Thursday 18th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Is the tradition mentioned in Shia books about Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS) praying behind Marwan bin Hakam reliable?

Is the tradition mentioned in Shia books about Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS) praying behind Marwan bin Hakam reliable?
 The narrations regarding Imam Hasan  and Imam Hussein (AS) offering prayers behind Marwan have been narrated in Shia sources through different chains of transmission. One of the narrations has been narrated from Imam Ja'far Sadiq (AS) and the other from Imam Musa bin Ja'far (AS). These narrations are treated as narrations reporting an incident of taqiya (dissimulation) practiced by the Imams. In fact, taqiya is a calculated tactic for ...

The Events after Ashura

The Events after Ashura
THE NIGHT OF THE TENTHOne of them asked, "What kind of revenge do you think God will take?" The Imam said, "Some of you will kill others and the punishment of God will come pouring down on you."That night, the sky was red like blood. It was the hardest night for the family of the Prophet. In the emptiness of the desert, they faced the darkness and loneliness of night. During the night, they could hear a voice coining from the darkness. The ...

The Founder of the First Grand Islamic University

The Founder of the First Grand Islamic University
Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (a.s.) considered as "The Founder of the First Grand Islamic University" was born in the city of Madinah, on the 17th day of the lunar month Rabi'ul Awwal, in the year 83 A.H.He (a.s.) was brought up under the care of his grandfather Imam Ali bin Hussein (al-Sajjad) (a.s.) and his father,Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) from whom he learned the sciences of religion and the teachings of the Islam.Thus, Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (a.s.) and ...

Imam Hasan al-Askari (A.S.)

Imam Hasan al-Askari (A.S.)
Imam Hassan al-Askari was born in Madina,on 8th day of the month of Rabi' Thani, in the year 232 A.H. He was called 'al-Askari' in connection with the district of Askar in the city of Samarra' in which he (the Imam) and his father, Imam Ali un-Naqi al-Hadi (A.S.) were imprisoned by the Abbasid caliphs. The holy Imam(A.S.) was born and brought up under the care of his father, Imam Ali al-Hadi (A.S.), who was well-known for his divinely inspired ...


ou consistently hear this word. You also have heard about wilayat e Ali (as) from different scholars and your parents. Not a single principle of religion can be proven without the presence of wilayat; whether it is tawheed (oneness), adl (justice), nabuwiat (prophet hood), imamate, or qiyamat (day of judgment). The center of the religion is wilayat. One will remain kafir (disbeliever) until he understands what wilayat is. As Imam Jafar Sadiq ...

The Philosophy of the Martyrdom of Imam Husayn (A.S.)

The Philosophy of the Martyrdom of Imam Husayn (A.S.)
By: Rasul JafariyanTranslated by: Zahra' Shuja KhaniAs a sacred religious movement and as a revolutionary political step the epic of Karbala is the most crucial religio- political uprising in the political culture of the Shi ah. This movement aimed at the revival of the religious laws, the elimination of religious and political deviation, and (as some believe) there placement of the Umayyid regime with the Alawid rule and Imamate. As far as the ...

A collection of Sayeda Fatima (p)’s supplications

A collection of Sayeda Fatima (p)’s supplications
On the auspicious occasion of the Birth Anniversary of the beloved daughter of holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP), Mistress of the Women of World Sayyedah Fatimah Az-Zahraa (PBUH), on 20 Jamadi II, the sixth month of Islamic calendar, a few supplications are presented here. Some of these supplications are taught by her to the companions of holy Prophet (PBUH&HP) while some other were taught to her by the Chief of Prophets, Prophet Muhammad ...

Hussein, the Rescuer of the Human Society

Hussein, the Rescuer of the Human Society
Who Could Be the Leader of the Human Society?According to Muhammad bin Bishr Hamdani, “Imam Hussein wrote a letter to the people of Kufa and said, ‘In the name of God; From Hussein bin Ali to the believers and Muslims. Hani and Saeed brought me your letters. And they were the last messengers you sent me. I have heard all your words and I know about everything you have to say. You said you did not have a leader and that you wanted me ...

A Life of Service: Honoring Imam Ali (A.S)

A Life of Service: Honoring Imam Ali (A.S)
The English vocabulary while expansive suddenly finds itself too poor to produce sufficient words to describe the character of Imam Ali (A.S). The examples of his piety are an endless ocean that scholars have devoted their time to seeking. His worship remains the summit of submission to God and his humility: an everlasting illustration of how power can be used in the path of God.Most remarkable to those who have studied the praise-worthy life ...

The Prayers of Ahl-ul-Bayt (A.S)

The Prayers of Ahl-ul-Bayt (A.S)
Abd Allah ibn Masud: No praisers of Allah were there among whom the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was not present; and no prayer performers were there that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) would not say more prayers than all of them.Imam Ali (A.S) while engaged in battle in Siffin he was also taking into consideration the sun movement too. Ibn Abbas asked him: O Amiral-Muminin! What are you doing? His Holiness (A.S) replied: I am looking to see when the noon-time ...

Jabir Al Ansari r.a With Imam Baqir A.S

Jabir Al Ansari r.a With Imam Baqir A.S
Jabir Al Ansari r.a With Imam Baqir A.S Imam Sadiq (A.S.) narrates from his father, Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (A.S.):  One day, I came to Jabir ibn Abdullah al-Ansari and greeted him. He replied my salutations and because he was blind, he asked me to tell him who I was. I introduced myself: “I am Muhammad, son of Ali, son of Hussain.”  He said: “O! The son of the best human being, come closer!” I went closer. He hugged me and kissed my ...

The Establishment of a System of Deputies

The Establishment of a System of Deputies
Consider a sect, whom despite its truth, is put under pressure by the government and other political and religious groups. They are slaughtered in the open and in secret, never leaving them a decade in peace, and the government to maintain its hatred and animosity tricks the society, well despite its desire to be kind to this group. Considering the vast territory of the government, the story gets even worse by going farther away from the ...

Birth Anniversary of Imam Hasan Askari (PBUH)

Birth Anniversary of Imam Hasan Askari (PBUH)
He was born in Medina, the abode of divine revelation, the station of guiding angels and the school of the Prophet’s Ahl ol-Bayt or the Blessed Household. The year of his birth was 232 AH corresponding to 846 of the Christian calendar. He was named Hasan and acquired the epithet of al-Askari because of living in the al-Askar or military quarter of the Iraqi city of Samarra, to which he and his father, Imam Ali al-Hadi (AS) were forced to take ...

Beseeching the Prophets, Imams and Saints

Beseeching the Prophets, Imams and Saints
The Fifth Spurious Argument:BESEECHING THE PROPHETS, IMAMS AND SAINTSSome people criticize the Shias of beseeching the Prophets, Imams and virtuous Saints, and of adjuring Allah through them believing that it has an effect upon their supplications being answered.THE ANSWERThe prohibition of beseeching the Prophet Muhammad (s), the other prophets, the Imams, and the Saints is another Wahhabi innovation. Allah says,"O you who believe! Be careful ...

Signs of Love for Ahl-ul-Bayt

 Signs of Love for Ahl-ul-Bayt
Love for Ahl-ul-Bayt is not only a sign of Allah’s love for man but it is also a sign of other truths as follow:First: Based on several narrations, love for Ahl-ul-Bayt is a proof of one’s noble birth. The Holy Prophet is quoted by Imam Ali as saying to Aba-Dharr:يَا أبَا ذَرٍّ! مَنْ أحَبَّنَا ـ أهْلَ الْبَيْتِ ـ فَلْيَحْمِدِ اللهَ عَلَى أوَّلِ النِّعَمِ... ...

Along with Imam Husain (AS), From Medina to Karbala (1)

Along with Imam Husain (AS), From Medina to Karbala (1)
Salaam and welcome to the first part of our special program for the month of Moharram "Along with Imam Husain (AS), From Medina to Karbala." The month of Moharram has started. It is the month of mourning for the martyrs of the greatest ever tragedy the world has ever seen. It is the month on whose advent the faithful don black clothes and put up black banners on roofs, walls and streets, highlighting the words and objectives of the Chief of ...

The Divine Leadership of Imam al-Javad (A.S)

The Divine Leadership of Imam al-Javad (A.S)
The period of transferring the leadership to Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Javad (A.S.) faced a dangerous problem which caused debates and arguments concerning the personality of Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Javad (A.S.) because of his youth.Imam Javad (A.S.) was young, at the age of seven, when his father passed away. Books of history and biographies record some of these discussions about the personality of the young Imam (A.S.) and his capability for the ...

Comprehensive Instructions of Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.)

Comprehensive Instructions of Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.)
Abd al-Rahman ibn al-Hajjaj said: Abu'1 Hasan Musa al-Kazim(A.S.) sent me the testament of Imam Ali(A.S.). It is as follows: In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful This is what Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S.) recommends. He professes that there is no deity except Allah, the one and companionless; and that Muhammad (S.A.W.) is His servant and His Messenger. He sent him with clear guidance and rightful religion so that he would overcome ...

Imam Reza (A.S.) and Regency to Caliphate

Imam Reza (A.S.) and Regency to Caliphate
We are in front of an important historical event which busied the public opinion and stunned all political circles. The event is that al-Ma'mun appointed Imam al-Rida, peace be on him, as a heir apparent after him; it indicates that the succession would be taken from the 'Abbasids and handed over to their opponents, the 'Alawides; it astonished the people and they asked each other: "How has the 'Abbasid policy changed into this line opposing the ...

Imam Hasan al-Askari (A.S.), the Master of Interpreters of the Holy Qur'an

Imam Hasan al-Askari (A.S.), the Master of Interpreters of the Holy Qur'an
The infallible imams of the Ahlul Bayt (a.s) paid excessive attention to the interpretation (tafsir) of the Holy Qur'an. Each one of them had a school of tafsir, and they were definitely the most aware of the contents of the Qur'an and all its sciences. The master of the pure progeny, Imam Ali (a.s.) was, among all the Prophet's companions, the most aware of the facts and minute details of the Qur'an, its muhkam (clear) verses and mutashabih ...