Tuesday 23rd of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Ghadir the Starting Point of Imamate to Guide Mankind

Ghadir the Starting Point of Imamate to Guide Mankind
On the day of Feast of Ghadir Khum, people came in groups to renew their pledge of allegiance with the Prophet (PBUH) and swear allegiance with Imam Ali and also to congratulate Imam Ali on his appointment as successor to the holy Prophet. Gabriel descended saying "I swear by God I have not seen any scene as magnificent as this. He confirmed the situation of his cousin! Paid him a pledge of allegiance that only the unbelievers of God and His ...

Imam Ali (A.S.) and Jesus Christ (A.S.)

Imam Ali (A.S.) and Jesus Christ (A.S.)
There is a peculiarly close relation between Prophet Jesus ('a) and Imam 'Ali ('a). Prophet Muhammad ('a) himself is reported to have pointed this out:It is reported that Imam 'Ali ('a) said, "The Messenger of Allah called me and said, 'O 'Ali! Verily, there is a similarity between you and Jesus the son of Mary ('a).The Christians love him so much that they put him in a position that was not for him; and the Jews hate him so much that they even ...

Dispersal of Gems (Part 2)

Dispersal of Gems (Part 2)
30- Favors will not remain unless three characters are enjoyed: knowledge of matters that is incumbent for Allah the Praised in regard to the favors, showing gratitude for them, and avoidance of finding faults with them. 31- If you are inflicted with one of three matters, you will hope were you dead ceaseless, poverty, scandalous indignity, and overcoming enemy.32- He who refuses three will be inflicted with three: he who refuses safety will be ...

Role of Religious Deviation in Leading to Karbala

Role of Religious Deviation in Leading to Karbala

Names, Titles and Nicknames of Lady Fatima(pbuh)

Names, Titles and Nicknames of Lady Fatima(pbuh)
Her name is Fatima (AS) and her other names are: Zahra, Seddiqeh, Tahereh, Mobarakeh, Batool, Razieh and Marzieh.The word Fatima means separated and she is named Fatima (AS) because her followers are separated from the Hell because of her. Zahra means luminous and Imam Sadeq (pbuh) said:” When Fatima (AS) prayed, she shined for the heavens as the stars shine for people on earth”.Seddiqeh means someone who says nothing ...

Death of the Holy Prophet (s): New Line of Islamic History Starts

Death of the Holy Prophet (s): New Line of Islamic History Starts
After appointing Imam Ali (a.s.) in Ghadeer Khum as the caliph over the nation after him, the Prophet (saws) set out back to Medina. But, a day after another, his health got worse and illnesses began attacking him. He suffered a bad fever for many days that whoever of his wives or visitors put herhis hand on his (thProphet) body, felt its heat.[1] A vessel of cold water was put beside him in which he put his hand and put it on his holy face in ...

50 Slaves doing prostration to Imam Alī an-Naqī (A.S)

50 Slaves doing prostration to Imam Alī an-Naqī (A.S)
It is narrated from Muhammad Hamdan, from Ibrahim Baltun, from his father, he said: “I was one of the gatekeepers of Mutawaakil. One day fifty slaves were gifted to him by Khazar, Mutawakkil ordered me to take their custody and treat them well.A year later, I was in the court of Mutawakkil, while Abul-Hassan Imam Ali Ibn Muhammed An-Naqi (A.S) arrived, while Imam (A.S) took his seat, Mutawakkil ordered me to bring out those slaves from ...

The Islamic Battle of Jamal (Camel) at Basra

The Islamic Battle of Jamal (Camel) at Basra
Ayesha the daughter of the first Caliph Abu Bakr, and the widow of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.), was in Makka for the pilgrimage when third Caliph Uthman was killed. She had always expected either Talha or Zubayr to succeed him and when she heard of Imam Ali's (A.S.) appointment as Caliph, she was very upset. And said, 'By God! Uthman was innocent, I will avenge his blood.'Both Talha & Zubayr were brothers-in-law of Ayesha. Her youngest sister ...

The difference between Nabi and Imam

The difference between Nabi and Imam
A prophet is one who shows the right path. Imam is one who takes you to the right path. This is the reason on the day of judgment all of humanity will be called with their Imams and not prophets. Allah has mentioned this in Sura Bani Israel ayah 71: "Remember that day when all of humanity will be called with their Imams."It is very important people recognize that Imam which is from Allah. If he chooses a false imam, then he will remain in ...

Did Imam Hussein (A.S) Know He Would Be killed?

Did Imam Hussein (A.S) Know He Would Be killed?
A sunni brother mentioned: Imam Hussein (A.S) was truthful in his determination to change the munkar, but he was adviced by the likes of Ibn Abbas and Ibn Umar that he was overoptimistic with the people of Iraq and their help. Hussein, being a human who is not ma3soom like the prophets, exercised his Ijtihad. Based on what is even reported by the Sunnis, Imam Hussein knew that he will be killed in Ashura in Karbala, and yet he went forward. ...

5- when exactly ALI'S(a.s.) name was introduced in kalma & why not ALI'S(a.s.) name was replaced by the names of other imams in their respective periods?

5- when exactly ALI'S(a.s.) name was introduced in kalma & why not ALI'S(a.s.) name was replaced by the names of other imams in their respective periods?
The testament of the Wilayat of Imam Ali (as) is not a part of the Athaan nor Iqamah but is recited with the intention of nearness. Thus if a person recites it with the intention that it is part of the Athaan or Iqamah it becomes questionable. The reason for mentioning only the name of Imam Ali (as) is that certain specialities belongs to Him (as) alone. One of which is that He is the origination of Wilayat (Imamah). Another reason is his ...

Imam Ali (AS): The Kaba of Belief

Imam Ali (AS): The Kaba of Belief
"Certainly your Master (Wali) is Allah and HisProphet and those who believe, those who establish prayer and give charity while they bow (in prayer)." (Holy Qur'an 5:55) It is an undisputed fact that the above verse of the Holy Book was revealed when Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS), while in prayer, in the state of "ruku`" (genuflection) with face bowed down towards the Kaba, gave his ring incharity to a beggar who happened to raise his call for alms at ...

Women in the view of Imam Ali (a.s)

Women in the view of Imam Ali (a.s)
The status of woman in the world-view of IslamAs for the first part, the holy Qur'an is not only a collection of laws. It does not contain merely a series of dry commands and laws without comment. It contains both laws and history, both exhortation and the interpretation of creation, and countless other subjects. Just as the Qur'an lays down rules of action in the form of law on some occasions, so it also comments upon existence and being. It ...

Ahl-e-Bait: Back to Medina

Ahl-e-Bait: Back to Medina
Yazid was very happy about killing al-Husayn (‘a) and those with him as well as the capture of the ladies who descended from the Messenger of Allah, peace of Allah be upon him and his progeny.1He was seen at his court looking very excited, paying no heed to the fact that he was an atheist and an apostate as testified by his citing the poetry of al-Zub’ari quoted above to the extent that he denied that the Messenger of Allah Muhammad ...

Some companions buried in baqee

Some companions buried in baqee
The blessing that any spot of the earth can gain is related for Allah only and not for another one, from these spots is al Baqee, where the best bodies have been buried.Othman bin Maz'unHe is Abu al Sa'ab Othman bin "son" Mathun bin Habeeb bin Wahab bin Huthafa bin Jumh bin Ewmro bin Huseis bin Kab bin Lwy bin Ghalb al Jumhy al Qurshy.He born during the Pre-Islamic time, but he used the way of the wise, they called him as a Wiseman at that time. ...

5th Shaban Birthday Anniversary of Imam Zainul Abedin (A.S.)

5th Shaban Birthday Anniversary of Imam Zainul Abedin (A.S.)
    Imam Ali ibn Husayn Zainul Abedin(A.S.), the fourth Shia Holy Imam and the eldest son of Imam Hussain (A.S.) was born in the holy city of Madinah on the 5th day of the month of Shaban in the year 38 Hijrah. On the Auspicious and Solemn occasions of the Birthday Anniversary of the "Great Saviors of Islam" We extend our Joyous and Happy Greetings and Felicitations to all the followers and lovers of Holy Ahlul Bayt (A.S.) in the ...

Imam Hassan bin Ali (A.S) & the holy Quran

Imam Hassan bin Ali (A.S) & the holy Quran
Rabi ibn Sabih has reported that:A person came to Imam Hassan al-Mujtaba (A.S) and began to complain about the absence of rain. Imam (A.S) told him, “Seek forgiveness from Allah”. Then a man came and said, “Pray to Allah that he should grant me a son”. Imam (A.S) told him, “Seek forgiveness from Allah”. Then, yet another man came and complained to Imam (A.S) about poverty. Imam (A.S) told him, “Seek ...

Hazrat Fatimah’s Characteristics (Part 2)

Hazrat Fatimah’s Characteristics (Part 2)
Charity to the poor Fatimah (A.S) was charitable and too kind to the poor and the deprived. She, her husband, and her two sons were meant by these Qur'anic verses, (And they give food out of love for Him to the poor, the orphan, and the captive. We only feed you for Allah's sake; we desire from you neither reward nor thanks. 76:8-9). Fatimah (A.S) milled wheat and barley for her poor neighbors who were unable to do that. She carried water to ...

30 Safar Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Reza (A.S.)

30 Safar Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Reza (A.S.)
On the Sad and Mourning occasion of the martyrdom anniversary of Holy Prophet of Islam Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (S.A.W.), Imam Hasan Mujtaba(A.S.) and Imam Reza(A.S.) we extend our Heartfelt Grief and Condolences to the Millions Muslims and all the lovers of the Holy Ahlul Bayt(A.S.) in the world. 30 Safar Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Reza (A.S.) Historical Aspect of the Emam's Biography His Distinctions and Characteristics LineageHe is Ali ...

"Indeed Husain (A.S.) is the Beacon of Guidance and the Ark of Salvation."

The 3rd of the month of Sha'ban, the day on which the Doyen of Martyrs of Karbala, was born. Here, before starting our special feature on this occasion, we recite a supplication in this regard in the court of the Almighty Creator: "O Allah, I beseech You by the right of him who was born this day, to whom martyrdom was promised before he appeared and was born, for whom the heavens wept and those who are in them and the earth and those who are in ...