Monday 22nd of July 2024
Law in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Prophetic Traditions to follow the Ahl al Bayt (A.S.)

Prophetic Traditions to follow the Ahl al Bayt (A.S.)
1. The Prophetic tradition of the two weighty things The messenger of Allah (saw) said, O People, I leave amongst you two things which if you follow, you will never go astray. They are the Book of Allah and my Ahl al-Bayt [family].He also said: The messenger of my God is about to come to me and I shall answer. I am leaving with you the two weighty things: The first is the Book of Allah, in which you find guidance and enlightenment, and the ...

The Essentiality of Employment and the Importance of Trade and Industry

The Essentiality of Employment and the Importance of Trade and Industry
By: Allamah Syed Muhammad Husain Tabataba'i Endeavour and work are the base and foundation upon which the world of creation is established and these are the only guarantee for the survival of every creature. The Almighty Allah has equipped His creatures with suitable means with which they derive benefits and avoid losses. Man, who is the most astonishing and sophisticated design of creation, has more requirements than any other creature. Thus he ...

Guardianship of the Jurists (Fuqaha)

Guardianship of the Jurists (Fuqaha)
The guardianship of the Jurists is the process of continuity of Imamate. In this context according to several hundred traditions of the Holy Prophet which have been narrated by accredited companions of the Holy Prophet the number of infallible Imams is twelve. Eleven of the twelve exalted personages have been martyred after him through poisoning or with swords because they fought against the despots of their times. Our twelfth Imam, Imam Mahdi ...

HRW Condemns Saudi 'Slave' Treatment of Migrant Women

HRW Condemns Saudi 'Slave' Treatment of Migrant Women
Saudi Arabian families are abusing female migrant workers to the point of slavery and Riyadh needs to respond with sweeping labor and justice reforms, a major rights group said Tuesday. US-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a new report released in Indonesia, the home country of thousands of female migrant workers in Saudi Arabia, that in the worst cases the women were "treated like virtual slaves." "In the best cases, migrant women in Saudi ...

Islam Teaches Tolerance Not Hate

Islam Teaches Tolerance Not Hate
I begin in the name of God, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful Pakistani Brothers and Sisters! As you would remember, ever since I assumed office, I launched a campaign to rid the society of extremism, violence and terrorism and strived to project Islam in its true perspective. In my first speech on October 17, 1999, I had said and I quote; "Islam teaches tolerance, not hatred; universal brotherhood, not enmity; peace, and not violence. I ...

The Relevance of Islamic Ideology in Human Sciences

The Relevance of Islamic Ideology in Human Sciences
Now, how should the influence of the culture and ideology of Islam be exercised upon the human sciences Should it be done in a revolutionary manner or in the way of a reform, or in a way different from either of these two If the question facing us is how to apply Islamic culture and ideology to the existing social sciences, the answer is clear.Let me ask another question. Why did we revolt Why did our Islamic nation revolt Some people say that ...

The Islamic National Education

The Islamic National Education
he Islamic national education is not mere slogans and enthusiastic chants or any other empty aspects that bring about no single advantage to the society. The actual national education of Islam alludes to rational and faithful activities that aim at servicing the nation purely. It also insinuates that the souls and riches should be sacrificed for the sake of the national independence, struggle, and cultural and economic development.Social ...

Justice in All Islamic Laws

Justice in All Islamic Laws
After we have dealt with the Justice of Allah we now switch over to social justice. Since the subject of social justice has a wider range we confine ourselves to quoting relevant matters from the Holy Qur'an, the traditions, and Nahjul Balaghah, and have at the same time given explanation of every verse and tradition because these will help project our view-point on relevant matters and their knowledge will be beneficial to the people in ...

Discrimination against Muslims at all-time high in Belgium

Discrimination against Muslims at all-time high in Belgium
total of 166 out of 1,466 cases launched in connection with discrimination and racism-related offenses involve faith, according to the 2010 report prepared by Belgium's Center for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism (CEOOR). (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) – Eighty-four percent of these cases are connected to Islam while only 2 percent concern Christianity and Judaism. The high number of cases of discrimination against Muslims is likely ...

The Signs of God in our Daily Life

The Signs of God in our Daily Life
By: Shaykh Nasir Makarim ShiraziPretend that a friend has come from a trip and has brought a book as a present for you. He says that it is an excellent book, because the author of this book is full of information by a very great scholar, who is accurate, an expert and a genius in his own field.You will most certainly not study this book carelessly. Rather you will concentrate on every sentence and even the choice of words made and if there be a ...

The Tools of Revolution

The Tools of Revolution
Fatima (s) flew by the wings of her sacred thoughts to the horizon of her past and the world of her great father ,which turned , after her father joined his lord ,to a shining memory in her soul. It supplied her every moment with feelings,sympathy and education.It roused in her joy and ease. Even if she was late after her father in the account of time.She did not separate from him in the account of soul and memory. So she had inside her an ...

Sources of Islamic Law

Sources of Islamic Law
Law is a body of definite rules and regulations which have the force and authority recognized socially, and which determine the rights, obligations, limits and responsibilities of everyone living in a particular territory. All, whether high or low, have to abide by these rules and regulations and to accept the consequences of violating them. Sources of Law Who fixes these rights, obligations and limits? In this respect all the laws of the world ...

Introduction to Islam

Introduction to Islam
The word "ISLAM" is derived from the Arabic words "salaam", which means peace and "taslim", which means submission. The follower of Islam is a Muslim. The word "Muslim" translated to English literally means "the one with peace". To the Muslim it has a greater meaning, Muslims believe that true peace is experienced only when Mankind acknowledges, obeys and worships the Creator, i.e. submits to the One God. So to the Muslim it means "the one who ...

Rights Group Says Jordanian Police Torturing Political Prisoners in Bahrain

Rights Group Says Jordanian Police Torturing Political Prisoners in Bahrain
- A Bahrain-based rights group said it had received complaints from families of political prisoners that say their sons have been brutally tortured by Jordanian police during ...