Thursday 4th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Mahdi in Muslim Traditions (Part 1)

The Mahdi in Muslim Traditions (Part 1)
With the exception of a small Salafi group, both the Caliphate and Imamte schools of thought believe in the coming of the Mahdi before End times. The Hadiths from the Prophet in this respect are too numerous and authenticated enough to defy. A slight difference however exits regarding whether the Mahdi was born or he will be born in the future. Without being able to justify/identify the twelve rightful Caliphs, the Caliphate school followers ...

The Governance of Imam Mahdi (pbuh) and Contemporary Models of Governments A Comparative Analysis

The Governance of Imam Mahdi (pbuh) and Contemporary Models of Governments A Comparative Analysis

Who Are the Companions and the Helpers of Imam Mehdi?

Who Are the Companions and the Helpers of Imam Mehdi?
The Companions of Imam Mehdi:The companions of Imam Mehdi are special people with exceptional talents, who join Imam Mehdi in the first hours after his appearance. They form the primary core for the international battle of Imam Mehdi. They are the people who both start Imam Mehdi’s battle with their presence, and become the advisers and ministers of him after the victory of the battle and they will be responsible for a lot of tasks then. ...


Throughout the centuries mankind, by its own standards, has sought someone to bring justice as a means to peace and fulfilment. Leaders have come and gone, but impenitent man in his ignorance and futility still keeps seeking one who will bring victory over oppression. Sadly in many instances the justice sought has been driven by fallible conceptions and convictions; even, at times, worsened by cleverly-concealed ambitious desires. This paper ...

Hakimeh Narrating the Birth of Imam Mahdi (AJ)

Hakimeh Narrating the Birth of Imam Mahdi (AJ)
he twelfth Celestial Leader of the Islam, Huyyat Ibn Al-Hasan Al-Mahdi (God’s greetings be for him and his ascending) opened his eyes to the world at the start of the dawn of the day Thursday 15 of Sha‘ban month, of the year 255 H.L, correspondent with the July 28, 869 after Christ, at the City of Samarra, at the eleventh Imam‘s house. Mother of Imam Mahdi(AJ):His honorable father was the eleventh Imam of the Immaculated, ...

This is where the teachings of Jesus, specifically his love command, along with the prophets and apostles who embody the same command become indispensible.

This is where the teachings of Jesus, specifically his love command, along with the prophets and apostles who embody the same command become indispensible.
This is where the teachings of Jesus, specifically his love command, along with the prophets and apostles who embody the same command become indispensible. Although the anti-philosophers Kierkegaard and Nietzsche, together with exegetes such as Albert Schweitzer of the early 20th century recognized the subjugation of human life to the falsehoods of a moral system that reduced the human being to a mere agent of action, it is always required that ...

The Unseen World and the Imam of the Age

The Unseen World and the Imam of the Age
The following session was convened at Dr. Jalali's residence. He was the first person to open the discussion.Dr. Jalali: A small number of Muslims believe that the Imam of the Age is the son of Imam Hasan 'Askari who was born in the year 256 AH/843 CE. However, they say that he has ascended from this world to the unseen world known as Hurqalya.1 When humankind reaches maturity and abandons the strife-ridden life of this world, preparing itself ...

15th Shaban the Happy and Auspicious Birthday Anniversary of Imam Mahdi (Ajtf)

15th Shaban the Happy and Auspicious Birthday Anniversary of Imam Mahdi (Ajtf)
15th Shaban:The Happy and Auspicious Birthday Anniversary of Imam Mahdi(May Allah Almighty Hasten His Reappearance) Hadrat Hujjat ibn Hasan al-Askari(A.S.) the Twelfth Holy Imam ,Al-Mahdi, Al-Muntazar, Qa'im, Baqi'atullah was born on 15th Shaban in 255 A.H. in Samarrah(Iraq).   The Reappearance and Second Coming of Imam Mahdi(A.S.),"the Ultimate Savior and Redeemer of Mankind" and "the Only Hope for   The Qur'anic prophecy of the ...

Waiting for a Savior in other Religions

Waiting for a Savior in other Religions
In many religions there is an expectation for a savior to come and help the release from injustice. In Islam it is ‘Mahdawai' which has a great international philosophy, because Islam is an international religion and Shia in its real meaning is an international factor. In addition to the Muslims especially the Shia, followers of other religions like Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, and Hindus expect someone to come and bring peace and justice ...


  “Even if there remains only a day in the life of this earth, God will prolong it for His emissary to appear so that the earth shall be filled with justice and equity as it is filled with injustice and tyranny.” This is the prophecy that the Prophet Muhammad left for his followers so that they would prepare themselves for the launching of that transformation of the world to the ideal that God has promised humanity. This paper is an ...


A SIGNED PROCLAMATION FROM IMAM-E-ASR (A.T.F.S.) Though at present we are living away from the dominions of the oppressors and till the unjust rule the world, the Almighty has considered it better for us and our Shias that I stay away from them. But despite this separation, I am cognizant of all your affairs. Nothing pertaining to you is hidden from us. Whenever you experience insults, I come to know of it. This is from the time some of you ...

Special specifications of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Special specifications of Imam Mahdi (AS)
In the previous part, I provided extensive traditions from the six authentic Sunni collections concerning the fact that Imam Mahdi (AS) who is different than Jesus (the messiah) WILL come and he is the descendant of Prophet and his daughter Fatimah. The traditions further illuminated the fact that Jesus (who was a great Prophet) will pray behind al-Mahdi (who is an Imam). Also I gave the fatwa of Sunni scholars who stated that the belief in the ...

Equity toward People and Meeting with Hadrat Wali Asr (AJ)

Equity toward People and Meeting with Hadrat Wali Asr (AJ)
Written By:Muhammad RayshahriA man of knowledge was longing for meeting with Hadrat Baqiyyat Allah Imam Mahdi (AJ), and he suffered agonies of not being granted the chance. For a long time he underwent severe austerity and pursued spiritual seeking.It is well-known among the tullab (Islamic seminary students)of Hawza in Najaf-i Ashraf and the scholars of the holy shrine of Imam Ali (A.S.) that every one who finds the honor to go the Masjid-i ...

Final victory of Islam is very near

Final victory of Islam is very near
Final victory of Islam is very near  Islam interprets history as a constant struggle between right and wrong. This struggle goes on at various levels of society between the forces of right, virtuousness, love of Allah, faith, justice, equality, sacrifice, correct thinking, purity and truth on the one hand, and those of falsehood, egoism, materialism, pragmatism, tyranny, selfishness, injustice, faithlessness, discrimination, corruption, ...

The Awaiting of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s)in the Perspective of Responsibilities

The Awaiting of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s)in the Perspective of Responsibilities
Awaiting' (Intezar) is the result of two conditions. Firstly, he is not satisfied with the present circumstances and secondly, he expects the improvement in his circumstances. If either of these conditions are not fulfilled then it is not awaiting and the person concerned is not an 'awaiter' *(Muntazir). The awaiting of Hazrat Imam Mahdi (A.S.) also holds the same distinct characteristics. Even here awaiting purports that an awaiter is not ...

Imam Mahdi (A.S) and Hazrat Abraham (A.S) [Occultation (Ghaibat) of past prophets]

Imam Mahdi (A.S) and Hazrat Abraham (A.S) [Occultation (Ghaibat) of past prophets]
Nimrod was a wicked king who claimed to be god. He was very powerful and ruled over the entire world. Everyone was afraid of him and did not dare oppose him. Nimrod led a very comfortable life without anyone to challenge him. This was until he was informed by a learned person in his kingdom about the birth of a child who would challenge him and finally overcome him. This made Nimrod very nervous and he made immediate plans to prevent the birth ...

Role of Intizar and responsibilities of those who await coming of Imam Mahdi (a.s.)

Role of Intizar and responsibilities of those who await coming of Imam Mahdi (a.s.)
Role of Intizar and responsibilities of those who await coming of Imam Mahdi (a.s.).In the Name of God, The Compassionate, the Merciful The Role of Intizar (Waiting for the Savior of Mankind) andResponsibilities of Those Who Await the Coming of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) Bright future and a world full of happiness is everyone’s expectation to have a calm and peaceful life. Since human beings settled on the planet, they have always had a desire for ...

Horizentalization of Vertical eschatology as recipe for planetary survival

Horizentalization of Vertical eschatology as recipe for planetary survival
 Horizentalization of Vertical eschatology as recipe for planetary survival   Twelve years ago, while we were sitting in front of a college in Mindanao State University-Main Campus, Philippines, a Seventh-Day Adventist friend of mine from Bukidnon, Mindanao, told me, “Everything can serve any purpose. You see, if I position this horizontally (referring to a blue ballpen he was holding), it serves as a bridge, but if I put it this way ...

The second arrival of God – The Realm of one thousand years

The second arrival of God – The Realm of one thousand years
Parusia of Christ and “the end” of the world. – The Christian Eschatology includes learning about last moments of salvation history; the physical death of the man and particular judgment; the second arrival of Christ and pervious signs; the revival of deceased and the public judgment; release ...  Parusia of Christ and “the end” of the world. – The Christian Eschatology includes learning about last moments of salvation history; the ...

A sublime man will come and save humanity from oppression, injustic

A sublime man will come and save humanity from oppression, injustic
And We have already written in the book [of Psalms] after the [previous] mention [in the Torah] that the Earth is inherited by My righteous servants.” (Holy Quran: 21, 105)Witnessing that the aggressors of the world plunder and violate the rights of people, humanity should not think that this is the fate of the world, should not think that there is no way out and one should surrender. No, humanity should realize that this is a transitional ...