Thursday 18th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Martyrdom of Imam Musa Al-Kadhim (a.s.)

Martyrdom of Imam Musa Al-Kadhim (a.s.)
The earth, as a whole, was created, in the eyes of the Imam to be a worshipping place, a concept first presented by the Apostle of Allah (s.a.w.). This life was created so that people could serve and glorify Allah, the Most High. It is merely a trip towards Allah, and an attempt to know Him better. The Imam wouldn't feel a change in time or place. All the times and places for him were the same. One the contrary, the more he was persecuted, the ...

The Birth of The Tenth Holy Imam Imam Ali un-Naqi al-Hadi(A.S.)

The Birth of The Tenth Holy Imam Imam Ali un-Naqi al-Hadi(A.S.)
Imamat:The Tenth Holy Imam(A.S.) like his father , was also elevated to the rank of Imam in his childhood . He was six years old when his father Imam Muhammad al-Jawad was martyred.Imam Tortured by Abbasid Caliphs:After the death of al - Ma'mun , al - Mu`tasim succeeded him , and was later followed by the caliph al - Wathiq . In the first five years of the reign of al - Wathiq , Imam Ali al - Hadi ( an - Naqi ) lived peacefully . After al - ...

Imam Ali Ibn Muhammad al-Hadi ( an-Naqi)

Imam Ali Ibn Muhammad al-Hadi ( an-Naqi)
Ali Ibn Muhammad al-Hadi ( an-Naqi) (Peace be Upon him) Name: Ali Title: al-Hadi or and - Naqi Agnomen: Abn'l-Hasan Father's name: Muhammad al-Jawed( at-Taqi) Mother's name: sumanah Birth: In Suryah ( in the environs of Medina) ' on Friday' 2nd Rajab' 212 AH Death: Died at the age of 42 ' in Samarra' , on Monday, 26th Jumada th-thaniyah 254 AH; poisoned by al-Mu'tazz, the ' Abbasid caliph; buried in Samarra' ; North of Baghdad ( Iraq) ...

Al-Husayn ibn 'Ali Sayyidu'sh-Shuhada (Peace be Upon him)

Al-Husayn ibn 'Ali Sayyidu'sh-Shuhada (Peace be Upon him)
Name: al-Husayn.Title: Sayyidu'sh-Shuhada'.Agnomen: Abu 'Abdillah.Father' s name: 'Ali Amir al-Mu'minin.Mother's name:Fatimah (Daughter of the Holy Prophet).Birth: In Medina on Thursday, 3rd Sha'ban 4 AH.Death: Martyred in Karbala' (Iraq) at the age of 57, on Friday, 10th Muharram 61 AH and buried there.In the House of the Holy Prophet, which presented the best image of both the worlds - the heaven and the earth- a child who benefited humanity ...

Imam Ja'far -as-Sadiq (A.S.) and His Servant

 Imam Ja'far -as-Sadiq (A.S.) and His Servant
It is related that Imam Ja'far -as-Sadiq (A.S.) had a servant. Wherever the Imam went, he accompanied Him. And when Imam (A.S.) went to the Mosque, he would look after His mule. One day the servant was sitting at the door of the Mosque catching hold of the mule, when there came some travellers from Khurasan. One of them said, "O servant! Will you plead to your master Imam Sadiq (A.S.) to accept me as His servant in your stead, and we shall ...

The Role Imam Muhammad Taqi (A.S.)

The Role Imam Muhammad Taqi (A.S.)
Imam Muhammad Taqi (A.S.) is also known as Abu Ja'ffar meaning ‘the father of Ja'ffar', and among his titles, the most popular ones are: Al-Jawad meaning ‘the most generous' and Al-Taqi meaning ‘the pious one'.Our 9th Imam (A.S.) assumed the role of Imamate at a very young age. Some historians believe he (A.S.) was 7 years and some say he (A.S.) was 9 years of age.However, in the matters of Prophethood and Imamat - age carries no value and ...

Hazrat Fatimah az-Zahra

Hazrat Fatimah az-Zahra
Fatimah az-Zahra(Peace be Upon her)Name:Fatimah.Title: az- Zahra'.Agnomen: Ummu 'l-A'immah.Father's name: Muhammad ibn `Abdillah.Mother's name: khadijah bint khuwaylid.Birth: Born in Mecca of Friday, 20th jumada ` th-thaaniyah in the fifth year after the declaration of the prophet - hood (615 AD).Death: Died at the age of 18 in Medina on 14th Jumada ' l-ula 11 AH ( 632 AD); buried in the graveyard called Jannatul-Baqi in ...

Scholarly Marja'iyyat of Imam 'Ali (A.S.)

Scholarly Marja'iyyat of Imam 'Ali (A.S.)
A glance at the exegesis of the Holy Qur'an proves beyond doubt that Imam 'Ali (A.S.) is the doyen of all exegetes. The eminent Egyptian scholar Jalal al-Din Suyuti (d. 911 AH) says that among the caliphs, most of the narrations are from Imam 'Ali bin Abi Talib (A.S.). Ibn 'Abbas, from whom much of the hadith concerning the exegesis of the Holy Qur'an has been narrated, was the cousin and student of Imam 'Ali (A.S.). As mentioned by the 6th ...

Imam Sajjad (as) lifetime

Imam Sajjad (as) lifetime
Times were hard in Madina for the family of the Prophet. Imam Ali Ibne Hussain (Sajjad became his title because of his intense prostrations in prayers) lived for another 35 years after the event of Karbala. He was the Imam of the time and it was his duty to spread guidance to the people. But how he would do that when a single word in favor of the Ahlulbayt would have meant certain death. No one dared to say that he followed the family of the ...

Imam Sajjad Towards the Shelter of Garden

Imam Sajjad Towards the Shelter of Garden
Imām Zayn al-‘Ābidin, peace be on him, became old and weak. This is because he exhausted himself by hard worship and obedience to Allah. The historians unanimously agreed that the Imām passed most his lifetime fasting by day and standing in prayer by night. Meanwhile, he remembered the tragedy of Karbalā’. When he looked at his aunts and his sisters, he remembered their escape from one tent to another, and the caller of the ...

The Moral Features of Imam Al-Javad (as)

The Moral Features of Imam Al-Javad (as)
Imam (A.S.) was a child when his father passed away but he never happened to commit the child like acts and even one day one of his friends purchased the game items in the age (period) of his father and took it to his house.Imam (A.S.) was extremely annoyed with him and said, "What do I have to do with these? We are a family of Knowledge and Virtue."One year after the martyrdom of Imam Reza (A.S.) Mamoon was proceeding for hunting along with a ...

Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Kadhim

Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Kadhim
- On 25th of Rajab, in the year 183 of the hijra when news of the martyrdom of the 7th Imam spread in Baghdad, an old man started crying incessantly. When asked the reason, he recalled the day when his farmland was afflicted with pest and his entire crop was damaged. The old man said: “I lived honestly and never did I stretch out my hand towards the people, but since I was in debt, I wondered how I could repay my loan. I was in that state ...

Imam Hussain(as) is killed on the Plains of Kerbala

Imam Hussain(as) is killed on the Plains of Kerbala
One from amongst the crowd said to him, "You are not going to drink water until you enter hell fire, whereupon you can drink from its boiling water". Imam Hussain replied, "I do not enter hell fire, but enter unto my grandfather, the Apostle of God and stay with him in his own house (in the seat of honour with a most powerful King) and complain to him of that which you have done to me and your transgression against me". All were very furious at ...

Along with Imam Husain (AS), From Medina to Karbala (1)

Along with Imam Husain (AS), From Medina to Karbala (1)
Salaam and welcome to the first part of our special program for the month of Moharram "Along with Imam Husain (AS), From Medina to Karbala."The month of Moharram has started. It is the month of mourning for the martyrs of the greatest ever tragedy the world has ever seen. It is the month on whose advent the faithful don black clothes and put up black banners on roofs, walls and streets, highlighting the words and objectives of the Chief of ...

Role of Women in the Husayni Revolution

Role of Women in the Husayni Revolution
It is a historically foregone conclusion that Imam Hussein (a.s.) was fully aware of the fact that his opposition to the Ummayyad policy and the strong stance he took against it would only lead to his martyrdom in the way of Allah, whether he remained in the city of Medina, Mecca or any other city. But he wanted his martyrdom to have an impact on the life of the ummah as wide and great as the personal reward, comfort and eternal pleasure of ...

The History of the city of Najaf

The History of the city of Najaf
The visit of Prophet Abraham and Isaac and Abraham's prediction and desire to buy the Valley of Peace. Those who have visited Najaf will remember vividly that to the north and east of the town there are acres of graves and myriads of domes of various colours and at various stages of disrepair. Whoever goes to Najaf will follow a road that approaches the town by a winding course through this vast cemetery. The Prophet Abraham had come to this ...

Sayings of Muhammad (p.b.u.h)

Sayings of Muhammad (p.b.u.h)
CharityA man giving in alms one piece of silver in his lifetime is better for him than giving one hundred when about to die.To meet friends cheerfully and invite them to a feast are charitable acts.To extend consideration towards neighbors and send them presents are charitable acts.EducationTo acquire knowledge is binding upon all Muslims, whether male or female.The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr.He who travels in ...

Martyrdom of Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir

Martyrdom of Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir
7 Thul-Hujjah: Martyrdom of Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (peace be upon him)A Glimpse into his LifeFrom Birth until ImamateBoth of Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir's parents were grandchildren of Lady Fatima (peace be upon her). His father was Ali son of Hussein, and his mother was Fatima daughter of Hassan. He lived for four years with his grandfather, Imam Hussein (peace be upon him), and he was present at Karbala and witnessed all of the stages of that ...

The Discourses of Imam al-Jawad (A.S.)

The Discourses of Imam al-Jawad (A.S.)
The following narrations are related to Imam Abu Ja’far Mohammed bin Ali Al-Jawad (peace be upon him).Imam Al-Jawad’s Answer about a Muhrim That Kills a gameWhen the Abbasid caliph Al-Ma’mun decided to give his daughter, Ummul-Fadhl, in marriage to Abu Ja’far Mohammed bin Ali (peace be upon him), his household objected and said, “O Amirul Muminin, we beseech to you not to deprive us of the matter that we prevailed ...

Nahj al-Balaghah and the World

Nahj al-Balaghah and the World
The theme of freedom is repeatedly emphasized and elaborated in the Nahj al-Balaghah. We shall quote a few relevant passages to substantiate the points made so far.. . . (God) has given inborn disposition to human minds to shape themselves either towards good or towards evil." (Khutbah 75)They were given complete liberty in this world, of thought and deed, to think as they like and to do as they desire, so that they may develop their minds, and ...