Wednesday 17th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Imam Reza (A.S.) and Regency to Caliphate

Imam Reza (A.S.) and Regency to Caliphate
We are in front of an important historical event which busied the public opinion and stunned all political circles. The event is that al-Ma'mun appointed Imam al-Rida, peace be on him, as a heir apparent after him; it indicates that the succession would be taken from the 'Abbasids and handed over to their opponents, the 'Alawides; it astonished the people and they asked each other:"How has the 'Abbasid policy changed into this line opposing the ...

The Discourses of Imam al-Jawad (A.S.)

The Discourses of Imam al-Jawad (A.S.)
The following narrations are related to Imam Abu Ja'far Mohammed bin Ali Al-Jawad (peace be upon him). Imam Al-Jawad's Answer about a Muhrim That Kills a gameWhen the Abbasid caliph Al-Ma'mun decided to give his daughter, Ummul-Fadhl, in marriage to Abu Ja'far Mohammed bin Ali (peace be upon him), his household objected and said, "O Amirul Muminin, we beseech to you not to deprive us of the matter that we prevailed and the honor that we dressed ...

Ancestors Of The Prophet

Ancestors Of The Prophet
1. Ibrahim The Champion Of MonotheismThe object of giving an account of the life of Prophet Ibrahim is to make known the ancestors of the Holy Prophet of Islam for he was a descendant of Ismail who was the son of Ibrahim.And as these two venerable persons as well as many other noble forefathers of the Holy Prophet have a great share in the history of Arabia and Islam it is appropriate that a brief account of their lives may be given here because ...

A Refuge of Mankind (Imam Mahdi)

A Refuge of Mankind (Imam Mahdi)
Because of you we are relieved of our sorrows and our difficulties are solved."(Ziaarat-e-Jamia)“If we had not protected you, you would have been surrounded by calamities and your enemies would have destroyed you.” (Tawqee of Imam Mahdi in Ihtejaj by Allama Tabarsi)Man is composed of negative as well as positive qualities. Sometimes he becomes so brave as to conquer the greatest wars easily. He conquers the forests and the deserts, ...

Arbaeen of Imam Hussein (A)

Arbaeen of Imam Hussein (A)
Imam Hasan Al-Askari (A) has said: The signs of a believer are five: • Performing fifty-one rakats of salaa daily, • Reciting Ziyarah of Arba'een, • Wearing a ring in the right hand, • Placing the forehead on dust [during sajda], and • Saying "Bismillah al-rahman al-rahim" aloud in salaa.” al-a'mal, p. 589, as stated [by Ibn Tawus] Imam Hasan Al-Askari (A) includes the performance of Ziyarah of Arba’een as one of the five ...

Imam Sajjad's Deep Love for the Holy Quran

Imam Sajjad's Deep Love for the Holy Quran
Imam Ali ibn al-Husayn al-Sajjad (as) held the Holy Quran dearly to his heart. This is evident from his sayings and behaviour with regard to the Quran. For instance, Zuhri has reported having heard Imam al-Sajjad (as) saying: “If the inhabitants of the East and the West all perish and I am left alone with only the Glorious Quran, I will not become victim of any desolation”. (Al-Kaafi) What the Imam (as) implied was that even if the entire ...

Short Maxims of Imam Musa al-Kazim (A.S.)

Short Maxims of Imam Musa al-Kazim (A.S.)
Imam Al-Kazim (peace be upon him) said: Anyone who acknowledges God should not complain when his earnings are delayed and should not accuse God of His acts. As a man asked him about conviction, Imam Al-Kazim (peace be upon him) answered: The conviction is to depend upon God, submit to Him, consent to His acts, and entrust Him with the affairs. Abdullah bin Yahya said: Within the supplication that I wrote to Imam Al-Kazim (peace be upon him), ...

Let’s know Hazrat Fatimah’s Honor and grand dignity

Let’s know Hazrat Fatimah’s Honor and grand dignity
Fatimah (peace be upon her) has endowed with honor and grand dignity; the honor no one could achieve it as Fatimah (peace be upon her) did. Expressing all her aspects of her character is not feasible; therefore, some points are stated: She is the pure servant of Allah, and is always in worship and contact with Him in order to give her servanthood superiority over her other positions, so that no luxury, effort, or attachments could prevent her ...

Duties of a True Muslim

Duties of a True Muslim
by Peak of EloquenceDuties of a True MuslimVerily, the Almighty Allah has sent a Book for your guidance. It is a Book which clearly defines, describes and distinguishes between right and wrong, vice and virtue, and truth and falsehood. You should adopt the path of truth and virtue so that you may be guided, and should shun vice and wickedness so that you may achieve salvation.Find out your social, moral and religious obligations and perform your ...

Eid Al-Adhha Sermon

Eid Al-Adhha Sermon
Once again we have all been blessed by Allah (SWT) to witness and celebrate this great day of Eid al-Adh-ha. Eid al-Adh-ha basically means, ‘the festival of sacrifice’. On this day, Muslims are reminded about that great trial, which Prophet Ibrahim (as) was put to, of sacrificing his young son Prophet Ismail (as). He (as) complied to the command of Allah (SWT) and fully succeeded in it. Prophet Ibrahim (as) is regarded as the champion of ...

Along with Imam Husain (AS), from Medina to Karbala (3)

Along with Imam Husain (AS), from Medina to Karbala (3)
As we said yesterday, after leaving Medina, Imam Husain (AS) arrived in Mecca, and stayed for four months in this city which houses the sanctuary of God. The news spread throughout Arabia that the grandson of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) was in Mecca, and as the season for the annual Hajj pilgrimage drew near, more and more people became eager to visit the holy city. They were tired of the tyranny of the rule of Mu’awiyah and were even more ...

Ziarat Ashura in Arabic and English

Ziarat Ashura in Arabic and English
اَلسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ يَا أَبَا عَبْدِ اللَّهِ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ يَا ابْنَ رَسُولِ اللَّهِPeace be on you, O Aba Abdullah! peace be on you, O son of the Messenger of Allah!السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ يَا خِيَرَةَ اللَّهِ وَ ابْنَ خِيَرَتِه السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ يَا ابْنَ أَمِيرِ ...

Merits of Imam Husayn (A.S.)

Merits of Imam Husayn (A.S.)
We should now like to quote some traditions relating to Imam Husayn from Ibn Athir's book entitled Usudul Ghabah. A man asked Abdullah bin Umar: "What will be the position if the blood of a mosquito touches the dress of a man?" Abdullah bin Umar said: "Look here! This Iraqi enquires about the blood of a mosquito, although these very Iraqis killed the son of the Prophet of Allah and I myself have heard the Holy Prophet saying: "Hasan and Husayn ...

What is Ashura?

What is Ashura?
In the Islamic calendar, 10th day of the month of Muharram is the day of 'Ashoora, a day of mourning for all feeling Muslims. It is the day on which, in the year of 61 Hijri (680 AD), in a place called Karbala, in Iraq, Imam Hussain, the grandson of the Prophet of Islam, sacrificed his life and the lives of many of his family members and friends, in order to save the teachings of Islam from utter distortion and destruction.What led to this ...

Imam Ali (A.S.) and the Caliphate

Imam Ali (A.S.) and the Caliphate

An Introduction to Al-Sahifat Al-Sajjadiyya

An Introduction to Al-Sahifat Al-Sajjadiyya
Al-Sahifat Al-Sajjadiyya is the oldest prayer manual in Islamic sources and one of the most seminal works of Islamic spirituality of the early period. It was composed by the Prophet's great grandson, `Ali ibn al-Husayn, known as Zayn al-'Abidin (`the adornment of the worshippers'), and has been cherished in Shi'ite sources from earliest times. Zayn al-'Abidin was the fourth of the Shi'ite Imams, after his father Husayn, his uncle Hasan, and his ...

What Happen When Ahl-e-Bait Came Back in Madina?

What Happen When Ahl-e-Bait Came Back in Madina?
Al-Sajjad (‘a) had no choice except to leave Karbala’ and set forth to Medina after having stayed there for three days. It was too much for him to see how his aunts and the other women, as well as the children, were all crying day and night while visiting one grave after another.She complains about her foesAnd his folks does she mourn,What a condition wherein patience unfoldedAnd patience did depart.So we mourn her and complainWith the blood ...

Our Hussain (a.s), Mourning him and his Karbala

Our Hussain (a.s), Mourning him and his Karbala
It is accepted to the Islamic nation, due to the finality of the Prophethood and its particular concerns, that the holy prophet (s.a.w) had the knowledge about the wars, trials and that which happened to his family-house hold, their progeny, and relatives, more or less, of the enormous tragedies, of the dark surprises of time, of the hard events, wide killings, and to whatever else that has entered on them from torture, trickery, ill-treatment, ...

The Arrival of Ahle Bayt (a.s.) At The Moment Of Death

The Arrival of Ahle Bayt (a.s.) At The Moment Of Death
By: Dastghaib ShiraaziIt is mentioned in many hadiths that the Holy Prophet and Hazrat Ali bin Abi Talib and, according to some narrations, even the Holy five (Panjetan), and also all the fourteen Infallibles (a.s.) arrive near the head of the dying person. (More about their radiant faces and appearances will be mentioned henceforth).One of the companions of Imam Reza (a.s.) was on deathbed. The Holy Imam went to him and stood near his head. ...

Ramadan A Time for Repentance, Prayers and Salutation

Ramadan A Time for Repentance, Prayers and Salutation
‘Ramazan, The Month of Glory’ is almost upon us, and all too soon it will be over. ‘Ramadan’ is derived from the root word ‘Ramad’ which indicates ‘heat’, and this is perhaps why in one of his traditions our holy Prophet SA has said that: “Ramadan burns the sins and shortcomings, as fire burns wood!” With regard to this month the Holy Quran states in Chap. 2:185, that “whosoever ...