Friday 19th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Ashura - Misrepresentations and Distortions (3)

Ashura - Misrepresentations and Distortions (3)
This is a translation of a series of four sermons delivered by the author during the month of Muharram of 1389 H. (March 1969) on the topic of the meaning and significance of "Ashura and the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a.s) at Karbala. The first three sermons were published earlier in al-Tawhid, vol. 13, no.3, pp. 41-74, vol. 13, no.4, pp. 57-71.The Persian appeared under the title Hamaseh-ye Husayni (Tehran: Intisharat-e Sadra, 2nd impression, ...

What Happen When Ahl-e-Bait Came Back in Madina?

What Happen When Ahl-e-Bait Came Back in Madina?
Al-Sajjad (‘a) had no choice except to leave Karbala’ and set forth to Medina after having stayed there for three days. It was too much for him to see how his aunts and the other women, as well as the children, were all crying day and night while visiting one grave after another.She complains about her foesAnd his folks does she mourn,What a condition wherein patience unfoldedAnd patience did depart.So we mourn her and complainWith ...

Ahl al-Bayt's (A.S.) Way of Worship

Ahl al-Bayt's (A.S.) Way of Worship
mam Ali (A.S.): O Allah! I worshipped you neither out of greed for the Paradise nor as a result of fearing your Hell Fire, but I found you praise worthy and worshipped you. Imam a-Sadiq (A.S.): Servants consist of three groups: One group worship Allah out of fear which is the worship of the slaves; the next are seeking reward, which is the worship of the hirelings, and finally the group who worship Allah out of love and affection towards Him ...

The Birth of the Holy Lady Fatemah Ma"soomah and her childhood

The Birth of the Holy Lady Fatemah Ma
In the holy city of Medina, the holy household was awaiting the arrival of a new born. In the house of Imam Kadhim (A.S.), Najma, the wife of the honorable Imam was eagerly looking forward to the arrival of the child; she was counting days and nights for that day. The Imam"s house was overwhelmed with happiness. Finally, the day arrived, on the 1st of Dhil-Qa'dah 173 (A.H.) when Allah blessed the 7th Imam Musa Kadhim (A.S.) with a daughter. ...

Why do the Shi‘ah perform the five daily prayers in three periods?

Why do the Shi‘ah perform the five daily prayers in three periods?
By: Sayyid Rida' Husayni NasabReply: In order to clarify this point, we had better examine the views of jurists {fuqaha} in this regard first:1. All Muslim groups agree that in ‘Arafah[30][242] one may perform both noon {zuhr} and afternoon {asr} prayers successively without any interval between them, and in Muzdalifah[31][243] it is also permissible to say sunset {maghrib} and night {‘isha’} prayers at the time of ...

The Karamah of Awliya’Allah

The Karamah of Awliya’Allah
By: Muhammad Husayn Ibrahimi Another point upon which the Wahhabis differ with the Sunnis and the Shi`ah is the issue of miracles {karamat}. All Muslim sects regard the prophets ('a) as people who performed miracles {karamat} and wondrous feats {mu'jizah} because the Qur'an bears witness to the authenticity of this point. Concerning the infallible Imams ('a), however, the only group that does not recognize them to have performed miracles and ...

Imam Jafar Sadiq’s Attachment to the Holy Qur’an (Part 1)

Imam Jafar Sadiq’s Attachment to the Holy Qur’an (Part 1)
Imam Jafar ibn Muhammad Sadiq (A.S) was once seen reciting verses from the Holy Qur’an during his prayer when suddenly he fell down unconscious. Later on, after he (A.S) regained his consciousness, somebody asked as to what had happened to him and the Imam (A.S) said,  “I was engrossed in recitation of the verses from the Holy Qur’an when suddenly I felt as though I was hearing them directly from the One who was revealing ...

Undeniable Proofs of Authority

Undeniable Proofs of Authority
Today, the hearts of the faithful, all over the globe, are turned towards Kazemayn, northern Baghdad, where reposes in eternal peace the person who was born this day in 128 AH in Abwa – situated between the holy cities of Mecca and Medina in the Hijaz. The phrase frequently coming to their lips is "Ya Bab al-Hawa'ej", which means "O Gateway of Boons". It is a key that opens the gates of Divine Mercy, since supplicating to the One and Only ...

Are we true to Imam Hussain [as]?

Are we true to Imam Hussain [as]?
"If Husayn was one of us, we would have put up a flag and a minaret for him in every part of the earth and called the people to Christianity!" - Antoine Bara. It isn't uncommon to hear people say "How fast Muharram has come and gone!" after the day of Ashura. For many of us, the climax of this period of mourning is the recitation of the Maqtal (martyrdom epic) of Imam Husayn (a) on the day of Ashura. While there is a quieter, deeper atmosphere ...

Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Sajjad (as), the Guide of Muslims

Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Sajjad (as), the Guide of Muslims
The father gently touched the fevered forehead of his son. He was Hussein Ibn Ali (as) who was sitting on the bed of his son Ali Ibn al-Hussein and had pinned hope in his luminous eyes. Imam Sajjad (as) opened his eyes after feeling his father's caress. The father's kind face always boosted his morale. But this time it was different. The day after, the father was about to set off for an unequal battle, but the son was unable to join and help his ...

Imam Hasan Askari's Life: Some Anecdotes

Imam Hasan Askari's Life: Some Anecdotes
One of those was Ishaq al-Kindi. This man was a great philosopher of Iraq. He collected such verses of Noble Qur'an whose meanings were apparently contradictory, in a book called as "self-contradictions". He wanted to prove thereby that it was not the word of Almighty Allah (SWT). When the news reached Imam Hassan Askari (as), he waited for an opportunity to refute him. One day, by chance some of his disciples (students) came to Imam Hassan ...

Merits of Imam Husayn (A.S.)

Merits of Imam Husayn (A.S.)
We should now like to quote some traditions relating to Imam Husayn from Ibn Athir's book entitled Usudul Ghabah.A man asked Abdullah bin Umar: "What will be the position if the blood of a mosquito touches the dress of a man?" Abdullah bin Umar said: "Look here! This Iraqi enquires about the blood of a mosquito, although these very Iraqis killed the son of the Prophet of Allah and I myself have heard the Holy Prophet saying: "Hasan and Husayn ...

One of Imam Sajad’s (A.S.) Prayers for God’s Help in Repaying Debts

One of Imam Sajad’s (A.S.) Prayers for God’s Help in Repaying Debts
(From Sahifah as Sajaddiah- These supplications were taught by the 4th Imam of his followers) O Lord! Bless Muhammad and his descendants. Give me security from a debt which causes my countenance to fade on account of which my wits are confounded, by reason of which my mind is perplexed and owing to uniform continuance of which my toil is prolonged. I seek Thy Protection, O Lord! against the sadness of debt and its care, the anxiety of debt is ...

Justice and Piety of the Holy Imams (A.S.)

Justice and Piety of the Holy Imams (A.S.)
By: Maulana Sayyid Zafar Hasan Amrohi Justice is also included among the four greatest moral virtues. This is also a middle line. If one step even a little above it, it would constitute injustice or oppression. And if one moves even slightly to the bottom, it would be willingness to accept humiliation. Both the above positions are blameworthy. Each of the Holy Imams (a.s) was having this quality, and that too, at the most excellent level. ...

Khutba-Khani Ceremony Hold on Imam Reza (AS) Martyrdom Night, Mashhad

Khutba-Khani Ceremony Hold on Imam Reza (AS) Martyrdom Night, Mashhad
Khutba-Khani (Oration) ceremony of Imam Ali Ibn al-Musa al-Reza’s (A.S.) martyrdom night will be held at the Razavi Illuminated Shrine. Khutba-Khani (Oration) ceremony of Imam Ali Ibn al-Musa al-Reza’s (A.S.) martyrdom night will be held at the Razavi Illuminated Shrine. Assistant of sacred premises and pilgrims’ affairs of Astan Quds Razavi said, “Khutba-Khani (Oration) and Shame Ghariban (passing the night in ...

Expressing Doubt or Negating Authenticity of News on Ghadir Khumm

Expressing Doubt or Negating Authenticity of News on Ghadir Khumm
the author of Tafsir al-Manar is a critic of Shia viewpoint on the story of Ghadir Khumm and leadership of Imam Ali (A.S). To begin, Rashid Reza considers this a scientific issue and warns fanatic scholars and people against expressing their opinions on Ghadir Khumm. He is of the opinion that the discord in ideas would harm Islamic unity. Then, he rejects all hadiths and narrations related to us by successive narrations, but proceeds himself ...

The Period of Imam as-Sajjad (A.S.)

The Period of Imam as-Sajjad (A.S.)
 Ghulam-Husayn MuharramiThe period of Imam as-Sajjad (‘a) can be divided into two stages: The first stage covers the events after the martyrdom of Imam al-Husayn (‘a), the destabilization of the Umayyad rule and finally the end of rule of the Sufyanis (descendants of Abu Sufyan) and the succession to power of the Marwanis (descendants of Marwan ibn al-Hakam), the internal struggle among the Umayyads and their entanglement with ...

Dua on sighting the new moon of Ramadhan

Dua on sighting the new moon of Ramadhan
The new moon of Ramadhan is special to Muslims. It announces the start of the holy month and the beginning of the blessings and mercy associated with Ramadhan. According to the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his holy progeny) whoever sees the new moon of Ramadhan should recite the following Du'a.Du'a on sighting the new moon of Ramadhan :In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.My Lord and your Lord is Allah, Lord of the worldsO ...

Imam Hussain (a.s) Bin Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s)

Imam Hussain (a.s) Bin Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s)
"And whoever disputes with you concerning him (Jesus) that has come to you of knowledge, then say: Come let us call our sons and your sons and our women and your women and ourselves and yourselves, then let us pray for the curse of Allah on the liars" Al-Quran 3:61. Imam Hussain (a.s) Bin Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s) (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - The above verse refers to 5 personalties, which were regarded by the Almighty, who were trusted by His ...

The Sixth Imam, Ja’far Ibn Muhammad As-Sadiq (as)

The Sixth Imam, Ja’far Ibn Muhammad As-Sadiq (as)
The 6th Imam, Ja’far Ibn Muhammad As-Sadiq (as) was Born in Madinah on 17th Rabiul Awwal 83 Hijiri (23.4.702 AD). Died in Madinah on 15th Shawwal, 148 Hijri (7.12.765 AD) at the age of 63. Period of Imamate 34 years.It is known from various history books and various sources of Hadith that when Imam As-Sadiq was a young boy, he used to come to the schools and Madrasas founded by his father the 5th Imam and instead of learning as many other ...