Monday 22nd of July 2024
Law in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Issue of Badaa

Issue of Badaa
In another session, al-Mamoon invited him to debate Sulayman al-Maroozi, Khurasan's scientist in kalam(theology), and the debate between them dealt with some significant topics which were being debated then by scholars of the science of kalam, and the starting-point of the discussion was the issue of Badaa(change in an earlier divine ruling). The Holy Imam (A.S.) explained its sound meaning, indicating that the Sublime and Great God had ...

Human Rights in Islamic Perspectives

Human Rights in Islamic Perspectives

Islamic Background of Western Renaissance

Islamic Background of Western Renaissance
The nomadic Arabs, who rose from their desert tents, founded in remarkably short space of time, the mightiest empire of the Mediaeval era, which stretched from the shores of the Atlantic in the West to the Great Wall of China in the East. Their success in the field of territorial conquests was no more spectacular than their achievements in the realm of knowledge.In fact they brought about the greatest revolution in the history of mankind-a ...

Islam and the Family System

Islam and the Family System
Sayyid Sa’eed Akhtar Rizvi A sensible and well-balanced family system is the very foundation of a happy life. Indeed, it is the root of an advancing civilization. Religion comes to take human beings nearer to Allah. Therefore, it must create an atmosphere conducive to that ideal; otherwise, it cannot achieve its goal. No religion can be regarded as complete unless it has a well-defined code of family life which expressly shows the exact ...

Terrorists' unity dangerous for humanity

Terrorists' unity dangerous for humanity
Iranian Ambassador to Dublin Javad Kachouiyan warned against the unity of the terrorists and extremists against the human civilization. 'The Middle East has been suffering from occupation, aggression, discrimination, militarism, underdevelopment, injustice and instability throughout decades and today not only none of these problems has been remove, but we are witnessing the unity of the ISIL, terrorists and the foreign forces from different ...

Law and the Difference in Outlook and Origin

Law and the Difference in Outlook and Origin
As explained in the last session, the above theory is based on an array of statutory principles. The first principle is the exigency of law for society while the second principle is that the law must be divine. After these two stages comes the issue of the implementer of law. Proving this theory to Muslims who accept those principles and believe in the Islamic fundamentals is not difficult. However, in dealing with those who reject those ...

The Tendency of Rationalizing The Shari’ah Laws

The Tendency of Rationalizing The Shari’ah Laws
By: Sayyid Muhammad RizviWhy we have to pray five times a day? Why dogs and pigs are regarded as ritually impure animals? Why an animal slaughtered un-Islamically is forbidden and ritually impure? These are but a few of the many ques­tions asked by our youths about the shari' ah laws. They want to rationalize every law of the shari'ah; they want to know the reason and purpose of the legislation of these laws.This chapter deals with this ...

Freedom of Speech and the West's Double Standard

Freedom of Speech and the West's Double Standard
I was deeply offended by the events described in an article in the Sep. 25, 1995 issue of "Qadhaya Dowaliyah" ("International Affairs" an Arabic weekly issued in Pakistan).It describes the furious reaction of many German intellectuals to the announcement of the Frankfurt based German Book Publishers Association that the prestigious Book Peace Award for the year 1995 would be awarded to Professor Annemarie Schimmel. Dr. Schimmel is an eminent ...

The Afterlife and the Reality of our Ephemeral Existence

The Afterlife and the Reality of our Ephemeral Existence
The general decline of religious belief in modern man has resulted in the abandonment of the belief in the Afterlife. Most contemporary cultures only see as valid the reality accessible to the senses or to the instruments that supplement them, and ridicule the unseen as mere fantasy and myth. As such, death is seen as the final fall of the curtain, bringing an end to the meaningless cosmic anomaly called ‘intelligent life’.  The ...

Bahrain's Al Wefaq: Deporting and Making Citizens Stateless is Egregious Violation to Constitution and Int’l Law

Bahrain's Al Wefaq: Deporting and Making Citizens Stateless is Egregious Violation to Constitution and Int’l Law
Al Wefaq National Islamic Society said the deportation of Sheikh Mohammed Khojesteh from his homeland, after the revocation of his nationality, is an egregious violation of the Bahraini constitution and the International Law which Bahrain is must be committed to.Sheikh Khojesteh is a patriotic Bahraini figure who made significant contributions in serving this country and its unity and the enlightenment of its people. This decision takes Bahrain ...

Islam’s Ideal Form of Democracy

Islam’s Ideal Form of Democracy
By: Muhammad Taqi Misbah YazdiAs to which of these administrative forms is acceptable to Islam, we have said earlier that if democracy in legislation means that whatever is approved by the majority of people—that is, 50% plus 1—is a credible, official and binding law even if it were against the text of the Qur’an, then Islam does not accept such democracy in legislation. Islam that has its own explicit laws in various ...

The Social Islamic Laws

The Social Islamic Laws
THE BAY' (SELLING)What is bay'? The bay' (selling) means the sale and exchange of a property with another property in a way that the owner, who is ,called "the seller" of the merchandise transfers the ownership of his property to the other party in exchange for money, and the other party called "the buyer" pays the money to the seller in exchange for the merchandise.As is evident, the bay' is considered as one of the 'uqud (contracts) and ...

Shi‘a Ideology’s Practicality

Shi‘a Ideology’s Practicality
By: Sayyid Lutfullah Safi al-GulpayganiQUESTION: Keeping in view the fact that aside from the short five-year period of Amir al-Mu’minin (peace be upon him), the administration of society was not in the hands of the Imams (peace be upon them), to what extent is the system of religious government according to the Shi‘a view practicable and able to be implemented in society?ANSWER: Shi‘a thought is a logical school that has and has always ...

Faith Depends Upon Knowledge

Faith Depends Upon Knowledge
An Expression of FaithHazrat Abu Talib (‘a) took the Holy Prophet (s) under his protection after his (s) grandfather died. He also happened to be the Chief of the Elders of the Quraysh of Mecca.The Quraysh were constantly warning Abu Talib (‘a) to control his nephew from spreading monotheism and deriding their gods, but he would silence them in his own courteous, but firm, manner. Islam went on spreading from household to household, ...

Arctic Oil and Gas Rush Alarms Scientists

Arctic Oil and Gas Rush Alarms Scientists
As greenhouse gas pollution destroys Arctic ecosystems, countries like Canada are spending millions not to halt the destruction but to exploit it. Late last August, Canada announced a 93.7-million-dollar prospecting programme to map the energy and mineral resources of the region. There are "countless other precious resources buried under the sea ice and tundra," Prime Minister Stephen Harper said during the announcement. The government's mapping ...

What Does Tayammum Mean?

What Does Tayammum Mean?
What Does Tayammum Mean?   Tayammum is the Islamic term for "dry ablution". This is the type of ablution performed when clean water is not readily available, or it is not feasible for a person to perform regular ghusl or wudhu because of medical reasons or similar issues. In such circumstances, instead of water, the person wipes a small amount of sand, dust or dry earth on his/her face and ...

Superiority of Islamic Laws

Superiority of Islamic Laws
Undoubtedly, the above two interpretations of justice - which are cited as an example - are in total conflict and disharmony with each other in practice. They seem to be intolerant, inconsistent and discordant with the divine laws and monotheistic beliefs. For example, we have a set of laws in Islam which, according to our ideological principles, are the best and most beneficial laws for society and certainly concordant with justice. However, ...

Importance of Family Life in Islam

Importance of Family Life in Islam

Hadith Recording during the Imamate of Imams Baqir and Sadiq (A.S.)

Hadith Recording during the Imamate of Imams Baqir and Sadiq (A.S.)
The age of Imam Muhammad al-B?qir and Imam Ja`far al-S?diq is considered the golden age as regards the spread of the rulings of the School of Recordation. During that age, Almighty Allah prepared certain political circumstances—that resulted in the collapse of a state (i.e. the Umayyad) and the emergence of another (i.e. the `Abb?sid)—in which the ruling authorities were engaged. This matter opened wide the door for the followers of ...

Corporate Sponsored Education: The Limits Of Social Responsibility

Corporate Sponsored Education: The Limits Of Social Responsibility
The business sector increasingly subsidizes financially challenged institutions. Representative examples would include health care, major sports arenas, and penal facilities. Among the recent beneficiaries of corporate largesse are schools. Such assistance blurs social roles and raises serious moral concerns, especially those of moral agency. Education, more so than other social institutions, determines the kind of citizen and moral character a ...