Thursday 4th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Obligations during the Era of Occultation of Imam Mahdi al-Qaim (ATFS)

The Obligations during the Era of Occultation of Imam Mahdi al-Qaim (ATFS)
By: Sheikh Mansour LeghaeiAl-Hurr Al-Amili narrates seventeen narrations in the thirteenth chapter of the section on Jihad in Wasailul Shi’a (the chapter dedicated to rising up militarily before the reappearance of the Awaited Imam).These narrations may seem to indicate the obligation of remaining silent in the face of atrocities and the oppression of the enemies during the era of occultation and the impermissibility of rising up to ...

The Days of Allah

The Days of Allah
"We verily sent Moses with Our revelations, saying: Bring thy people forth from darkness unto light. And remind them of the days of Allah. Lo! Therein are revelations for each steadfast, thankful (heart)." Qur’an (14:5)Minor Resurrection - The promised day of the Mahdi's reappearance"Wait they for naught else than that Allah should come unto them in the shadows of the clouds with the angels? Then the case would be already judged. All cases ...

The Characteristics of the Companions of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)

The Characteristics of the Companions of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)
It is evident that the appointment of an individual is made solely on the basis of the work and its aim. The qualification of an engineer is taken into consideration if a small house has to be constructed. But if a bigger project has to be undertaken, then the engineer will have to be more capable and qualified. And if one has to draft a plan for an entire nation then the qualifications of the engineer and others responsible for its ...

The solace of the savior and HEZBOLLAH's victory: belief in the MAHDI and JESUS as an encouragement to resistance

The solace of the savior and HEZBOLLAH's victory: belief in the MAHDI and JESUS as an encouragement to resistance
The solace of the savior and HEZBOLLAH's victory: belief in the MAHDI and JESUS as an encouragement to resistance   A common factor between Shia Muslims and Christians is that they refer to the Expected One in their respective eschatological systems as ‘the Saviour’, Shia referring to the Mahdi, and Christians to Jesus. The West, especially Europe, is essentially post-Christian, with religion playing little role in everyday affairs. ...

Judging by these statements that we recite, we are extremely far from the ideal model of governance and that is why we are asking about the whereabouts of the Imam (AS) who will come and establish these conditions.

Judging by these statements that we recite, we are extremely far from the ideal model of governance and that is why we are asking about the whereabouts of the Imam (AS) who will come and establish these conditions.
Judging by these statements that we recite, we are extremely far from the ideal model of governance and that is why we are asking about the whereabouts of the Imam (AS) who will come and establish these conditions. Governance of the 12th Imam (AS) – Governance within Religion The key aspect of the governance of the 12th Imam (AS) that is missing in contemporary governance is that his government will be based on the true Islam, the religion ...

Ziarat of Imam al-Mahdi (a.s)

Ziarat of Imam al-Mahdi (a.s)
Peace be upon you; O the vicegerent of Allah and the vicegerent of your well-guided fathers.اَلسَّلامُ عَلَيْكَ يا خَليفةَ اللهِ وَخَلَيفةَ آبائِهِ الْمَهْدِيّينَ،peace be upon you; O the Successor of the past Successors (of the Prophets).اَلسَّلامُ عَلَيْكَ يا وَصِيَّ الاَْوْصِياءِ الْماضينَ،Peace be upon you; O the keeper of the ...

The Conduct of the Mahdi

The Conduct of the Mahdi
However, these and other traditions point to an important factor in Mahdi's behavior -- that his conduct will be based on that of his forefather, the Prophet. He will defend the religion and the Qur'an that were given to the Prophet. For instance, the Prophet is reported to have said: "One of my ahl al-bayt will rise and will act upon my tradition and my custom."1 And, he said: "The Qa'im among my children, will have my name and my patronymic. ...

Importance of Imamate and the Status of Imam (a.s.)

Importance of Imamate and the Status of Imam (a.s.)
Imamat is a matter of great merit. In fact no other issue in Islam is more significant than the subject of Imamat. Its importance lies in the fact that it’s the only reliable means to reach to the true recognition of Allah. It is only through Imamat that one can obtain the true recognition of Allah and comprehend the manner of worshipping Him. If anyone adopts some means of worshipping Allah other than the one suggested by the Imams (a.s), ...

9th of Rabi'al Awwal; Beginning of Leadership of Imam Mehdi (ajtfs)

9th of Rabi'al Awwal; Beginning of Leadership of Imam Mehdi (ajtfs)
The 9th of Rabi'al Awwal marks a turning point in the history of the AhlulBayt and their followers. This day, which is affectionately known as Eid-e-Zehra is a day of joy and happiness for the lovers of the AhlulBayt. Celebrating Eid e Zehra (sa) & Beginning of Leadership of Imam Mehdi (ajtfs)   The 9th of Rabi'al Awwal (lunar month) marks a turning point in the history of the AhlulBayt (peace be upon them) and their followers.  ...

Seeking Mediation of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)

Seeking Mediation of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)
To seek a mediator implies to gain proximity to an individual in order to achieve one's objective through the mediator's recommendation and arbitration. Arabic litterateurs define mediation (tawassul) as Translation, 'When he sought proximity with him through his actions, he aspired to gain his mediation.' (Lisanul Arab vol. 11, page 724).Mediation in the light of Quran and traditions: Allah declares in the Quran ' 0 you who believe! Be (careful ...

A Supplication from Imam Mahdi (A.T.F.)

A Supplication from Imam Mahdi (A.T.F.)
Compiled and Translated by: Syed Zainulabedin Razavi, Tehran, Iran O God! sustain us with Thy goodwill for obedience as a duty And for abstinence from sin and criminality, And for intentions with sincerity, And for cognizance of Thy Holiness and Sanctity. And dignify us with guidance, steadfastness and stability And adorn our tongues with wisdom and veracity And fill our hearts with knowledge and sublimity. And free our stomach from the ...

The Twelfth Imam, the Savior of Humanity

The Twelfth Imam, the Savior of Humanity
There Existed a good deal of harmony and uniformity between the aspects pertaining to the births of Prophet Muhammad, the last Apostle of Allah and Imam al-Mahdi, the last Apostolic Imam. Just as the coming of the Holy Prophet was prophesied well in advance by the preceding prophets, similarly the impending news of the gracious birth of Imam al-Mahdi was foretold by the Holy Prophet.Innumerable traditions in this context, quoted right from the ...

Human-being is Awaiting for the Promised Hope

Human-being is Awaiting for the Promised Hope
And how can you disbelieve, while it is you to whom the communications of Allah are recited, and among you is His apostle? And whoever holds fast to Allah he indeed is guided to the right way. 102. O you who believe! Observe your duty to Allah with right observance, and die not save as those who have surrendered (to Him). [The Family of 'Imran]The example of the sealing Islamic Mission is the example of the fruits Allah has bestowed on man. ...

Philosophic Conceptualities of the Self in Messianism / Mahdism

Philosophic Conceptualities of the Self in Messianism / Mahdism
Philosophic Conceptualities of the Self in Messianism / Mahdism   How beautiful are the feet of the herald on the mountains, announcing peace, heralding good tidings, announcing salvation, saying to Zion, “Your God has manifested His kingdom.” (Isaiah 52:7)I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.And there was ...

The Signs of the Reappearance of the Twelfth Imam (ajtf)

The Signs of the Reappearance of the Twelfth Imam (ajtf)
The Signs of the Reappearance (Qiyam) of the (Imam) who undertakes the Office (al-Qa'im), Peace be on him, the Period of Time of his Appearance, an Explanation of his Life and an Extract of what is revealed about his State.Traditions have been reported mentioning the signs for the time of the appearance of the Imam who will arise (qa'im), peace be on him, and the events which will take place before his appearance, together with the indications ...

The Deputies of the Imam of the Age Hazrat Hujjat ibnil Hasan al-Askari (a.t.f.s.)

The Deputies of the Imam of the Age Hazrat Hujjat ibnil Hasan al-Askari (a.t.f.s.)
Allah’s mercy is infinite. None else is more gracious than the Almighty to His creatures. Even the vast love of a mother for her child is just a minor ray of endless love which the Creator has for His creatures. When a mother can never see her offspring in any trouble, then how can the immense mercy of Allah see His creatures punished in Hell?The Best CreationAllah created man as his best creation. He made man the most balanced and granted ...

Imam Al-Mahdi Al-Muntadhar (a.s) part 4

Imam Al-Mahdi Al-Muntadhar (a.s)  part 4
Miracles are certainly not impossible nor can they be negated through scientific arguments. It can never be proved that the causes and agents that are functioning in the world are solely those that we see and know and that other causes which we do not know or whose effects and actions we have not seen nor understood do not exist. It is in this way possible that in one or several members of mankind there can be operating certain causes and agents ...

People Awaited the Appearance of the Mahdi

People Awaited the Appearance of the Mahdi
From all the references to the Mahdi and his appearance in the sources it is obvious that people were awaiting the coming of the Mahdi from the early days of Islam and were actually counting the days for that to happen. They regarded the establishment of the legitimate government through his emergence a certainty.This anticipation used to get intense during times of political turmoil and unfavorable social conditions. People expected that the ...

Imam Mahdi (A.S.) is the 'Proof of Allah' (Hujjatullah)

Imam Mahdi (A.S.) is the 'Proof of Allah' (Hujjatullah)
All our beliefs are based on intellect and Shariah (divine laws). It is the decision of the intellect and the Shariah that for maintaining order in the universe and for its smooth functioning, there must exist a 'perfect individual', a 'divine representative', and a 'proficient and dynamic mind', whose existence precedes the existence of this universe. He should be the ruler and the leader of this universe. His existence should be superior and ...

The second arrival of God – The Realm of one thousand years

The second arrival of God – The Realm of one thousand years
Parusia of Christ and “the end” of the world. – The Christian Eschatology includes learning about last moments of salvation history; the physical death of the man and particular judgment; the second arrival of Christ and pervious signs; the revival of deceased and the public judgment; release ...  Parusia of Christ and “the end” of the world. – The Christian Eschatology includes learning about last moments of salvation history; the ...