Thursday 4th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Imam Reza flag presented to Sheikh Zakzaky in prison

Imam Reza flag presented to Sheikh Zakzaky in prison
- Iranian cultural caravan of ‘Under the Shade of the Sun’, announced Imam Reza holy shrine's flag was presented to the leader of Islamic Movement in Nigeria, Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky.Sheikh Zakzaky’s close friends claimed they were allowed to take the sacred flag inside the prison which has been very pleasing for the family of Sheikh Zakzaky and his Mujahid wife.His family appreciated the action of Astan Quds Razavi and asked ...

Pakistani high court allows Shia Muslim women to perform Hajj without Mahram

Pakistani high court allows Shia Muslim women to perform Hajj without Mahram
The Lahore High Court directed the religious affairs ministry on Monday to allow Shia women to perform Hajj without Mahram [a close male family member] this year.Justice Ayesha A. Malik granted the interim relief to Shia women after the ministry’s counsel sought more time to disclose the name of the official who had decided to follow a 2013 recommendation of the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) to allow women pilgrims to perform Hajj only ...

Iranian cultural center to hold Ramadan Quranic Programs in Armenia

Iranian cultural center to hold Ramadan Quranic Programs in Armenia
- The Iranian Cultural Center in Armenia plans to hold a number of Quranic programs during the holy month of Ramadan at the Blue Mosque of Yerevan.Majid Meshki, Iranian cultural attaché in Armenia, said that like previous years, the center will organize Quranic courses for children and teenagers.The Grand Mosque will also host an educational Quranic course for women every evening during the holy month.Among other programs of the center ...

Britain steps up restrictions against country’s Muslims

Britain steps up restrictions against country’s Muslims
Britain is stepping up restrictions against the country’s Muslim population as part of a campaign to stop young citizens from joining terrorist groups.  The UK’s Education Secretary Nicky Morgan has said schools are entitled to ban Muslim girls from wearing face veils. She noted that it’s important for children to be able to see their teacher's mouth. Morgan made the comment while launching an anti-radicalization ...

Ibrahim Karlsson

Ibrahim Karlsson
I was born in an ordinary , non-religious Swedish home, but with a very loving relationship to each other. I had lived my life 25 years without really thinking about the existence of God or anything spiritual what-so-ever; I was the role model of the materialistic man. Or was I? I recall a short story I wrote in 7th grade, something about my future life, where I portray myself as a successful games programmer (I hadn't yet even touched a ...

Hundreds of young people in UK prefer to join ISIS in Syria

Hundreds of young people in UK prefer to join ISIS in Syria
- Hundreds of British teenage girls are still keen on joining ISIS despite the death of a London schoolgirl in Syria, according to counter-radicalisation experts, raising fresh doubts about the effectiveness of the government’s strategy to combat ...

Ayatollah Javadi Amoli: Adherence to Ahlul Bayt fosters Muslims' unity

Ayatollah Javadi Amoli: Adherence to Ahlul Bayt fosters Muslims' unity
- In a meeting with Maulana Hatem Zeky al Din, a senior cleric of Indian Ismailis, held in Asra International Institute in Qom on Sunday October 30, Ayatollah Javadi Amoli stated that the core of unity among Muslim community is the holy book of Quran as well as the Ahl ul-Bayt (a.s) adding, " Both the holy Quran and Ahl ul-Bayt (a.s) brought the message of monotheism to mankind and invited them to worship Allah; If the Muslim community ...

14 Martyred in Shia mosque Bomb blast, Afghanistan

14 Martyred in Shia mosque Bomb blast, Afghanistan
A bomb at a Shia mosque in northern Afghanistan martyred 14 people Wednesday, the second attack on the country's Shiaa in as many days during the major festival of Ashura. "The explosion happened at the gate of the Shia mosque in the center of Balkh district (in Balkh province)," said provincial governor's spokesman Munir Ahmad Farhad, adding that 14 people were killed and 28 injured. His account was confirmed by the provincial ...

British woman murdered in Pakistan for converting to Shia Islam

British woman murdered in Pakistan for converting to Shia Islam

Ghana Islamic scholar urges to stop killing in the name of Islam

Ghana Islamic scholar urges to stop killing in the name of Islam
The Chairman of Islamic Council for Development and Humanitarian Service (ICODEHS) in Ghana Sheikh Mustapha Ibrahim has appealed to those deviant Muslims who are killing and misbehaving in the name of Islam to put a stop to it. He said the Islamic religion preaches peace and makes it clear that no one should take his or her life and the life of others, and hence those terrorizing communities and countries in the name of religion are not ...

What is going on in Tuz Khormato? – Shia Turkmens under harsh conditions in their home

What is going on in Tuz Khormato? – Shia Turkmens under harsh conditions in their home
Kurdish forces (Peshmergas) after their sporadic attacks on Shia city of "Tuz Khormato" eventually entered the town with dozens of armored vehicles on last Thursday (21 November) and occupied parts of it.These forces after entering the town, killed four Iraqi forces (al-Hashad al-Shaabi) at a security checkpoint, set fire to the houses and shops of Shiite Turkmens, looted their property and assets and insulted and took down Imam Hussein's ...

Canadian Muslims host event to educate city about Ramadan

Canadian Muslims host event to educate city about Ramadan
On Saturday, more than 100 community leaders from around the city, including church dignitaries and politicians, came to a pre-Ramadan luncheon at the RCMP Heritage Centre to learn what this sacred month is all about. "People are nervous about asking questions," explained Sabreena Haque, a Muslim woman and member of the Regina chapter of the Islamic Association of Saskatchewan, which organized the event. "It's good to just come forward and ...

Razavi Shrine Gives Calmness: American Muslim

Razavi Shrine Gives Calmness: American Muslim

Prof. Jackie Ying: Mustafa Prize further introduces Muslim scientific contributions to world

Prof. Jackie Ying: Mustafa Prize further introduces Muslim scientific contributions to world
Winner of the inaugural Mustafa Prize “Top Scientific Achievement” Award, Prof. Jackie Y. Ying, Executive Director of the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, says the scientific contributions made by Muslim scientists could be more widely recognized by the world through the Mustafa Prize. On 23 December 2015, the laureates of the first Mustafa Scientific Prize were announced as Professor Jackie Y. Ying from Singapore and ...

India puts Kashmir in lockdown

India puts Kashmir in lockdown
Officials and witnesses said residents in at least four places in southern Kashmir tried to march on the streets while chanting slogans in favor of militants and ending Indian rule. Police and paramilitary soldiers fired tear gas to disperse the crowds. The protesters responded by hurling rocks at troops. No one was immediately reported injured in the clashes. While Kashmir has remained on edge, the Indian and Pakistani armies, which regularly ...

Arbaeen Procession Aligarh, India

Arbaeen Procession Aligarh, India
    Arbaeen Procession held at Aligarh Muslim University in Aligarh city in Uttar Pradesh state, India 2015-1437Annual Arbaeen Procession 2015 Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh (U.P), India  3/December/2015The Arbaeen (40th Day) of Imam Hussain(a.s) and the Martyrs of Karbala was marked by mourning processions here in the Aligarh Muslim University at Aligarh. The university campus echoed with the chants of Labbaik ya Hussain ...

Bahraini government banned citizens from performing Friday Prayer for 10th Consecutive Week in Diraz

Bahraini government banned citizens from performing Friday Prayer for 10th Consecutive Week in Diraz
The Bahraini authorities continue to ban the Shiite citizens from performing the largest Friday prayer by preventing the Imam of the prayer and worshipers from entering Diraz to perform the prayer in the Imam Al-Sadiq mosque. Activists said that the security forces have banned for the tenth consecutive week the Imam of Friday prayer and worshipers from entering Diraz, which made the worshipers perform their prayers separately (without being led ...

Bahraini regime continues ban on holding Friday prayers in Diraz

Bahraini regime continues ban on holding Friday prayers in Diraz
 Armored vehicles were deployed to cordon off Diraz’s Imam Al Sadiq Mosque, which used to host the largest Shiite congregation in the country. Concrete barricades and police checkpoints were also used to restrict people’s freedom of movement throughout Diraz. A small number of Shiite worshipers trickled into the mosque to perform individual prayers after the Friday Prayers’ Imam was prevented from entering the town. ...

The meaning of "Shi'a" in the Opinion of the Household of the Prophet

The meaning of "Shi'a" in the Opinion of the Household of the Prophet
The Imams of the Household (A.S) did not receive the leadership of Islam,although, however, they never had any designs towards it. So they devoted themselves to educating the Muslims, and to instructing them as Allah had ordered. They remained with those who were faithful to them, and confided in them their secrets, took great pains to teach them all the religious commandments and instill in them religious knowledge,and showed them what is of ...

Takfiri cleric rapes young girl in Karachi

Takfiri cleric rapes young girl in Karachi
Musmah alleged that the cleric also threatened to kill her entire family if she disclosed the occurrence to anyone. “The cleric of the neighborhood mosque called for me and then raped me,” she said.“He told me to keep quiet or else he would kill me along with my entire family,” Musmah added.The alleged victim is a resident of Malir and also happens to be one of the students at the Madrassah (school).The police have ...