Thursday 4th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Forty Traditions from Imam Mahdi (A.S.)

Forty Traditions from Imam Mahdi (A.S.)
1. "I am the Mahdi. I am the Qaem of the time" (Bihar V.52 p.2)2. "I am the one who will fill it (the earth with justice as it would be full of tyranny". (Bihar, V.52, P.2).3. "I am the reminder of Allah in His earth". (Bihar, V.52, p 24)4. "I am the avenger from His enemies". (Bihar, v.52, p.24)5. "I am the seal of successors". (Bihar, V.52, p.30)6. And through me shall Allah, the Mighty and Glorious, drive away the calamities from my progeny ...

The Concept of Messiah in Islam

The Concept of Messiah in Islam
Islam, being the youngest of the three great revealed religions, shares many ideas and concepts with Christianity and Judaism because the origin of all three religions is the same God. One of those ideas is that of messianism, the idea of expecting someone who will came as the saviour to establish the Kingdom of God on earth.   In today’s talk, let us briefly look at the concept of messiah in Islam.   MESSIANISM IN ...

What does our Occulted Imam expect the Shias to do during his Ghaybat (occultation)?

What does our Occulted Imam expect the Shias to do during his Ghaybat (occultation)?
In a letter he wrote to Shaikh al-Mufid, where he acknowledged his merit and being pleased with him, the Imam prayed for the success of the Shias in obeying Allah. He then writes: "If our Shia, may Allah give them success to His obedience, unite together by the hearts in fulfilling the covenant that they were trusted with, the grace of meeting us would not have been delayed for them; and happiness would have reached them quickly by witnessing ...

If Imam Mahdi Appears

If Imam Mahdi Appears
Being that the day of Imam Mahdi's (may Allah hasten his reappearance) birth anniversary is close, it is important to remember His Eminence and mention some matters about him that will help us improve and grow. Allama Majlisi has related the following narration about Imam Mahdi in Bihar al-Anwar: (Bayt Agency) - Being that the day of Imam Mahdi's (may Allah hasten his reappearance) birth anniversary is close, it is important to remember His ...

Mention of Imam Mahdi (A.S) in Sermon of Ghadeer

Mention of Imam Mahdi (A.S) in Sermon of Ghadeer
Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) in the sermon on the day of Ghadeer made mention of Imam Mahdi (A.S).ألا إن خاتم الائمة منا القائم المهدي، ألا إنه الظاهر على الدين، ألا إنه المنتقم من الظالمين، ألا إنه فاتح الحصون وهادمها، ألا إنه قاتل كل قبيلة من أهل الشرك، ألا إنه المدرك بكل ثار لاولياء ...

The Attributes of the Companions of Imam Mahdi

The Attributes of the Companions of Imam Mahdi
According to the sayings of Imams, all the companions of Imam Mahdi are young people, but a few. In some sayings, the companions of Imam Mahdi have been resembled to lions in day and worshippers at nights whose hearts are as strong and firm as iron and they are very obedient to Imam Mahdi. The enemy is horrified by observing the awesomeness of these powerful and determined warriors. They are very brave and decisive and they do not let the fear ...

Dying with love for the Master of the Age

Dying with love for the Master of the Age
By: Ayatullah Shaheed Syed Abdul Husayn Dastaghaib Shirazi One of my friends related to me: Fifty years back, his 18 years old brother had learnt the Ziyarat Jamiah by heart. The Twelfth Imam had taught it. At last he fell ill. On his deathbed he recited the Ziyarat Jamiah and names of the twelve Imams. What is wonderful is that he said he was in bed for two months due to his serious illness he had becomes like a skeleton, unable to move. But ...

Tawheed and Imamate of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)

Tawheed and Imamate of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)
A fact concealed in the belief in divine monotheism (Tawheed) is that none, except Allah, has the right to rule over others. Even a father does not enjoy any sovereignty over his children. When a father does not possess this right, the question of other individuals ruling over their fellow beings, commanding and prohibiting, appointing them to a position or removing them from it, does not arise. To the extent that man does not have any right ...

Anticipating the Savior of Humanity

Anticipating the Savior of Humanity
Written by: Sayyid Murtuda Mujtahidi SistaniTranslated by: Naimah ImanHazrat Ali (A.S.) has said:The best worship of the believer is to have Anticipation for the reappearance of the Mahdi (A.S.) from Allah. Value of AnticipationAnticipation is one of the excellent characteristics of people on the road to success.Because as states in the precious words by the Household of Revelation concerning the characteristics of the great men during the ...

The Spirit of Law

The Spirit of Law
The Spirit of Law   §1. Every human community strives toward happiness, that is, peace and prosperity shared in a spirit of brotherhood and justice. However, various hindrances prevent love to reign and flow within the social body. They can only be removed by justice, delivered by legitimate public institutions. Pax opus iustitiae: peace is the work of justice.The international community is such a community. It strives toward a peaceful and ...

Imam Al-Mahdi (as) and opponents: The dialectic of complementarity and contradiction

Imam Al-Mahdi (as) and opponents: The dialectic of complementarity and contradiction

Imam Mahdi (A.S.) and the Wahabbis

Imam Mahdi (A.S.) and the Wahabbis
Imam Mahdi (A.S.) and the Wahabbis After propounding the Qur'an and traditional arguments there remains no doubt amongst the Muslims, irrespective of his religion either Sunni, Shiite, Wahabi or non-Wahabi, regarding the belief in imam al-Mahdi (a.s.) and it is proved beyond doubt that it is a genuine Islamic belief, but since the Wahabi sect is having a very narrow-minded belief about some of the concepts of Islam hence from its very inception, ...

A Refuge of Mankind (Imam Mahdi)

A Refuge of Mankind (Imam Mahdi)
"Because of you we are relieved of our sorrows and our difficulties are solved."(Ziaarat-e-Jamia)“If we had not protected you, you would have been surrounded by calamities and your enemies would have destroyed you.” (Tawqee of Imam Mahdi in Ihtejaj by Allama Tabarsi)Man is composed of negative as well as positive qualities. Sometimes he becomes so brave as to conquer the greatest wars easily. He conquers the forests and the deserts, ...

Imam Mahdi , The Herald of Divine Justice

Imam Mahdi , The Herald of Divine Justice
Author : Dr.A.R.GhavidelSha'ban 15, which coincides with Aug.7.2009, is the birth anniversary of the Promised one, the only Real Savior of all mankinds, the only Hope in this depressed age, the 12th infallible Imam of the household of Prophet Mohammad (p.b.u.h), Imam Mahdi (a.s) whose followers look forward to his Reappearance day and night.Majority of the world religions, irrespective of their being divine or earthly, believe in the advent of a ...

How to Give Charity for Imam Mehdi

How to Give Charity for Imam Mehdi
Seyyed bin Tavous (passed in 664 AH) believed that it was important for people to give charity in order that Imam Mehdi is healthy. He also stated that giving charity was one of the duties of people, while Imam Mehdi was absent. Believers should give charity with the aim of the health of themselves and of their beloved ones, and who is more loved by believers than Imam Mehdi, upon whom the reformation in many religious affairs depends? ...

The Four Special Deputies of Imam Mahdi (AS)

The Four Special Deputies of Imam Mahdi (AS)
After the martyrdom of Imam Hasan Askari (AS) the mantle of Imamate fell on the young shoulders of Imam Mahdi (AS). Due to the severe restrictions imposed by the reigning Caliph, Imam Mahdi (AS) was forced to conceal himself from the eyes of the people.In the initial stages of the minor occultation, some very special and selected people among the Shias had the permission to meet their master whenever the need arose. They presented the problems ...

Mahdi (PBUH) in Shia

Mahdi (PBUH) in Shia
Believing in a savior is in human's nature that causes hope giving and inspiring. Shia insists explicitly on existence of a savior, Mahdi (PBUH), but the difference is that in Ithna'ashari Shia (1), believing in Mahdi(PBUH) is one of the principles of the school. Prayers to Allah (SWT) and acceptance of worships would be accomplished only by believing in this important base. We will declare Mahdi's (PBUH) characteristics from Shiite's ...

Imam Mahdi Birth Celebrated in Kano, Nigeria

Imam Mahdi Birth Celebrated in Kano, Nigeria
Imam Mahdi Birth Anniversary Celebrated in Kano, Nigeria. 5 May ...

Investigation into the Traditions against the Rise (qiyam)

Investigation into the Traditions against the Rise (qiyam)
Engineer Madani: Mr. Hoshyar! From your discussions on the subject of awaiting the appearance of the Mahdi, it would seem that during the occultation of the twelfth Imam the Shi'is are required to adopt an active posture and work to establish an Islamic government, to endeavor to execute an Islamic political and social system, and to engage in the jihad to achieve all that. By doing so, as you have pointed out, they would be actually preparing ...

Imam Mahdi in Ghadir Sermon

Imam Mahdi in Ghadir Sermon
The Hajj ceremony of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in 10th A.H. was undoubtedly the greatest ever ceremony in the history of mankind. That was the last Hajj by the Best of the Mankind and the Last Prophet (PBUH) where over a hundred thousand Muslims accompanied him on his way back when Gabriel ascended to him with three messages: “O Prophet! Declare what you were commanded to”‌ “Your Prophetic mission is not incomplete ...