Thursday 4th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Shia studies workshop held in Germany

Shia studies workshop held in Germany
The first edition of a workshop on studies of Shia Islam or Shi’ism was organized by the Iranian Cultural Center in Berlin, ...

Sean Stone Converted to Islam

Sean Stone Converted to Islam
Sean Stone, the 27 year old son of Oliver Stone, Hollywood’s prominent Director, said at a press conference in Tehran that he has accepted Islam and believes that Christians, Jews and Moslems all worship one god.He has added another name to his first name as a sign of his acceptance; he is now Sean Christopher-Ali Stone. He says that he first became interested in Islam when he was in high school. Oliver Stone, Sean Christopher, ...

Muslim couple feeds Calais refugees in France for a year

Muslim couple feeds Calais refugees in France for a year
- Working from sunset to sundown, a British Muslim couple from County Durham has been offering free meals to 1,500 people in the Calais jungle camp every day all over the past year. The story started when Jamal Ismail and Sofinee Harun took their family caravan to Calais jungle last September, saying they were planning to stay for one week. “We just couldn’t go home. We know that so many people have arrived [in the refugee ...

The Spiritual Resurrection of a Lost Youth

The Spiritual Resurrection of a Lost Youth
rom Calvary to Karbala. My name is Brother Yahya Hayder Seymour and the following is my conversion story to the path of Islam and eventually the Path of the Ahlul Bayt (as). The Path of the Ahlul Bayt and Islam are not separate far from it, they are the immaculate guides who would serve Islam in History as the preservers of our faith, where many tried to corrupt it. The following is my spiritual wayfaring biography from Birth- till where I am ...

Lord Headley Al-Farooq

Lord Headley Al-Farooq
  Lord Headley al-Farooq (Rt. Hon. Sir Rowland George Allanson) was born in 1855 A.D. and was a leading British peer, statesman and author. Educated in Cambridge, he became a peer in 1877, served in the army as a captain and later on as Lieut. Colonel in 4th Battalion of North Minister Fusiliers. Although an engineer by profession he had wide literary tastes. One time he was the editor of the "Salisbury Journal". He was also the author of ...

Peruvian Muslims Open Mosque in Lima

Peruvian Muslims Open Mosque in Lima
 More than 200 people gathered at the Lima Mosque in the Peruvian capital city Friday for the grand opening and a dinner in celebration of Eid ...

20th gathering of German Muslim women held in Copenhagen

20th gathering of German Muslim women held in Copenhagen
Fifty-four Muslim women attended the three-day gathering from Friday to Sunday (July 16-18), according to the Islamic Center of Hamburg, which hosted the event. The women were from cities like Bonn, Hamburg, Berlin, and Wiesbaden. The theme of this year’s meeting was "Criterion for Choosing the Right Role Model in Life”. Speeches and question and answer sessions on the mentioned theme, attending Friday prayers at ...

Imam Reza cultural caravan in two Bangladeshi villages

Imam Reza cultural caravan in two Bangladeshi villages
- On the third day of its presence in Bangladesh, the Imam Reza religious-cultural caravan "Under the Shade of the Sun" traveled to two villages of the country.In Karamat ten-day celebrations, Razavi missionaries and servants visited Mymensingh village of Bangladesh yesterday. In a celebration held by the endeavor of people of the village, Sayyed Marvian Hosseini, missionary of the Razavi caravan, referred to the conduct and character of Imam ...

Founder of Imam Khomeini Memorial Trust of Kargil Passes Away

Founder of Imam Khomeini Memorial Trust of Kargil Passes Away

Philosophy and Reason behind Occultation of Imam Zaman (A.J)

Philosophy and Reason behind Occultation of Imam Zaman (A.J)

Imam Hussain Day" public meeting hold in Junnar, India /

Imam Hussain Day" public meeting hold in Junnar, India /
"IMAM HUSSAIN DAY" public meeting in Junnar in Pune district of India, organized by youth organization. The gathering addressed the issues of the Sacrifice of Imam Hussain (A) and the holy Ahlul Bayt (A). Ahlul Bayt News Agency - "IMAM HUSSAIN DAY" public meeting in Junnar in Pune district of India, organized by youth organization. The gathering addressed the issues of the Sacrifice of Imam Hussain (A) and the holy Ahlul Bayt (A).The meeting ...

Muharram mourning hold in Kaduna, Nigeria

 Muharram mourning hold in Kaduna, Nigeria
Muharram mourning hold in Kaduna, Nigeria 1437-2015 Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Muslims in Kaduna, Nigeria under the leadership of his eminence Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky began the annual mourning gathering for the martyrdom of grandson of the Holy Prophet (S) on Thursday 15th of October, 2015.The mourning comprises songs of lamentation, drama depicting Ashura tragedy and lectures delivered by Ameer of the zone Sheikh Muhammad Mukhtar ...

Ahlulbayt in the Quran

Ahlulbayt in the Quran
The Glorious Qur'an, the revealed word of Almighty Allah to His last and greatest Prophet, Muhammad (s.a.w.), is the source of all divine laws and has given humanity a perfect system of life and a code of well-defined ethical values. Every Muslim knows that he is obliged to apply Qur'anic instructions in his daily life and refer to them for guidance. Numerous verses of the Holy Qur'an spotlight the lofty position of the Ahlul-Bait, directing and ...

Brazilian lady converts to Shia Islam at Imam Ridha holy shrine in holy Mashhad

Brazilian lady converts to Shia Islam at Imam Ridha holy shrine in holy Mashhad
Uttering Shahadah (the two testimonies of faith), a Brazilian lady converted to Shia Islam at Imam Ridha holy shrine in holy city of Mashhad, Iran. Fabiana Disosa converted to Islam by attending in the Management office of Non-Iranian Pilgrims of Astan Quds Razavi after she declared her readiness for embracing Islam.Before uttering Shahadah, the Brazilian girl became familiar with the fundamental principles of the religion that is monotheism, ...

Esam Al-Emad: Sheikh al-Mufeed Reason Behind My Conversion into Shia Faith

Esam Al-Emad: Sheikh al-Mufeed Reason Behind My Conversion into Shia Faith
Dr. Esam Ali Yahya El-Emad, a Muslim researcher who was born to a Zaidiyyah family in A`b City, Yamen, 1968. He studied to get his PhD degree, through which he had to study Wahabism in Imam Mohammed Bin So’ud Salafi (Wahabi) University, located in Saudi Arabia.The official website of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine interviewed Dr. Esam, and asked him some questions:Q: What does Shia or Ahlul-Bayet (Peace Be Upon Them) mean to you?Dr. Esam: I ...

Why I am a Muslim

Why I am a Muslim
Ibrahim, a Pennsylvania teenager, explains how difficulties with church teaching about Jesus as God led him from Catholicism to Islam.A time comes in everyone's life, or at least I hope it comes, when they realize that they have to not only believe what they believe in, whatever it may be, but get out there and proclaim it to the world. Luckily, that time came early for me. I am 17, and Islam is the belief that I’m proclaiming.I was raised ...

Crackdown on Nigerian Shiite Muslims influence of Wahhabism

Crackdown on Nigerian Shiite Muslims influence of Wahhabism
Shia Muslims in Nigeria say the government’s bloody crackdown on the religious minority is influenced by Wahhabism, a radical ideology dominating Saudi Arabia.Abdul Giwa, a spokesman for the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN), said he believes authorities have launched a campaign of blood and destruction against Shias under the influence of the Wahhabi ideology.“We feel repressed,” said the IMN spokesman. “We have the ...

Famous Japanese Buddhist: All religions, beliefs should take lesson from Imam Hussain to remove Terrorism

Famous Japanese Buddhist: All religions, beliefs should take lesson from Imam Hussain to remove Terrorism
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Itsumo Okada, famous Japanese novelist and journalist, known for his great literary works and words derived from his previous environment where he lived in El-Hureya Eth-Thaneya area, Baghdad. He speaks the Iraqi accent; he wrote three novels in Japanese singing Iraq’s praises; one of his novels titled, “El-Hureya Eth-Thaneya Area,” second one titled, “Mesopotamia,” and third one titled, ...

Interview with a Lady who Propagates Islam, Imam Reza’s (A.S.) Light Connect me to the God

Interview with a Lady who Propagates Islam, Imam Reza’s (A.S.) Light Connect me to the God
Please introduce yourself.- I am Shima Moradi I was born thirty years ago in Ahwaz. I resided along with my family in Stockholm, Sweden capital, when I was two years old. The atmosphere of Sweden should have affected you. How were you able to keep your Iranian identity and religion through all these years?- No, it was not as you think. I had gone to Sweden as a child and did not remember anything of my people or my country. Hence, I was affected ...

Canada: Calgary's Muslim celebrating Prophet Muhammad's birthday

Canada: Calgary's Muslim celebrating Prophet Muhammad's birthday
Calgary's Muslim community has been holding events recently leading up to the celebration of the Prophet Muhammad's birthday. CALGARY, Canada (Bayt Agency) - Calgary's Muslim community has been holding events recently leading up to the celebration of the Prophet Muhammad's birthday. The Islamic Supreme Council of Canada (ISCC), the Islamic Association of Canadian Women (IACW) and the Al Madinah Calgary Islamic Centre have jointly organized ...