Thursday 4th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Beginning of the Belief in the Mahdi

The Beginning of the Belief in the Mahdi
A Glance at the Translator's Introduction The translation of this important book would have been impossible without the need on my part to respond to those who have attributed to me false notions and ideas which are neither part of my personal faith nor of my academic research. At no point have I entertained, even in error, opinions that cannot be ascertained in the written primary sources of the Twelver Shiism. Every piece of document used to ...

How do we know that this idea has not been manufactured to create hope for the oppressed Shi'ah?"

How do we know that this idea has not been manufactured to create hope for the oppressed Shi'ah?"
Assuming the theoretical possibility of Al-Mahdi's (as) miraculous existence, this still does not establish that he does, in fact, exist. A few sayings of the Prophet (saws) are not sufficient proof for this. How do we know that this idea has not been manufactured to create hope for the oppressed Shi'ah?"154Once, I was discussing God's existence with some German atheists. They therefore believed in a supernatural existence and turned to prayer ...

Reappearance of Imam Mahdi

Reappearance of Imam Mahdi
Imam Mahdi is a divine figure who is on occultation and will reappear at the end times to establish justice in the world. He will establish a just government and will prepare the grounds for man’s perfection in all dimensions. There are many traditions (hadith) handed down both by Sunni and Shia scholars regarding his occultation and reappearance. According to many traditions the Imam will reappear at a time when the world is full of ...

All Islamic groups agree on a man who appears at the end of time to fill the world with justice and equity and establish the government of righteousness over all parts of the earth as a testimony to this verse:

All Islamic groups agree on a man who appears at the end of time to fill the world with justice and equity and establish the government of righteousness over all parts of the earth as a testimony to this verse:
All Islamic groups agree on a man who appears at the end of time to fill the world with justice and equity and establish the government of righteousness over all parts of the earth as a testimony to this verse: “Before this We wrote in the Psalms, after the message (had been given to Moses): My servants, the righteous, shall inherit the earth” (Qur`ān, 21:105), and also this verse: “And We wished to be gracious to those who were being ...

The Promised Dawn and Expectation of Relief

The Promised Dawn and Expectation of Relief
The Promised Dawn and Expectation of ReliefThe idea of the final victory of the forces of righteousness, peace and justice over those of evil, oppression and tyranny, of the world-wide spread of the Islamic faith, the complete and all-round establishment of high human values, the formation of a utopian and an ideal society and lastly the accomplishment of this ideal at the hands of a holy and eminent personality called, according to the Islamic ...

The Governance of Imam Mahdi (pbuh) and Contemporary Models of Governments A Comparative Analysis

The Governance of Imam Mahdi (pbuh) and Contemporary Models of Governments A Comparative Analysis
The Governance of Imam Mahdi (pbuh) and Contemporary Models of Governments A Comparative Analysis   The modern world we live in today is changing is many ways. One of the areas in academia that has been constantly evolving is the area of governance, beginning with the thinking of Plato and Aristotle to contemporary approaches to political theory. Humankind has been in search of a perfect system of governance that will address the needs of ...

The Special Deputies of Imam Mahdi(A.S.)

The Special Deputies of Imam Mahdi(A.S.)
The first deputy - Hazrat Usman b.. Saeed-e-Amri (r.a.)Hazrat Usman b. Saeed (r.a.) was the first special deputy of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) in Ghaibat-e-Sughra. The renowned Shiite scholar, Shaikh Muhammad b. Hasan Tusi (r.a.) records in his illustrious book, 'Ghaibat' - Among the companions that the infallible Imams (a.s.) considered as virtuous and pious, was Hazrat Usman b. Saeed-e-Amri (r.a.). Imam Ali Naqi, Al Hadi (a.s.) and Imam Hasan ...

Mahdi (PBUH), Ten Revolutions in One Revolution

Mahdi (PBUH), Ten Revolutions in One Revolution
IntroductionThe report card of all the schools of thought through out the history reveals many weak points. The majority of them concentrated on one aspect, but ignored other important aspects of humanity. All these ideologies were “self-centered”, meaning that they considered themselves as the central ideology and others (rest of mankind) as the surrounds, and most important of all, they had great claims; however, they made a poor ...

Use of Natural Resources and Mahdism Doctrine (Some micro foundations)

Use of Natural Resources and Mahdism Doctrine (Some micro foundations)
Use of Natural Resources and Mahdism Doctrine (Some micro foundations)   IntroductionThe economics of religion is gradually attracting economists’ interest. Now some economists are found to believe that religious activities are also based on economic rationality; otherwise, these could not have been undertaken. According to a study in 1998, about 200 papers on economics of religion were available written by economists and other social ...

Ziarat Ale Yasin

Ziarat Ale Yasin
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیمhttp://www.duas.org/aaleyasin/yaseen1.gifhttp://www.duas.org/aaleyasin/yaseen2.gifhttp://www.duas.org/aaleyasin/yaseen3.gifTRANSLATIONIn the Name of Allah; the All-beneficent, the All-merciful.Peace be upon (the) progeny of Yaseen.Peace be upon you, O the caller of Allah and place of manifestation of His signs.Peace be upon you, O the door of Allah and the devout one of His religion.Peace be upon you, O ...

Miscellaneous Information on Imam Mehdi (AS)

Miscellaneous Information on Imam Mehdi (AS)
In a tradition upon whose authenticity all Muslims agree, the Holy Prophet has said:"Even if the entire duration of the world's existence has already been exhausted and only one day is left before Doomsday (Day of judgment), Allah will expand that day to such a length of time, as to accommodate the kingdom of a person out of my Ahlul-Bayt who will be called by my name. He will then fill out the earth with peace and justice as it will have been ...

Imam Hadi (A.S.) Who Explained the Islamic Laws of Jurisprudence

Imam Hadi (A.S.) Who Explained the Islamic Laws of Jurisprudence
"Say: I do not ask you any reward for this (conveying of the message) except the affection for (my) relatives". (42:23)Imam al-Hadi (as) reported from his fathers that: "Ameer al-Mumineen Ali ibn Abi Talib (as) has said that he (as) once heard the Messenger of Allah (saww) saying: ‘When people shall be resurrected on the day of Judgement, a caller will call me: ‘O Messenger of Allah! Allah has permitted you to reward your lovers and the ...

People Awaited the Appearance of the Mahdi

People Awaited the Appearance of the Mahdi
From all the references to the Mahdi and his appearance in the sources it is obvious that people were awaiting the coming of the Mahdi from the early days of Islam and were actually counting the days for that to happen. They regarded the establishment of the legitimate government through his emergence a certainty.This anticipation used to get intense during times of political turmoil and unfavorable social conditions. People expected that the ...

The Concept of Messiah in Islam

 The Concept of Messiah in Islam
Imam al-Mahdi (a.s) was born on the 15th Sha'ban 255 A.H. in Samarra, Iraq. He became the Imam when his father was Martyred in 260 A.H. Imam al-Mahdi (a.s) was only 5 years old when he went into ‘ghaibat' (concealment). The Imam's ghaibat was divided into two periods: Ghaibat-us-Sughra and Ghaibat-ul-Kubra. Ghaibat-us-SughraGhaibat-us-Sughra means ‘the minor concealment.' Its period was about 70 years. It began in 260 A.H. when Imam ...

Characteristics and Qualities of the Imam Mehdi (A.S)

Characteristics and Qualities of the Imam Mehdi (A.S)
The qualities and merits of His Eminence, Mahdi (a.s) are same as those of the divine messengers and legatees. The effulgence of Imamate and the awe of the prophets was perfectly apparent in the face of the Holy Imam. His description and details have come in the narrations as follows:1. Abu Saeed Khudri narrates from the Messenger of Allah (a.s) that he said, “Indeed, the Almighty Allah will raise from my progeny and Ahle Bayt a man, who ...

Humanitarian rights in the time of appearance of the Mahdi (Pbuh) or world promised Saviour

Humanitarian rights in the time of appearance of the Mahdi (Pbuh) or world promised Saviour
Humanitarian rights in the time of appearance of the Mahdi (Pbuh) or world promised Saviour   “Peace be upon al-Mahdi (Pbuh) through whom Allah has promised to unite nations, put and end to disunion, and fill the earth with justice.”FOREWORD“Generosity is that which is by one´s initiative, because giving on asking is either by way of self-respected or to avoid rebuke.” (1)The promised Messiah or Saviour will rule the world with ...

Imam Mahdi in Ghadir Sermon

Imam Mahdi in Ghadir Sermon
The Hajj ceremony of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in 10th A.H. was undoubtedly the greatest ever ceremony in the history of mankind. That was the last Hajj by the Best of the Mankind and the Last Prophet (PBUH) where over a hundred thousand Muslims accompanied him on his way back when Gabriel ascended to him with three messages:“O Prophet! Declare what you were commanded to”‌“Your Prophetic mission is not incomplete unless you ...

Imam Mahdi (A.S.) and the Wahabbis

Imam Mahdi (A.S.) and the Wahabbis
After propounding the Qur'an and traditional arguments there remains no doubt amongst the Muslims, irrespective of his religion either Sunni, Shiite, Wahabi or non-Wahabi, regarding the belief in imam al-Mahdi (a.s.) and it is proved beyond doubt that it is a genuine Islamic belief, but since the Wahabi sect is having a very narrow-minded belief about some of the concepts of Islam hence from its very inception, it has been a butt of rebuke from ...

The Solace of the Christian Saviour

The Solace of the Christian Saviour
5. The Solace of the Christian Saviour In this sense, the Present Reign and Second Coming of the Biblical Saviour has parallels with that of the Shia Saviour. Both Christians and Shia believe that in some way their respective Saviours continue to intervene in human history. Both believe that their Saviours will return to complete an earlier ministry – in the case of Jesus for Christians, His Second Coming will complete the work of His First ...

The Culmination of Eschatological Signs – Manifestation of God’s Law

The Culmination of Eschatological Signs – Manifestation of God’s Law
The Culmination of Eschatological Signs – Manifestation of God’s LawHumanity’s Brightest HourThe function of Abrahamic eschatology stresses leadership. As symbols Belial, The Antichrist and Ad-Dajjal characterize dark cynical rebellion against divine leadership and God’s laws. In the Abrahamic traditions, the erroneous faith in these systems is demonstrated by the dilapidation of the world and the appearance and triumph of the messianic ...