Thursday 4th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Islamophobia in New Jersey: Muslim group calling on state to investigate assault on Muslim woman

Islamophobia in New Jersey: Muslim group calling on state to investigate assault on Muslim woman
Religious leaders in Newark are calling on the U.S. Attorney’s Office to investigate an incident where a Muslim woman was assaulted by a state employee at her workplace.The group says that Newark city employee Benita Young had her hijab pulled off her head by a state employee while working at the One Stop Career Center on Dec. 5. That unidentified state worker also allegedly threw the hijab on to the ground.“She was walking in the ...

Five Swedens convert to Shia Islam at Imam Reza Holy Shrine

Five Swedens convert to Shia Islam at Imam Reza Holy Shrine
Visiting Imam Reza Holy Shrine (AS), five Swedish nationals converted to Islam and became Shia Muslims. Getting familiar with the fundamental principles of Islam, accepting the oneness of God, prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), as well as confessing to the Velayat of Ali (AS), the visiting tourists converted their profession of faith and became Shia Muslims. Director of Non-Iranian Pilgrims' Affairs of Imam Reza (AS) Holy Shrine Javad ...

An unhappy isle; Bahrain is still hounding its Shia

An unhappy isle; Bahrain is still hounding its Shia
Friends and family members are kept out. Grocers offload their wares at the perimeter wall. And the protesters who once thronged to hear the island’s leading Shia cleric, Isa Qassim, deliver his Friday sermon now stay at home. “Forget the thousands who used to join rallies,” says a cleric in a neighboring village, recalling the protests which erupted after tanks crushed the mass demonstrations for democracy in 2011. ...

UK news reporter in hijab files complaint over discrimination

UK news reporter in hijab files complaint over discrimination
A Muslim television reporter for a British news channel yesterday filed a complaint against a columnist for Rupert Murdoch's 'Sun' newspaper who singled her out for wearing hijab while reporting on the recent terror attack at Nice in France. Fatima Manji, 'Channel 4 News' correspondent, was reporting on the Nice terrorist attack from the channel's London studio earlier this month when Kelvin MacKenzie questioned in his column whether the Muslim ...

Photos: Marriage celebration of Malian Shiites on Imam Mahdi’s birth anniversary

Photos: Marriage celebration of Malian Shiites on Imam Mahdi’s birth anniversary
Marriage celebration of Malian Shiites on Imam Mahdi’s birth anniversary was ...

Israeli authorities ban call for prayers in West Bank town

Israeli authorities ban call for prayers in West Bank town
 Israeli authorities reportedly banned the Muslim call to dawn prayer from being projected over loudspeakers in three different mosques in the Jerusalem district town of Abu Dis on Friday, according to local sources. Lawyer Bassam Bahr, head of a local committee in Abu Dis, said that Israeli forces raided the town just before the dawn prayer on Friday. According to Bahr, Israeli forces raided the al-Rahman, al-Taybeh and al-Jamia mosques ...

Nigerian court rejects lawsuit filed by Sheikh Zakzaky against army

Nigerian court rejects lawsuit filed by Sheikh Zakzaky against army
The Federal High Court in the northern Nigerian state of Kaduna on Friday rejected the suit by the prominent Shia cleric, who was seeking 5.6 million dollars in damages over the 2015 attacks by army troopers that led to the killing of some 350 of his followers in the northern city of Zaria, including his three children. Zakzaky was himself brutally injured, and his house was reportedly destroyed by the Nigerian army in the attack. He has been ...

Sheikh Qabalan: Iran flag bearer of Islamic unity

Sheikh Qabalan: Iran flag bearer of Islamic unity
'The Islamic Republic of Iran is today the centerpiece of the world of Islam, being the flag bearer of Islamic Unity,' said the envoy, adding that Iran is also the flag bearer of support for Palestine. In the meeting, the two sides discussed religious and seminaries' affairs in Lebanon, Syria and Qom and underlined their role in expansion of values and religious teachings to protect societies. He underlined that Arabs and Muslims should support ...

Indonesian president to resolve friction between Sunni, Shiite in Sampang

Indonesian president to resolve friction between Sunni, Shiite in Sampang
The informal meeting with the reconciliation team, led by Abd A'la, was the first meeting of the president on his two-day working visit to the island.The president was accompanied by Coordinating Minister for Political, Security and Legal Affairs Djoko Susilo, Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare Agung Laksono, Religious Affairs Minister Suryadharma Ali, Home Affairs Minister Gamawan Fauzi, Minister/State Secretary Sudi Silalahi, State ...

UK news reporter in hijab files complaint over discrimination

UK news reporter in hijab files complaint over discrimination
A Muslim television reporter for a British news channel yesterday filed a complaint against a columnist for Rupert Murdoch's 'Sun' newspaper who singled her out for wearing hijab while reporting on the recent terror attack at Nice in France. Fatima Manji, 'Channel 4 News' correspondent, was reporting on the Nice terrorist attack from the channel's London studio earlier this month when Kelvin MacKenzie questioned in his column whether the Muslim ...

Bahrain: Justice denied for two years as Khalil Al-Halwachi is imprisoned without a verdict

Bahrain: Justice denied for two years as Khalil Al-Halwachi is imprisoned without a verdict
The Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR) condemns the Bahraini government’s practice of holding detainees for a prolonged and indefinite period prior to being sentenced and convicted of any official charge. This is the case with Khalil Al-Halwachi, who has been detained for approximately two years without being sentenced, thus violating his right to due process.     Immediately and unconditionally release Khalil ...

British woman murdered in Pakistan for converting to Shia Islam

British woman murdered in Pakistan for converting to Shia Islam
The husband of a British woman who was killed in Pakistan called for the UK and Pakistani governments to ensure his wife received justice Thursday, as he sought to keep the spotlight on so-called honour killings.Mukhtar Kazam presented a copy of the post-mortem report into his wife Samia Shahid’s death — seen by AFP — at an emotional press conference, which said the 28-year-old had marks on her neck, and suggested she had been ...

Ahlul Bayt World Assembly condoles on great Kashmiri scholar’s demise, Sayyed Maqsood Ali Razavi

Ahlul Bayt World Assembly condoles on great Kashmiri scholar’s demise, Sayyed Maqsood Ali Razavi
The Ahlul Bayt World Assembly has issued a message of condolence following the death of Hujjat ul-Islam Sayyed Maqsood Ali Razavi, Kashmiri member of the Assembly. The full text of the message is as follows: In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful   The demise of the divine scholar and great faqih, Hujjat ul-Islam Sayyed Maqsood Ali Razavi, has left us full of sorrow.    He was one of the greatest academic and ...

Millions of Shiite Muslims mark Tasu'a across the world

Millions of Shiite Muslims mark Tasu'a across the world
Black-clad mourners have taken to the streets across Iran to take part in the ceremonies of Tasu’a, the ninth day of the lunar month of Muharram.During the ceremonies, eulogies are recited and sermons delivered in honor of one of the sacred figures of Shia Islam and his 72 companions.Imam Hussein, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and his companions were martyred in the Battle of Karbala, in southern Iraq, in 680 AD after fighting ...

Bahrain’s Court of Appeal sends dozen anti-regime activists to prison

Bahrain’s Court of Appeal sends dozen anti-regime activists to prison
On Saturday, Bahrain's Supreme Court of Appeal upheld the prison term of five years against seven defendants on charges of illegal gathering, setting tires alight along the streets and hurling petrol bombs at armored police vehicles in Manama’s suburban neighborhood of Juffair on August 2, 2013, Arabic-language Bahrain Mirror news website reported. The court also ordered each of the convicts to pay 300 dinars ($795) for the damage caused ...

Senior Shiite cleric: Unity empowers society against enemies

Senior Shiite cleric: Unity empowers society against enemies
Ayatollah Araki, addressing final meeting of the conference on “Imam Reza (AS), key for unity and coalition of society” stressed monotheism as the element to safeguard the society and empowerment of the Islamic nation against enemies.Grand Ayatollah Mohsen Araki, Secretary General of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought in his speech on the last leg of conference on Imam Reza (AS) in Mashhad referred to ...

German lady converted to Shia Islam in Imam Reza’s Shrine

German lady converted to Shia Islam in Imam Reza’s Shrine
A German lady, with presence in the Razavi Holy Shrine, converted to Islam and adopted Shi’ism. Hannah Neleh Reza, 25-year-old lady from Germany, in her first initiation to the Razavi Holy Shrine, converted to holy religion of Islam, and selected Shi’ism, and then after declaring her faith, chose ‘Zahra’ as her first name. At the beginning of the meeting, which was held at the Non-Iranian Pilgrims Office of Astan Quds ...

Ukrainian Priest Reveals Christians’ Love to Imam Hussein(AS)

Ukrainian Priest Reveals Christians’ Love to Imam Hussein(AS)
erki Croke, Ukrainian priest, within a group of Ukrainian people, visited the holy city of Kerbala, and made pilgrimage to Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him) in order to have himself acquainted with the heritage of the city and the world’s most tragic event committed against humanity in 61 ...

Canadian Church Hosts Interfaith Ramadan Event to Make Syrian Refugees Feel at Home

Canadian Church Hosts Interfaith Ramadan Event to Make Syrian Refugees Feel at Home
Muslim refugees starting new lives in Calgary, Canada, got a taste of the community spirit that marks the holy month of Ramadan when they attended an interfaith iftar — an evening meal to break fast — hosted by the Rockyview Alliance Church this ...

Thousands of Shia Muslims march in Dearborn in Muharram for faith and justice

Thousands of Shia Muslims march in Dearborn in Muharram for faith and justice
Pumping their clenched fists, the crowd in a Dearborn park chanted Sunday in support of the grandson of Islam's prophet, Imam Hussain (PBUT): "Labayka ya Hussain," they declared in Arabic, which means "We're with you, oh Hussain."The scene inside Ford Woods Park was part of a procession and gathering for Shia Muslims during a holy season known as Ashura, which refers to the 10th day of the first month of the Islamic calendar Muharram. During the ...