Thursday 18th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Scientific Indications of Resurrection

Scientific Indications of Resurrection
One of the valuable benefits that have been derived from the ceaseless progress of experimental science is that it has proven the possibility of the man's restoration to life. The advancement of human knowledge has, in fact, opened up a very interesting area of exploration in this respect, placing the matter in a new light and making it possible to examine it with precision for the very first time. This achievement contributes significantly to ...

Worship of Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s.)

Worship of Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s.)
Various testimonies are available with regard to the intellectual accomplishments of Imam (a.s) in form of statements of Moayyad, Imam Zuhri, Saeed bin Musayyab, Ibn Jazm, Sufyan bin Uyanna and Abu Hamzah Thumali etc. who are called the best of Tabeins (companions of companions) and who were great scholars of their time. They used to express pride on their discipleship of Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s). They used to say, "When the springs of ...

Why Shiaism is Named Jafri School of Law

Why Shiaism is Named Jafri School of Law
The sun of the existence of Imam Sadiq (A.S.) arose from the lap of his mother Ome-Farwah on the 17th of Rabiul Awal, 83rd year Hijrah, in the city of Madina. His father Imam Mohammad Baqir (A.S.) was much happy and pleased by the birth of his son. His mother was the grand daughter of Mohammad Ibn-e-Abu Bakr, who was one of the friends of Ali (A.S.). Imam Ali (A.S.) repeatedly said about him that, "Mohammad is my spiritual and moral son." Asma ...

How the Love of Imam Hassan and Imam Hussein Affects One’s Life according to Prophet Muhammad

How the Love of Imam Hassan and Imam Hussein Affects One’s Life according to Prophet Muhammad
My father quoted from Abdollah bin Jafar Homayri, ‘A man I do not remember his name and was one of our accompanies quoted from Obeid-allah bin Musa, and he from Mohalhil Abdi, and he from Abi Haroun Abdi, and he from Rabiat al-Sadi, and he from Abizar Ghaffari,“Prophet Muhammad kissed Imam Hassan and Imam Hussein and said, ‘He will not be burned in Hell, the one who likes Hassan and Hussein from the bottom of his heart, even if ...

Imam al-Hadi (A.S.) reply on Fatalists

Imam al-Hadi (A.S.) reply on Fatalists
The following narrations are related to the Imam Abul-Hasan Ali bin Mohammed Al-Hadi (peace be upon him) From Ali bin Mohammed:Peace and God’s mercy and blessings be upon you and those who follow the right guidance.I have received your message and known what you mentioned about your disagreement in your religion, taking up the question of fatalism, the various opinions of those who believe in fatalism and those who believe in indeterminism ...

40 Sayings of Masumeen (AS) on World and The Hereafter

40 Sayings of Masumeen (AS) on World and The Hereafter
1- The Endeared Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.) ((Ashshehab Fel-Hekame-Val-Adab, p. 7)) The world is the prison of the religious people and paradise of unbelievers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2- Imam Sajjad (A. S.) ((Osool-e-Kafi, vol. 3, p. 197)) Affection and attachment to the world is the root of all sins. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3- Imam ...

Virtues of Hazrat Imam Taqi Al-Jawad (AS)

Virtues of Hazrat Imam Taqi Al-Jawad (AS)
In respect of his manners and qualities, Imam Muhammad Taqi (A.S.) – the ninth infallible successor f Prophet Muhammad (SAW) - occupied that lofty position of humaneness that is the distinguished characteristic of the Prophet (SAW) and his progeny. The predominant feature of his life style was to meet everybody with humility, to help the needy, to maintain human equality and observe simplicity.To offer help to the indigent secretly, to treat ...

English Nohay For Imam Husain (A.S) [4]: Sacrifice of Aon and Muhammad

English Nohay For Imam Husain (A.S) [4]: Sacrifice of Aon and Muhammad

Martyrdom of Imam Musa Al-Kadhim (a.s.)

Martyrdom of Imam Musa Al-Kadhim (a.s.)
The earth, as a whole, was created, in the eyes of the Imam to be a worshipping place, a concept first presented by the Apostle of Allah (s.a.w.). This life was created so that people could serve and glorify Allah, the Most High. It is merely a trip towards Allah, and an attempt to know Him better. The Imam wouldn't feel a change in time or place. All the times and places for him were the same. One the contrary, the more he was persecuted, the ...

The Shaqshaqia sermon

The Shaqshaqia sermon
This sermon is one of the speeches of Imam Ali (A.S) that he gave during his Caliphate, which he expresses his opinion in a clear and direct approach toward the Caliphate of the three and how they extorted a right that was divinely his.“Beware! By Allah, the son of Abu Quhafah (Abu Bakr) dressed himself with it (the caliphate) and he certainly knew that my position in relation to it was the same as the position of the axis in relation to ...

The Epic of Imam Husain

The Epic of Imam Husain
Today, in the fifty-ninth episode of our series, we look at the pilgrimage to the grave of Imam Husain (AS) by the first-ever pilgrim to Karbala, Jaber ibn Abdullah Ansari, the loyal companion of the Prophet Mohammad (SAWA). He reached Karbala on the Day of Arba’een, exactly 40 days after the martyrdom of the Prophet’s grandson on the 10th Moharram 61 AH.  After the tragic martyrdom of the Chief of Martyrs, Imam Husain ...

Short Maxims of Imam Al-Hasan (a)

Short Maxims of Imam Al-Hasan (a)
1- The people who consult for their affairs will surely be guided to the right.2- Meanness is to avoid thanking the grace.3- Imam al-Hasan(A.S.) said to one of his sons: O son, do not befriend anyone before you know his means and sources. When you try him and please to associate with him, you should then befriend him on bases of pardoning his faults and consoling him in misfortunes.4- Do not fight the dim and like the fighting of the triumphant ...

The Autonomy of the Spirit as a Proof of Resurrection

The Autonomy of the Spirit as a Proof of Resurrection
The existence and independence of the spirit can also be adduced as a decisive and convincing proof of life after death. Numerous theories have been put forward by scholars concerning the riddle of the spirit, and the greater becomes the scope of philosophical inquiry and the more carefully use is made of human knowledge, the clearer and more convincing become the proofs for the existence of the spirit and its independence from the body. Of ...

Fatima (A.S.): The Perfect Ideal for Women of All Times

Fatima (A.S.): The Perfect Ideal for Women of All Times
By: S. Masrat MusaviHazrat Fatima-Zahra (A.S.) was born on 20th Jamadi al-Thani[1], five years after the first revelation to the Noble Prophet Muhammad (A.S.). She died at the age of eighteen.Her mother Hazrat Khadija (A.S.) was the first and most respected wife of the Prophet (A.S.) who did not marry any other woman during her lifetime.Hazrat Fatima (A.S.) was brought up under the fostering care of her father, the greatest teacher and ...

Our Opportunity to Obey the Prophet & Imam Ali

Our Opportunity to Obey the Prophet & Imam Ali
we see that people get the opportunity to obey the present Imam even if he misses the time of the previous Imam. People got the opportunity to obey and serve the Imams of their respective times. Similarly we have got the opportunity to obey and serve the 12th Imam (aj).By this we can undo the past errors of the previous generations. We may wonder that Ali (a.s.) cannot be followed directly now because of his absence and the obedience required ...

The Mushaf of Imam 'Ali (A.S.)

The Mushaf of Imam 'Ali (A.S.)
The course of this discussion will clearly reveal that the scholars from the various Islamic schools as well as the Qur'anic historians [the experts and researcher on the history of the compilation of the Imami/'Uthmani masahif and the masahif of some other ashab or the Prophet's (S) companions] including the non-Muslim Islamologists have no dispute over the historical fact and have mentioned repeatedly that Imam 'Ali bin Abi Talib ('a) was the ...

Al-Hussain in the Eyes of Humanity

Al-Hussain in the Eyes of Humanity
Charles Dickens - (1812-1870) English novelists of the Victorian period “If Hussain fought to quench his worldly desires, then I do not understand why his sisters, wives and children accompanied him. It stands to reason therefore that he sacrificed purely for Islam.” Thomas Carlyle – (1795-1881) Famous British historian “The best lesson which we get from the tragedy of Karbala is that Hussain and his companions were the rigid believers ...

The Spiritual Message of Shi'ism

The Spiritual Message of Shi'ism
The message of Shi'ism to the world can he summarized in one sentence: "To know God." Or in other words it is to instruct man to follow the path of Divine realization and the knowledge of God in order to gain felicity and salvation. And this message is contained in the very phrase with which the Holy Prophet commenced his prophetic mission when he said: "Oh men! Know God in His Oneness (and acknowledge Him) so that you will gain salvation."As a ...

About Hazrat Imam Zainul Abideen (A.S.)

About Hazrat Imam Zainul Abideen (A.S.)
Hazrat Imam Zainul Abideen (A.S.)Name AliAgnomen Abu-MohammadTitles Zain-al-Abideen, Syed as-Sajideen, SajjadFather Imam Hussain (a.s.) - the 3rd Holy ImamMother Bibi Shahr BanoBirth Date 15th Jamadi-al-Awwal 38 AH (658 AD)Birth Place MadinaAge 57 YearsDuration of Imamat/Khilafat: 34 yearsMartyred On 25th of Moharram 95 AH (713 AD)Death Place MadinaCause of Death Poison by Abu Abul MalikHoly Shrine Cemetry of Baqi in ...

The Revolution of Imam Hussain (A.S.)

The Revolution of Imam Hussain (A.S.)
The Son of the Prophet Was Killed-Why?” The tragedy of Karbala is not only a terrible event in the history of Islam, but also an astonishing story. Just 50 years after the passing away of the Prophet (saww) his grandson is killed, not by non-Muslims nor by non-Shiites, but by those who are known as lovers of Ahlul-Bait!!!! In just less than half a century from the passing away of the Prophet (saww), Moawia,who along side his father Abu-Sofyan ...