Wednesday 17th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Hadrat Zainab (A.S.): The Honorable Daughter of Imam Ali (A.S.)

Hadrat Zainab (A.S.): The Honorable Daughter of Imam Ali (A.S.)
After the tragedy of Karbala, Lady Zainab (A.S.) and the other captives were brought to the palace of Ibn Ziyad. There, Lady Zainab disguised herself among the other women. Once Ibn Ziyad noticed her, he asked: “Who is that disguised woman?” No one answered him; so he repeated his question. Then, one of his servants replied: “She is Zainab, the daughter of Fatimah, daughter of the Messenger of Allah”. Ibn Ziyad recognized this honored ...

The Truth About Imam Husain’s Revolution

The Truth About Imam Husain’s Revolution

Confident Companions of Imam Husayn

Confident Companions of Imam Husayn
Confident Companions of Imam Husayn   Tabari writes that after the Imam had offered the noon prayers, Zuhyar bin Qayn engaged the enemy. While fighting he continued to say: "I am Zuhayr bin Qayn. I drive the enemies away from my Imam with my sword".   Then he placed his hand on the shoulder of the Holy Imam and said: "Step forward and do not be worried. You are our Divine guide. Why should you be anxious in connection with this ...

History of the Shrine of Imam Musa Al-Kadhim & Imam Muhammad Al-Jawad

History of the Shrine of Imam Musa Al-Kadhim & Imam Muhammad Al-Jawad
Anyone approaching Baghdad from the north or the west will be impressed by the sight of the four golden minarets at Kadhmayn, the Shrine of the Two Imams, Imam Musa Al-Kadhim and Imam Muhammad Taqi Al-Jawad, peace be upon them. They are respectively the Seventh and the Ninth of the Twelve Imams, at whose tombs we are accustomed to seek healing and to invoke their intercession for the forgiveness of our sins and the fulfillment of our needs.The ...

The Discourses of Imam al-Jawad (A.S.)

The Discourses of Imam al-Jawad (A.S.)
The following narrations are related to Imam Abu Ja’far Mohammed bin Ali Al-Jawad (peace be upon him).Imam Al-Jawad’s Answer about a Muhrim That Kills a gameWhen the Abbasid caliph Al-Ma’mun decided to give his daughter, Ummul-Fadhl, in marriage to Abu Ja’far Mohammed bin Ali (peace be upon him), his household objected and said, “O Amirul Muminin, we beseech to you not to deprive us of the matter that we prevailed and the honor that we ...

Imam Sadiq's Discussion with the Sufis

Imam Sadiq's Discussion with the Sufis
Sufian At Thawri related: As I saw Abu-Abdillah[Imam Sadiq](A.S.) putting dresses as white as eggs. I said: This is not your dress."The Imam Sadiq(A.S.) answered: Listen to me carefully so that you will be benefited in this world as well as the life to come if you depart this life keeping the true Sunnah and right, not heresy.I tell you that the Prophet(S.A.W.) was in time of famine and poverty. In times of affluence, the pious not the vicious, ...

Some of the Works of Imam Reza (A.S.)

Some of the Works of Imam Reza (A.S.)
I do not think that I will be able in this research to do justice in recording all the rich aspects of the intellectual life of Imam al-Reza (A.S.), but I will try my best to provide a quick and clear idea about the intellectual output presented by the Imam for mankind in various fields of knowledge. Thus, we would be able from a distance to conduct a complete definition of the aspects of the portrait in which we can view the life style of Imam ...

Holy Ramadhan

Holy Ramadhan
Welcome Holy RamadhanThe Holy Month of Ramadhan, which begins after the crescent of the new moon is spotted, is one of the most sacred Islamic observances because it marks the month in which Allah revealed the Holy Qur'an to Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h), bringing with it all the glory. This is the month in which the door of heavens are kept open, doors of hell are closed and Satan is kept in chains.Ramadhan is the ninth month of the Islamic ...

Imam Mohammad Taqi(A.S) Divine Knowledge

Imam Mohammad Taqi(A.S) Divine Knowledge
Indeed, Imam al-Jawad (A.S.) played his role and shared in enriching the scholarly school during the period of his leadership, which lasted nearly 17 years, and, also, safeguarded its patrimony. That period (of the Holy Imam) was distinguished by two things: Dependence on text and narration of the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) and, also, on an accurate understanding and deduction of both the Book (the Quran) and Prophet’s traditions ...

O Ali, Prepare My Funeral at Night

O Ali, Prepare My Funeral at Night
To some it may be unclear as to whether Hazrat Fatima al-Zahra (A.S) was oppressed and hurt after the demise of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The answer to this question can be clearly and completely found in the Sunni and Shia authentic history books that have recorded the events after the demise of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).1 These books clearly state that Hazrat Fatima (A.S) had continuously complained about the tyranny of the ruler and his ...

Exegesis of Imam al-Reza(A.S.)

Exegesis of Imam al-Reza(A.S.)
Imam al-Reza (A.S.) did not author a book on exegesis, but he explained the meanings of the verses about which he was questioned by others who wanted to know his views in their regard, and we will indicate here some such explanations in order to acquaint you with the magnificent method and innovative style of the Imam (A.S.) in this regard.It is reported that al-Mamoon asked him once to explain some Qur'anic verses out of his curiosity about the ...

The Virtues of Imam Zayn al-Abidin (A.S.)

The Virtues of Imam Zayn al-Abidin (A.S.)
This is an account of the Imam after al-Husayn b. Ali, peace be on them, the date of his birth, the evidence for his Imamate, the age he reached, (together with) the period of his succession, the time and cause of his death, the place of his grave, the number of his children and a selection from the reports about him.The Imam after al-Husayn b. Ali, peace be on them, was his son, Abu Muhammad Ali b. al-Husayn Zayn al-Abidin, peace be on them. He ...

Hazrat Zainab (S.A.) the Wise Lady of the Bani Hashim

Hazrat Zainab (S.A.) the Wise Lady of the Bani Hashim
Hazrat Zainab (S.A.) the Wise Lady of the Bani Hashim   “Ante be-hamdillah, alematun ghaira mu’allema, wa fahmatun ghaira mufahema (You are by the grace of God a scholar unschooled by anyone and a sage by connation)”The above words are the famous tribute of an impeccable nephew for his peerless aunt whose personality continues to transcend history and all historical developments. Otherwise we would not have been ...

Debates of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (A.S.)

Debates of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (A.S.)
1. So, woe unto the worshippers, who are neglectful of their prayers, those who (want only) to be seen (by men), but they refuse (to supply even) neighborly needs. (Qur'a-n, 107:4-7)2. And they have been commanded no more than this: To worship Alla-h, offering Him sincere devotion, being true (in faith). (Qur'a-n, 98:5)3. Is it not to Alla-h that sincere devotion is due? (Qur'a-n, 39:3)4. Whoever expects to meet his Lord, let him do righteous ...

Shahabuddin Suhurwardi: A Story Of A Young Philosopher Who Had The World Of Capabilities

Shahabuddin Suhurwardi: A Story Of A Young Philosopher Who Had The World Of Capabilities
There was a small town near Zanjan. Shahabuddin Yahya ibn Habash Suhurwardi, known as Shaykh Ishraq was an inhabitant of this town. He was born there and became famous for his knowledge and intelligence. It is said that he was born before 550 A.H.When he had entered his youth he traveled to Muragha and there he studied medicine and science of principles under Majduddin Habili. In that same period he visited Isfahan and studied the best books of ...

Review of Al-Maqtal al-Husayni al-Ma'thur (The Hadith-Based Martyrdom Account of Imam al-Husayn (A.S.)

Review of Al-Maqtal al-Husayni al-Ma'thur (The Hadith-Based Martyrdom Account of Imam al-Husayn (A.S.)
Review of: Al-Maqtal al-Husayni al-Ma'thur [The Hadith-Based Martyrdom Account of Imam al-Husayn], 2nd ed. by Muhammad-Jawad al-Tabasi. Tehran: Daral-Sami`, 2007. 303 pp. ISBN: 978-964-8237-33-0, Paperback. Price: 30,000 Rials The Ashura tragedy happened on the plain of Karbala, southern Iraq on Ashura, 10th Muharram 61 AH/ 10 October 680 CE. Ashura has since inspired Muslim historians and ulema to produce accounts (maqtals) of this tragedy. ...

The Decorum of Performing the Ziyarah of Hadrat Masoumah (SA)

The Decorum of Performing the Ziyarah of Hadrat Masoumah (SA)
nowing the manners and decorum of performing the ziyarah is very essential for the pilgrims so that they can attain the blessings of ziyarah of the holy personalities.   Here some of the conventions and manners of performing the ziyarah in its best way are explained. 1.Before starting the pilgrimage the person should perform Ghusl (bathing). 2.To enter the holy shrine with the pure intention of imploring for forgiveness from Allah so ...

Acts of 20th Safar (Arbaeen) & Ziarat of Arbaeen

Acts of 20th Safar (Arbaeen) & Ziarat of Arbaeen
20th Safar Arbaeen (40th day after Ashura)   20th Safar is observed as the day of Arbae’en the 40th day,after martyrdom of Imam Husayn (AS), his friends and relatives in Karbala on the 10th Muharram. According to Imam Hasan bin Ali Al Askaree (AS) today it is highly desirable to: 1) Pray 51 Raka’t Prayer during the 24 hours of the day of Arbae’en, (17 Rak—a’ts in obligatory, and 34 Rak—a’ts in Naafilah Salaats). 2) Be in ...

The Epic of Imam Husain

The Epic of Imam Husain
In this, the forty-second episode of our series, we look at how the Christian community of some towns and villages of Syria greeted the Omayyad soldiers as they journeyed toward Damascus along with the severed heads of martyrs and the noble captives of the household of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) following the tragedy of Karbala and the martyrdom of Imam Husain (AS).  The caravan of captives, particularly the children and womenfolk of the ...

The Excellences of the Imam Hussein (A.S) in Sunni Hadith Tradition

The Excellences of the Imam Hussein (A.S) in Sunni Hadith Tradition
HUMAN history may be seen as a record of the eternal struggle between right and wrong, virtue and vice, good and evil, and righteousness and wickedness. This struggle was decreed by God when Adam, an earthly creature, was sent to earth to engage in this eternal battle. It is through this struggle that human beings can earn their eternal bliss in the Gardens of Paradise, or their eternal punishment in the Fire. In the history of nations this ...