Monday 22nd of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Imam Baqir (A.S.): "The Founder of the Cultural Revolution in Islam

Imam Baqir (A.S.): "The Founder of the Cultural Revolution in Islam
Imam Baqir (A.S.): "The Founder of the Cultural Revolution in IslamImam Baqir (A.S.) has said,”Learn the knowledge from the knowledgeable and teach it to your brothers in faith, as the knowledgeable have taught you (1)”.Imam Baqir (A.S.) is known to be the founder of the Cultural Revolution in Shia. Although the spread of the Shia knowledge was mainly done by Imam Sadiq (A.S.) it was founded by Imam Baqir (A.S.).During the life of ...

Examples of Politeness of Hazrat Abulfazl (A.S)

Examples of Politeness of Hazrat Abulfazl (A.S)
It is narrated that Hazrat Abulfazl Al-Abbas (A.S) never sat next to Imam Hussein (A.S) without permission; he asked for permission and when he was allowed, he sat very politely. (1) Hazrat Abulfazl Al-Abbas (A.S) sometimes worked with his father in farms, gardens and palm groves. Some time, he was teaching Islamic narrations and plans to people in mosques. He also helped poor and needy people. He highly respected his brothers and sisters and ...

Martyrdom In The Way of Truth

Martyrdom In The Way of Truth
 Imam al-Hussein (a.s) was a man of faith and action. During nights, he worshipped Allah in privacy while during the day he worked hard and guided the people. He was constantly mindful of the poor and the needy, and he used to visit them and cheer them up.He used to tell his followers: "Be always in touch with the needy, for Allah does not love the arrogant".    Al-Imam al-Hussein (a.s) always helped the poor as much as he ...

Companions of Imam Hussain (A.S.) and their Martyrdom

Companions of Imam Hussain (A.S.) and their Martyrdom
Hasan Sa'eed bin Hibatullah, renowned as Qutubuddin Rawandi, relates through his chain of authorities from Imam Mohammad al Baqir (A.S.), that before his martyrdom, Imam Husain (A.S.) told his companions that his grandfather the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) had told him,"O my dear son! You shall be killed at Iraq, and it is a place where the Prophets, their successors and Apostles have met one another and it is called Amoora. You shall be martyred at ...

Which type of love, out of the many, is correct according to Islam?

Which type of love, out of the many, is correct according to Islam?
Philosophers and Gnostics have divided love into various categories; however as a general division they have divided love into two types: 1. True love which is the love for Allah, His attributes, and His actions. 2. Metaphorical love which is applied to many things. It can be said that metaphorical love is not limited to a human's love of another human; rather it is having love for anything other than Allah's essence. What is the ruling on ...

Let’s know Hazrat Fatimah’s Honor and grand dignity

Let’s know Hazrat Fatimah’s Honor and grand dignity
Fatimah (peace be upon her) has endowed with honor and grand dignity; the honor no one could achieve it as Fatimah (peace be upon her) did. Expressing all her aspects of her character is not feasible; therefore, some points are stated:1. She is Allah’s beloved:She is the pure servant of Allah, and is always in worship and contact with Him in order to give her servanthood superiority over her other positions, so that no luxury, effort, or ...

Zainab (S.A.), Ornament of Her Father

Zainab (S.A.), Ornament of Her Father
By: Seyyed Ali Shahbaz Today, the mid of Rajab, while we are still basking in the blessings of the birth anniversary of Imam Ali (AS) – the person who was the mirror of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) in faith, knowledge, piety, prudence, valour, patience, magnanimity, eloquence, foresight, kindness, generosity, truthfulness, trustworthiness, and all other noble characteristics – a tinge of sadness momentarily clouds our thoughts. From the Holy ...

Sajda al-Shukr- The Prostration of Thanksgiving

Sajda al-Shukr- The Prostration of Thanksgiving
Prostration of thanksgiving after every mandatory prayer was the practice (Sunna Mu’akkada) of the Prophet (S).Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) has hinted at it’s being mandatory and said that when a person makes a prostration of thanksgiving, Allah addresses the angels and tells them that a sincere creature is doing the Sajda al-Shukr. He asks the angels to suggest what Reward must be given to the person. The angels would suggest that Allah keep ...

Commentary on the Supplication of Salawat Sha’baniyyah as Taught by Imam ‘Ali ibn Al Husain Zainul ‘Abideen (AS)

Commentary on the Supplication of Salawat Sha’baniyyah as Taught by Imam ‘Ali ibn Al Husain Zainul ‘Abideen (AS)
By: Jerrmein Abu Shahbaبِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِIn the name of Allah the Merciful, the CompassionateThe expression of Bimillah Al Rahman Al Raheem, also known as Basmala, is a beautifully poetic phrase which offers both deep insight and brilliant inspiration. It would take many volumes of books to analyze in detail the significance of this expression word by word.We cannot fathom the magnificence of ...

The Important Lessons of Ashura

The Important Lessons of Ashura
When certain seasons of worship come around like the months of Ramadan and Muharram, it is very important that we re-evaluate ourselves to see what blessings we have gotten from them. Were they in proportion with the power of the season? Have we preserved these blessings? How can we best invest these blessings after the season is over? Many people are pleased with the condition they have at the time, without worrying about what will come after ...

The Bible & Quran Say: DO NOT EAT PORK

The Bible & Quran Say: DO NOT EAT PORK
Both the Bible and Qur’an prohibit the eating of pork. Muslims are aware of this prohibition and observe it strictly. However, most readers of the Bible say they do not know where they can find this in the Bible. In the book of Leviticus, Chapter 11, v. 7, it is recorded that God declares the pig to be unclean for believers. Then, in verse 8, God says: ‘You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you’. This ...

Why Shiaism is Named Jafri School of Law

Why Shiaism is Named Jafri School of Law
Thesun of the existence of Imam Sadiq (AS) arose from the lap of his mother Ome-Farwah on the 17th of Rabiul Awal, 83rd year Hijrah, in the city of Madina. His father Imam Mohammad Baqir (AS) was much happy and pleased by the birth of his son.[Why Shiaism is Named Jafri School of Law]His mother was the grand daughter of Mohammad Ibn-e-Abu Bakr, who was one of the friends of Ali (AS). Imam Ali (AS) repeatedly said about him that, "Mohammad is my ...

Imam Hasan al-Askari (A.S.) Refutes the Agnostics

Imam Hasan al-Askari (A.S.) Refutes the Agnostics
Imam Hasan al-Askari (as) lived a short life of 28 years. In this short life, he (as) had to endure great sufferings at the hands of the Abbasid tyrants. But in spite of all that suffering and confinement in Samarrah, ‘Iraq, many scholars benefited from his God gifted knowledge and later became famous scholars in their fields. He (as) discussed with agnostics of that age many times about the existence of God and the reasons for the necessity ...

The History and Philosophy of Aza-e-Hussain (A.S.)

The History and Philosophy of Aza-e-Hussain (A.S.)
A. THE MESSAGEOver one thousand three hundred and fifty years ago, on the 10th of Muharram, just before 'asr, a man stood on a sand-dune at Kerbala. He was bleeding from several wounds on his body. He had lost everything. Since early morning he had carried several dead bodies into his camp. He had even buried his infant child.He looked at the bodies of his loved ones. Tears flowed out of his eyes. He looked at the sky and seemed to draw some ...

The Compiler Of Nahjul-balagha

The Compiler Of Nahjul-balagha
With the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Praise be to Allah, the Sustainer of the Worlds, and Peace be upon the Chief of Prophets and Messengers and his pure and Chaste descendants. Bith and Childhood   The life of Sayyid Razi who was born in 359 AH/970 CE in Baghdad and died in the year 406/1015 in his hometown, coincided with the era of the Buyid dynasty. It was the golden age of Arabic literature and among his ...

Historic perspective of demolition of Baqee & Mualla cemeteries

Historic perspective of demolition of Baqee & Mualla cemeteries
Turkey was practically a Muslim State under the control of a Muslim caliph but the intrigues of British and the conspiracies hatched by the opponents, not only tore his caliphate apart into pieces but rooted out it forever. At first, the British continued hypocritical attitude against Muslims quietly and then started taking part in conspiracies against them.They provided resources to help the enemies of Islam for this purpose, and then they came ...

The service in the Hajj caravan

The service in the Hajj caravan
Imam Zayn al-Abidin was the child of the Prophet. On his pilgrimage to Hajj, he was reluctant to travel with the caravan who knew him. Instead, he wished to travel with the caravan coming from a remote area who did not recognize him. This was so that he may travel amongst them as a stranger. He joined such a caravan and asked whether he can be of service to them. They accepted. In those days, it was customary for people to travel on camel and ...

Imprisonment of Imam al-Kazim (P.B.U.H)

Imprisonment of Imam al-Kazim (P.B.U.H)
Imam Musa Ibn-e-Jafar al-Kazim, peace be upon him, seventh infallible successor of Chief of Prophets Prophet Muhammad Ibn-e-Abdellah, peace be upon him and his progeny, suffered from different kinds of painful ordeals and misfortunes in the time of tyrants of his era. Among them was the tyrant, Harun, who spared no effort to wrong and punish him. Imam, peace be upon him, spent his youth till his martyrdom in Harun's prisons.According to the ...

Is Not Wilayat Part of the Faith?

Is Not Wilayat Part of the Faith?
Adopted from the Book : "Shi'ism; Imamate and Wilayat" by : "Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi"Referring to the controversy surrounding his article in the Bio Ethics Encyclopeadia, the learned sholar made the following comment in his 4th speech of Muharram 1419;"How can such a thing divide the community when it is such a trivial part, and it is not even part of the faith."Referring to Ghadir Khumm, he says: "That historical evetn: what does it have any ...

Hazrat Zahra (SA) in the Surah of al-Insan

Hazrat Zahra (SA) in the Surah of al-Insan
Hazrat Zahra (SA) in the Surah of al-Insan Allah the Exalted has said: "Verily the Good shall drink of a Cup (of wine) mixed with Kafur. A fountain where the Devotees of God do drink, making it flow in unstinted abundance. They perform (their) vows, and they fear a Day whose evil lies far and wide. And they feed, for the love of God, the indigent, the orphan and the captive. Saying, `We feed you for the sake of God alone; no reward do we ...