the highest rank of virtue and perfection. She was an example of her father's morals and mentality. She resembled him in his deep faith in Allah the Almighty, asceticism, and refraining from pleasures of this life. Here, we talk about some of Fatimah's characteristics: Infallibility Fatimah (A.S) was infallible, and this is an ...

The Qur'anic Conception of Freedom and Rights:

The Qur'anic Conception of Freedom and Rights:
The relation between rights and freedom is twofold. On the one hand no right can be conceived without freedom; on the other, rights ensure certain freedoms for human beings. In the same way, rights and duties are also related to each other reciprocally. Every right granted to man saddles him with some duties. Duty, in a broader sense, means respecting the rights of other, which in its own turn results in securing a safer ground for enjoying and ...

Muharram mourning hold at Imam Mahdi Center of Seattle, USA

Muharram mourning hold at Imam Mahdi Center of Seattle, USA
Muharram mourning hold at Imam Mahdi Center of Seattle, Washington (USA) 1437-2015 / Photos Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Muharram is a month of remembrance and modern Shia meditation that is often considered synonymous with Ashura. Ashura, which literally means the "Tenth" in Arabic, refers to the tenth day of Muharram. It is well-known because of historical significance and mourning for the murder of Hussein ibn Ali, the grandson of Prophet ...

Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.), the Whole Truth

Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.), the Whole Truth
Since Ahl al-Bayt stand at the highest level of devotion, submission and endeavor, they reflect the whole truth like a mirror. Their station of devotion and submission is a manifestation of Allah’sAttributes, their moral virtues, strong faith and a jumping board for gaining nearness to Allah in readiness to meet Him. Imam al-Hadi (a.s.) describes Ahl al-Bayt as such: Peace be on you, O Household of the Prophet! You are the center of the Divine ...