Thursday 18th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Untimely Martyrdom of Fatima Zahra

Untimely Martyrdom of Fatima Zahra
Condolences to you on the anniversary of a very painful day. Today is the 3rd of Jamadi as-Saani, the day the greatest lady of all time, Hazrat Fatema Zahra (peace upon her) succumbed to her wounds and attained martyrdom a mere 95 days after the passing away of her father, Prophet Mohammad (blessings of God upon him and his progeny).During his last moments on earth, when the Prophet drew his immaculate daughter towards him and whispered ...

Lady Zainab; the Greatest Messenger of the Hussaini Revolution

Lady Zainab; the Greatest Messenger of the Hussaini Revolution

The Sublime Knowledge of Imam Taqi al-Jawad (A.S.)

The Sublime Knowledge of Imam Taqi al-Jawad (A.S.)
Imam Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al-Jawaad (as) was only six years when his father Imam Reza (A.S.) was martyred and He (as) assumed the role of Imamat (Divine Leadership). Many Shia'hs were confused. Some thought that a six-year-old child could not become an Imam and the Imamat should be entrusted to an older man. ‘Ali ibn Asbaat has narrated that:Once Abu Ja'ffar (reference to Imam al-Jawad) came to me, so I stared at him so as to be able to ...

Imam Al-Sadiq (AS) and Rotation of the Earth around the Sun

Imam Al-Sadiq (AS) and Rotation of the Earth around the Sun
At the age of 11, Imam Sadiq (AS) refuted the theory that the sun, moon and the planets rotated around the earth. He said that the sun, during its course round the earth, passes through the 12 constellations in one year and remains in each constellation for 30 days, so why does it then disappear from sight during the night. It should remain visible in each constellation for 30 days. Ptolemy theory said that the sun has two movements. One of its ...

Were the Policies of Imam Hasan (as) and Imam Husayn (as) Different?

Were the Policies of Imam Hasan (as) and Imam Husayn (as) Different?
These two honorable Imams (as) are brothers and the sons of \'Ali (as) and Fatimah (as). According to the ahadith the Holy Prophet (S) had deep affections towards these honorable grandsons whom he called his own sons. The Holy Prophet (S) was not able to endure their slightest pain and dissatisfaction and used to state: \"These two sons of mine are Imams and leaders, be they rising or sitting\". The terms \'rising\' and \'sitting\' are used ...

History of the Shrine of Imam Ali b. Musa al-Ridha (AS)

History of the Shrine of Imam Ali b. Musa al-Ridha (AS)
The History of Mashad Mashad is the capital of Khorasan province in the North East of Iran, 892 km away from Tehran. It is located at the altitude of 985 Meter occupying an area of 204 sq. Km. and has a population of about 1.5 million. Mashad grew from a small village called Sanabad, 24 km away from Tus. After the martyrdom of Imam Ali ibn Musa Al-Ridha and his burial there in 203 AH, the place came to be known as Mashad Al-Ridha. ...

Islamic Perspective of Imam Ali (A.S.)

Islamic Perspective of Imam Ali (A.S.)
No one in Islam has ever received such praise and esteem as Imam Ali bin Abi-Talib (A.S.) received in the Islamic message, which asks its followers not only to evaluate and endear him, but also to adhere to his example and follow in his footsteps.Of the "medals" which Imam Ali (A.S.) received from Allah, the Exalted, and the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.), we can mention the following:The Verse of Purification:Allah, the Almighty says:"...verily ...

Imamat: The Divine Guidance to Lead People to the Righteous Path

Imamat: The Divine Guidance to Lead People to the Righteous Path
By:The Scholar Naser Makarem Shirazi   1- THERE IS ALWAYS AN IMAM WE BELIEVE that as God has decreed to send His Apostles with divine Guidance, so also for any age or time, God Has appointed an Imam to look after the people, leading them to the righteous path, and to guard the divine Law against ay deviation. Imam has to know clearly, the necessities of the ages, and lead the people to the true path of God. He invites and teaches the people ...

A Part of Fadak Sermon

A Part of Fadak Sermon
O you, brave young men! You, who represent the powerful arms of Islam! You, who have assisted and rescued It devotedly! Why do I see this indifference and this carelessness of yours, in front of my rightful claim?!What is this negligence [nonchalance] from your part, in front of the unjust ice [wrong.] that is being done against my person?!Was it not in fact my father, the prophet who had said: “To respect the child, is to respect the ...

11th Zee al-Qa'adah the Auspicious Birthday Anniversary of Imam Reza (AS)

11th Zee al-Qa'adah the Auspicious Birthday Anniversary of Imam Reza (AS)
mam Ali ibn Musa al-Reza (AS), the eighth Shi'ite Holy Imam was born on 11th Zee al-Qa'adah 148 A.H. in the holy city of Madinah. He was divinely entitled 'Al-Reza"(meaning that Allah Almighty and His Holy Messenger (S.A.W.) were deeply pleased with him). The Holy Imam (AS) is also considered as the Aalim (the Greatest Erudite) of the Holy Ahlul Bayt (AS).Holy Imam was poisoned by Mamun, the Abbasid caliph in Sanabad in Toos region ...

"Al-Ghadir"and its Relevance to Islamic Unity

"Al-Ghadir"and its Relevance to Islamic Unity
The distinguished book entitled "al-Ghadir" has raised a huge wave in the world of Islam. Islamic thinkers shed light on the book in different perspectives; in literature, history, theology, tradition, tafsir, and sociology. From the social perspective we can deal with the Islamic unity. In this review the Islamic unity has been dealt with from a social point of view. Contemporary Muslim thinkers and reformists are of the view that unity and ...

The Captives Taken To Syria

The Captives Taken To Syria
Ibn Ziyad sent a messenger to Yazid to inform him that al-Husayn (‘a) and those in his company were killed, that his children were in Kufa, and that he was waiting for his orders as to what to do with them. In his answer, Yazid ordered him to send them and the severed heads to him.1‘Ubaydullah wrote something, tied it to a rock then hurled it inside the prison where the family of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and ...

Imam Ali’s Commandment for his son Imam Husain (A.S.)

Imam Ali’s Commandment for his son Imam Husain (A.S.)
O son, I command you to fear God in richness and poverty, cling to the word of right in satisfaction and rage, be moderate in richness and poverty, be fair to your friends and enemies, work in activity and laziness, and satisfy yourself with Allah is crises and luxury.O son, an evil that is followed by Paradise is not a true evil, and a welfare that is followed by Hell is not a true welfare. Every comfort other than Paradise is valueless and ...

Usurpation of Fadak

Usurpation of Fadak
It is quoted in the book al-Ihtijaj of Shaykh al-Tabarsi from ʿAbdullah b. Hasan who relates from his fore-fathers that when Fatima Zahra (A.S) was informed that Abu Bakr had confiscated Fadak, she put on her veil and cloak, and accompanied by some servants and women of the Bani Hashim, came to the Masjid and facing Abu Bakr and the Muslims who were present, recited a powerful sermon."O people! Know that I AM FATIMA and my father is Muhammad. I ...

Fatimah Zahra (A.S) the Link between Prophethood and Imamat part 4

Fatimah Zahra (A.S) the Link between Prophethood and Imamat  part 4
We also learn from Fatimah (A.S.), in her advanced missionary awareness and position, that she was someone who rebelled against her personal needs, however simple, for the sake of her missionary ambitions; she was someone who prioritized in favour of principles over the self. This is what we need to learn, for many of us - men and women alike - fall down when it comes to a choice between the needs of the principle and the needs of the self; we ...

Imam Musa bin Ja'far al-Kazim (A.S.) In Baghdad

Imam Musa bin Ja'far al-Kazim (A.S.) In Baghdad
Name Epithet and TitlesName "Musa", epithet Abul Hasan and his famous title was Kazim. His matchless devotion and worship of God has also earned him the title of "Abd-e-Saleh" (virtuous slave of God). Generosity was synonymous with his name and no beggar ever returned from his door empty handed. Even after his martyrdom, he continued to be obliging and was generous to his devotees who came to his Holy tomb with prayers and behests which were ...

The “Penultimate” Imam

The “Penultimate” Imam
Worship is not the quantity of prayer and fast, it's how much you are cognizant of God." These words are indeed food for thought. They stimulate the mind and make us realize the dynamism of Islam, which is the complete and universal code for all humanity.  No ordinary scholar who had spent any part of his life in trivial matters or un-Islamic behaviour, even for a single moment could, have expressed such words of ...

The Events After Ashura

The Events After Ashura
THE NIGHT OF THE TENTH One of them asked, "What kind of revenge do you think God will take?" The Imam said, "Some of you will kill others and the punishment of God will come pouring down on you."That night, the sky was red like blood. It was the hardest night for the family of the Prophet. In the emptiness of the desert, they faced the darkness and loneliness of night. During the night, they could hear a voice coining from the darkness. The ...

The Eleventh Infallible Imam

The Eleventh Infallible Imam
Name: Hasan bin ‘Ali.Agnomen: Abu Muhammad.Title: Al-‘Askari.Father: ‘Ali an-Naqi.Mother: Hudaytha (also known as Susan).Birth: 10th Rabi II, 232 AH in Samarra, Iraq.Death: 8th Rabi I, 260 AH in Samarra, Iraq.1. Birth & Early YearsImam Hasan al-‘Askari was born in the year 232 A.H. in Samarra, Iraq during the tenth Imam’s stay in that city. “Al-‘Askari” is from al-‘askar which means ...

(A) Non-Muslims' Rights:

(A) Non-Muslims' Rights:
As the Qur'an has taken special care of non-Muslims in the matter of their legal rights, it accords them full freedom in the matters of faith, economic activity, property, social security, and the preservation of their culture and traditions. 1. Muslims are commanded to observe the conditions of their pacts and treaties made with non-Muslims and never to violate them (al-Ma'idah. 1; al-Nahl: 91; al-'Ahzab. 15; al-Tawbah: 4 and 7; Banu Isra'il. ...