Friday 19th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Hashimite Prince Ali Akbar's Martyrdom

The Hashimite Prince Ali Akbar's Martyrdom
After Abbas (pbuh), came the turn of Ali Akbar (pbuh), to go to the battlefield. The battle drums of the enemies were now getting louder and louder. It is reported that this eighteen (18) year old son was so very much loved by one and all in the camp that the account of his taking leave of his aunts, sisters, brothers and other relatives is so pathetic that none can resist shedding at least a few tears over the heart-rending event. At last ...

The Ziyarah Of Al-Warith

The Ziyarah Of Al-Warith
The Ziyarah Of Al-Warith Ibn Qawlawayh, in his book titled ‘al-Mazar' records the following on the authority of Safwan: عن كتاب المزار لابن قولويه قال:   I asked Imam as-Sadiq, peace be upon him, to permit me to visit (the holy tomb of) my master Imam al-Husayn, peace be upon him, and also asked him to guide me what to do. The Imam said to me: استأذنت الإمام الصادق، عليه السلام، ...

A Brief Biography of Lady Fatima Az-Zahra(as)

A Brief Biography of Lady Fatima Az-Zahra(as)
Most historians agree Lady Fatima was born five years after Prophethood, on the 20th of Jumada-Al-Thani in Mekkah. Fatima was one of the four daughters of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&hf) and his first wife, Khadijah bint-Khuwailid (as). Fatimaâ€TMs relationship with her father had set an exemplary model of a father-daughter relationship; he showered her with admiration and love. Upon his return home from journeys the Prophet visited Fatima before ...

Tenth Argument: Lack of Reference to Verse of Proclamation

Tenth Argument: Lack of Reference to Verse of Proclamation
The author of Al-Manar says: "I am certain that if the issue of imamate was among the issues openly asserted in the Holy Qur'an, there would have been no discord among Muslims after the demise of the Prophet. But, as we see, there is a discord, and Imam Ali did not refer to this verse to prove his legitimate right for leadership of the Muslims. Also none of the Infallible members of the Household of the Prophet and his companions who preferred ...

Intl. conference on Imam Reza (AS) to be held at Astan Quds Razavi

Intl. conference on Imam Reza (AS) to be held at Astan Quds Razavi
The Islamic Research Foundation of Astan Quds Razavi is set to hold an international conference on Imam Reza (AS), the eighth Shia Imam. AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): The Islamic Research Foundation of Astan Quds Razavi is set to hold an international conference on Imam Reza (AS), the eighth Shia Imam. Intl. Conference on "Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (AS) and the Scientific, Civilizational Movement of Islamic World" will be held on February ...

Levels of Devotion

Levels of Devotion
In the same sermon are explained the various spiritual states and levels attained by the worshippers in the course of their devotional search. Imam Ali (A.S) describes such men in these words: The angels have surrounded them and peace is showered upon them. The doors of heavens are opened for them and abodes of blessedness, of which He had informed them, have been prepared for them. He is pleased with their struggle and admires their station. ...

When Allah created material things from absolute nothingness, does it mean that His Power was converted into material power and material form?

When Allah created material things from absolute nothingness, does it mean that His Power was converted into material power and material form?
When Allah created material things from absolute nothingness, does it mean that His Power was converted into material power and material form?Concise answerIf you mean conversion of divine power into material power, there is no doubt that such a notion is false and it is never true with God. If you mean by the word "conversion" reflection of God's power, indeed creation from absolute nothingness gives such a meaning because ‘nothing' was not ...

A True Believer is forbearing and patient

A True Believer is forbearing and patient
By: Ayatullah al-Uzma Shaykh Nasir Makarim ShiraziWe have been narrating a tradition from the Prophet of Islam (S) to the Commander of the Faithful,'Ali b. Abi Talib (as) in which the Noble Prophet (S) listed one hundred and three characteristics of a true believer and of them, thirty-one have been discussed, and in today's discussion, we cover another four.…حَلِيماً إِذَا جُهِلَ عَلَيْهِ، صَبُوراً ...

Which sin is greater, murder or adultery? Discussion between Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (A.S) and Abu Hanifa

Which sin is greater, murder or adultery? Discussion between Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (A.S) and Abu Hanifa
Question:In the tafseer of Sura Takathur (Ayah 8), there was a discussion between Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (A.S) and Abu Hanifa, where the Imam (as) questioned Abu Hanifa on the following:1. Which is the greater sin, murder or adultery? Murder requires 2 witnesses whilst adultery requires 4.2. Which is superior, fasting or salaat? For women there is no qadha/kaffarah for salaat, whereas for fasting it’s the opposite.3. Who is stronger, man or ...

Merits of Emam Reza's (AS) Ziyarah

Merits of Emam Reza's (AS) Ziyarah
There are many traditions concerning the merit of Emam Reza's (AS) ziyarah (pilgrimage) in general, and in some its thawab (spiritual reward) is concerned to be equal to that of the martyrdom of the martyrs of Badr, and in still other traditions its thawab is considered equal to that of a hajj pilgrimage.[Merits of Emam Reza's (AS) Ziyarah]Ja'far ibn Muhammad ibn Qulawayh narrates the following tradition from Hasan ibn Abd Allah, from his ...

The Traditions of Imam Hasan al-Askari (A.S.)

The Traditions of Imam Hasan al-Askari (A.S.)
Historians agreed unanimously that Imam Abu Muhammad (a.s.) was the richest scientific personality in his talents at his time, and no one was ever comparable to him in virtue and knowledge. Historians said, 'He was the highest authority for jurisprudents in taking the rulings of the Shariah and the principles of religion. They put forward to him books of Hadith and jurisprudence, and if he permitted these books, they would act according to them. ...

Ninth Argument: Emergence of a School of Thought and Imamate

Ninth Argument: Emergence of a School of Thought and Imamate
The author of Tafsir al-Manar, Rashid Reza, is so biased towards the interpretation of the Verse of Proclamation by the Shia exegetists on leadership of Imam Ali (A.S) that he has said the issue of Imamate and Wilayah is totally a new subject. He says the atmosphere at the time the verse was revealed did not center round leadership of Muslims. Beset by weird fancies Rashid concludes that the issue of leadership was coined by Shia followers and ...

Imam Ali al-Hadi (AS)

Imam Ali al-Hadi (AS)
Imam Ali al-Hadi (AS)Name - AliTitle - An-Naqi and Al-HadiKunyat - Abul HasanBorn - Friday 15th of Zilhajj 212 A.H., at SurbaFather's Name - Muhammad ibn AliMother's Name - Summana KhatoonDied - At the age of 42 years, at Samarra , on Monday, 26th Jamadi-ul-Akhar 254 AH. Poisoned by Mu'taz the Abbaside CaliphBuried - at Samarra, Baghdad.Imam Ali un Naqi (a.s.)'s mother was a very pious lady who spent her whole life fasting. The 10th Imam has ...

Imam Hasan Askari (AS) words about Imam Mahdi (AJ)

Imam Hasan Askari (AS) words about Imam Mahdi (AJ)
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Imam Hassan (pbuh) declared: "My son, do recite all the Holy Books of the past Prophets!"Imam Mahdi (pbuh) recited then the Book of Ibrahim (pbuh) in Syrian; after that Imam Mahdi recited the Holy Books of the Prophet Noah, Idriss, Salih (peace be upon them all), the Torah of Moses (pbuh), the Bible of Jesus (pbuh); and at last, but not the least, he recited the Holy Qur’an of his forefather Prophet Muhammad ...

Childhood and Youth of Hadhrat Abbas (as)

 Childhood and Youth of Hadhrat Abbas (as)
Name:  al-Abbas (a.s.)Title:  Alamdar-e-lashkar-e-Hussain (as.), Qamar bani HashimAgnomen:  Abul FazlFather:  Imam Ali Amir al-Muminin (a.s.)Mother:  Fatima bint-e-Huzzam ibn-e-Khalid (a.s.)Birth:  4th Shabaan 26 AH.Death:  Martyred in Karbala (Iraq) at the age of 36, on Friday, 10th Muharram 61 AH and buried there. Birth and ChildhoodHazrat Ali (a.s.) married Fatimah Bint-e-Huzaam Ibne Khalid (a.s.) in 24 ...

Banner Replacement Ceremony of al-Kadhimya Holy Shrine

Banner Replacement Ceremony of al-Kadhimya Holy Shrine
Crowds of mourners gathered inside the courtyard of al-Kadhimayn Holy shrine to attend the red to black banner replacement ceremony of the holy domes of al-Kadhimayn Holy Shrine. Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Crowds of mourners gathered inside the courtyard of al-Kadhimayn Holy shrine in Iraq to attend the red to black banner replacement ceremony of the holy domes of al-Kadhimayn Holy Shrine.Many public and religious figures attended the annual ...

Special features of Imam Hassan Askari's Morality

Special features of Imam Hassan Askari's Morality
Imam Hassan Askari (AS) was a gracious personality and an unmatched exigent of the Qur'an. More than 100 well-known wise men remained continuously present in his assembly.During a period of 16 years, when he lived in Iraq, the territories from Syria up to Medina, particularly Iran was under his influence. Imam Askari's spiritual and knowledge influence went to the extent that it over-whelmed the court of "Almutaz" and all the wise-men busy in ...

Hazrat Abbas (A.S), The Most Luminous Personality Of The Youths Of Bani Hashim

Hazrat Abbas (A.S), The Most Luminous Personality Of The Youths Of Bani Hashim
Abul Fazl Abbas was the most prominent young man of the Bani Hashim. He was the standard bearer of the Imam's force. He is the epitome of loyalty and his name would signify devotion for all the days to come. His mother was Fatima, Ummul Baneen who was from a tribe famed for its valor and bravery. This noble lady had four sons of whom Abbas was the eldest. On the day of Ashura they laid down their lives in such an exemplary manner that even ...

Imam Ali (A.S) is Holy Prophet’s Heir

Imam Ali (A.S) is Holy Prophet’s Heir
There is no doubt that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his progeny, has left `Ali with a legacy of knowledge and wisdom as much as the Almighty permitted His prophets and wasis to inherit, so much so that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) has said: "I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate; therefore, whoever wishes to attain knowledge, let him approach through the gate." He, peace be upon him and his progeny, has said: "I am ...

Contemporary of seven of the Abbasid caliphs

Contemporary of seven of the Abbasid caliphs
Contemporary of seven of the Abbasid caliphs Imam Ali ibn Muhammad Naqi (sometimes referred to by the title of Hadi), was the son of the ninth Imam. He was born in 212/ 827 in Medina and according to Shi'ite accounts was martyred through poisoning by Mu'tazz the Abbasid caliph, in 254/868. The tenth Imam was a contemporary of seven of the Abbasid caliphs: Ma'mun, Mu'tasim, Wathiq, Mutawakkil, Muntasir, Musta'm and Mu'tazz. It was during the ...