Saturday 20th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Hazrat Fatima Ma’soomah too intercedes

Hazrat Fatima Ma’soomah too intercedes
Fatima Ma’soomah too intercedes and the expanse of her intercession encompasses the entire history of Islam. The reason for qualification of Fatima Ma’soomah to intercede is explained in a tradition handed down from Prophet of Islam:“He, who learns the Qur’an and safeguards the divine commandments, will be sent to Heaven by God Who will accept his/her intercession for ten relatives.”‌Imam Sadiq said: ...

How did Imam Hussein (A.S) define enjoining good and prohibiting bad?

How did Imam Hussein (A.S) define enjoining good and prohibiting bad?
It is narrated that Imam Hussein (A.S) delivered a sermon (Khotbah) which according to some scholars it was delivered in Mena. In that sermon, defining the positive results of enjoining good (right) and prohibiting bad (wrong), Imam Hussein (A.S) said: As Wajib duties, Allah (SWT) has started enjoining good and prohibiting bad from Supreme Being, because God knew that if these two religious duties are established, all (other) easy and difficult ...

Beliefs of Shi'a

Beliefs of Shi'a
Shia religion is based upon certain beliefs and ideologies. Anyone having these beliefs is a Shia even if he does not call himself "Shia . One not having these beliefs can never be Shia even if he calls himself "Shia . Allah, His Messenger, and Masoomeen (as) did not separate the beliefs and acts of Shia from each other. They are one and the same. Because beliefs are acts themselves. Acts are beliefs themselves. Because beliefs are exposed ...

The Paradigm of Patience and Gentleness

The Paradigm of Patience and Gentleness
Sufyan ibn Nazaar narrates:Once when we were in the presence of Ma'moon, he asked us: "Do you know whom I learned the Shia faith from?" Everyone said they do not know. Ma'moon then continued, "I learned it from my father Haroon al-Rashid.We asked: "How is that possible, when Haroon would actually kill this group?Ma'moon replied: "He would kill them solely for the purpose of power and kingship, so he would not lose his position. However, it was ...

Ziarat of Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Jawad(A.S)

Ziarat of Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Jawad(A.S)
لسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ يَا أَبَا جَعْفَرٍ مُحَمَّدَ بْنَ عَلِيٍّ الْبَرَّ التَّقِيَّ الْإِمَامَ الْوَفِيَّ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ أَيُّهَا الرَّضِيُّ الزَّكِيُ‏السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ يَا وَلِيَّ اللَّهِ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ يَا نَجِيَّ ...

Peace be upon the bodies drowned in Blood – an account on Arbaeen

Peace be upon the bodies drowned in Blood – an account on Arbaeen
It has been narrated by the eleventh Imam Hazrat Hasan Askari (A.S) “There are five signs for a believer: A) Reciting 51 Rakats of Salat (Prayers) (seventeen Rakats of obligatory prays) B) Ziyarat of Imam Hussain on Arbaeen C) Wearing an (onyx) ring in the finger of the right land D) Putting the forehead (doing prostration) on the Khak-e-Shafa (earth of Karbala) E) Reciting loudly Bismillah-ir-Rahman- ir- Rahim Peace be upon you, O Aba ...

Historical Poetry on the oppression and martyrdom of Al-Zahra (as)

Historical Poetry on the oppression and martyrdom of Al-Zahra (as)
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) -By: Ayatullah Ja’afar Murtada in his famous book “Tragedy of Al-Zahra (as)” Poetry is a Reliable Historical ChronicleWe are of the view that poets have thoroughly covered what al-Zahra’ (A.S.) underwent of oppression, persecution, beating and miscarriage since the first generations and till our time. They make their poetry target those who participated in all of that or did not stop it. Some ...

Imam Muhammed Al-Baqir (A.S) Conversation with a Christian Scholar

Imam Muhammed Al-Baqir (A.S) Conversation with a Christian Scholar
Imam Sadiq (A.S) said, "one day I and my father came out of the assembly of Hisham. We happened to pass by a place where a group of Christians had come to ask questions from their scholar. We too went there to see what the affair was.We saw an old man with grey hair and grey eyebrows sitting among them. We also sat among the aggregation. The followers of Jesus Christ (A.S) were sitting before him like worthless children, and were asking him ...

Sayyida Fatima after Heavenly Departure of Holy Prophet

Sayyida Fatima after Heavenly Departure of Holy Prophet
Hadrat Fatima Zahra after the Heavenly Departure of the Holy Prophet (PBUT)By: Dr. Yasin T. al-JibouriIbn al-Jawzi, namely Abul-Faraj Abdul-Rahman ibn Abul-Hassan Ali ibn Muhammad al-Qarashi (or Quraishi, of Quraish tribe) al-Taymi al-Bakri, was a Hanbali faqih who knew the Holy Qur’an by heart, an orator, historian and a man of letters.He was born in Baghdad in 510 A.H./1117 A.D. and died there on the 12th of the month of Ramadan of 592 ...

For what Reason was He Killed?

For what Reason was He Killed?
Today, the 25th of Rajab, is that tragic day in Islamic history on which in the year 183 AH (799 CE) the corpse of a venerable descendant of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) was left for public view on the bridge across the River Tigris in Baghdad near the caliph's palace, with a long scroll 'attested' by court-mullahs claiming there was no sign of any foul play on the body of the person who emerged lifeless from imprisonment. The question is: Why was he ...

A Short Biography of Prophet Muhammad

A Short Biography of Prophet Muhammad
Prophet Muhammad was born in 570 CE (Common Era) in the city of Mecca in the Arabian Peninsula, part of modern day Saudi Arabia. As his father had died shortly after marriage, his grandfather ‘Abd al-Muttalib became his guardian. ‘Abd al-Muttalib was the respected head of the clan of Hashim and the tribe of Quraysh, to which his clan belonged. With the Quraysh being the biggest and most influential tribe in Mecca, ‘Abd ...

Second Argument: Reviewing Doubts of some Sunni Exegetes and scholars about the Verse of Proclamation and Shia Responses

Second Argument: Reviewing Doubts of some Sunni Exegetes and scholars about the Verse of Proclamation and Shia Responses
Revelation of Verse on Protection in Mecca Suyuti[1] quotes Ibn Abbas as saying that they asked the Prophet (PBUH): Which verse became onerous to you? He replied: "During Hajj pilgrimage in Mena, where the Arab infidels and other people were also there, Gabriel came to me and said: "O Messenger, announce that which has been revealed to you ..."‌ I stood up and said: O, people, who will help me to deliver the Message of Allah to enter the ...

17th Rabi al-Awwal Birth Anniversary of Prophet Muhammad and Imam Sadiq (PBUT)

17th Rabi al-Awwal Birth Anniversary of Prophet Muhammad and Imam Sadiq (PBUT)
Hadrat Muhammad (PBUH), the "Last Messenger of God Almighty and the Seal of the Prophethood" was born at Makkah on 17th Rabi al-Awwal l [corresponding to 570 C.E.].Imam Jafar al-Sadiq(A.S) the Sixth Holy Imam of the Shi'ites and the "Founder of the First Grand Islamic University" was born in the holy city of Madinah on 17th Rabi al-Awwal 83 A.H. 17th Rabi al-Awwal Birth Anniversary of Prophet Muhammad and Imam Sadiq (PBUT) On the auspicious, ...

Imam Zayn al-‘Abidīn’s (‘a) Stance in the Uprising of Medinans

Imam Zayn al-‘Abidīn’s (‘a) Stance in the Uprising of Medinans
onsidering the high status of the household of the Prophet (s) and the position of Alavids adherents of Imam Ali ('a) and the household of the Prophet (s) in Medina, it is necessary to shed light on their stance as well as their role during the course of Medinans uprising and their revolt against the Umayyid rule.The importance of this issue is obvious to any researcher of the history of Islam who has studied and analyzed the tragedy of Harrah, ...

Which has more reward, reciting the Quran from a hard copy of the Quran, or reading it on a computer screen or on a mobile screen?

Which has more reward, reciting the Quran from a hard copy of the Quran, or reading it on a computer screen or on a mobile screen?
Salamun alaykum, Which has more reward, reciting the Quran from a hard copy of the Quran, or reading it on a computer screen or on a mobile screen? ThanksConcise answerIf it is proved that in common view reciting from the hard copy of the Quran is regarded as different from reciting it on a digital screen, reciting a hard copy earns more reward but it does not seem that such a distinction is drawn out by custom. Hence, there should not be any ...

Hazrat Fatimah, a Bright Student in the School of Islam

Hazrat Fatimah, a Bright Student in the School of Islam
Fatimah (peace be upon her) is a bright student in the school of Islam. She takes lesson from her father as the best teacher: the lesson of humanity, morality, devotion, generosity, purity, benevolence, restraining her anger, serving people, etc. And her father, who found her ready tried to construct her character. He would try to teach her as much as possible, each of them separately is the lesson of life for her and the women community. He ...

Arrival of Jabir in Karbala

Arrival of Jabir in Karbala
Shaykh Tusi writes in his book entitled Misbah ul Mutahajjid that 20th of the month of Safar is the day on which Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari a companion of the Holy Prophet came from Medina to Karbala to pay homage to the sacred grave of Imam Hussain and he was the first person who performed homage to the grave of the Imam.Homage of Imam Hussain on that day is recommended and it is this very homage that is called Ziyuratul Arba'in. Shaykh Tusi ...

Intercession by the Qur’an and Prophet’s Household

Intercession by the Qur’an and Prophet’s Household
According to several traditions, the Qur'an and the Household of the Holy Prophet too will intercede on the Day of Judgment. The Holy Prophet said: "I intercede on the Day of Judgment and my intercession is accepted and Ali will intercede and his intercession is accepted, my Household will interceded and their intercession is accepted as well."‌He also said: there are five intercessors: "The Qur'an, your Prophet's Household, Imams, Holy ...

The Beauties of Ashura: The Most Beautiful Repent (Hur ibn Yazid Riyahi)

The Beauties of Ashura: The Most Beautiful Repent (Hur ibn Yazid Riyahi)
A lot of people in the world repent. But there are no stories more beautiful than that of the repent of Zuhayr ibn Ghin and Hur ibn Yazid RiyahiHur ibn Yazid RiyahiImam Hussein went to Hosam’s house on Sunday, the 27th of Dhu Al-Hijjah, year 60 AH. At noon, Hur bin Yazid got there with his thousands of warriors. Imam Hussein ordered his men to give water to Hur, to his men, and to their horses. Hur was the first person, who went to find ...

Imam Sadjad’s Deep Love for the Holy Qur’an

Imam Sadjad’s Deep Love for the Holy Qur’an
Practicing the Holy Qur'an One day a close relative of Imam al-Sadjad (A.S) abused him in public. He spoke bad words to him and then left but the Imam (A.S) did not utter any word against him. As soon as the man left, Imam (A.S) turned towards the people who were present there and had witnessed what had just transpired, and said, "Whatever this man said to me, you all heard it. I would now want you to accompany me to him so that you hear what ...